* * *
Click here to read about the summer's FEATURED ARTISTS!
Visit the site's GUESTS page.
Click here for site NEWS.
* * *
* * *
The "Links" page has grown tremendously
with the number of venues added to the listings and the number of artists appearing at the concerts. The "Links" section has three pages. The first page contains links to the cities/venues
hosting the concerts, as well as a small list of art and poetry links (Visit the "Extras" page for other art-related links). The second section is a list of band links for the letters "A" through "L," and the third section is a list of band links for the letters
"M" through "Z." Some cities/venues do not release their concert information until well into June or later (especially for series in August and September), so the Links section is continually updated during the
summer as information is received. Click on a link below to go to one of the three sections.
* * PLEASE NOTE: Band links are added to the section on a continuing
basis and updated throughout the summer, and "missing links" are filled in as websites are
located. There are still many more names to be added and shows to be included. If you don't find the information you're looking for, please send an e-mail
message to the site or try back a little later! * *
The information included in the section is in the following format: artist or
band name, type of music, website/link and date(s) of performance(s).
Details for concerts dates are included in the listings
during the current month. All listings are alphabetical, and you can click on a letter
below or scroll down the page to view the entire section of band links.
Any information on band links which have not been located ("missing link")
is appreciated.
#s | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
A Certain Groove |
Funk |
"missing link" |
July |
A Choired Taste |
"missing link" |
Sept 8 |
A Diamond is Forever |
Neil Diamond Tribute |
www.davidsherryproductions.com |
July |
A Frame |
Surf Rock |
www.aframesurfrockband.com |
Sept 17 |
A Penny a Kiss |
Americana |
See High D Boys |
July |
AD and the Soul Company |
Variety |
www.adandthesoulcompany.com |
July |
AJ's Entertainment |
www.aj2entertain.com |
July, Aug |
Abba Fab |
Abba Tribute |
www.abbafabpromo.com |
July, Aug |
Abbey Road |
Beatles Tribute |
www.facebook.com/abbeyroadtribute |
July, Aug |
Abrakadabra |
Latin Jazz |
www.abrakadabramusic.com |
August |
Ace Band |
Dance/Variety |
www.theaceband.com |
July, Sept 2 |
The Aces |
"missing link" |
July |
Act Three |
"missing link" |
June |
The Actors |
Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Adams, Mick/The Stones |
Rolling Stones Tribute |
www.mickadamsandthestones.com |
June |
After Party |
80s |
www.afterparty80sband.com |
July |
Air National Guard Band of the W. Coast |
Patriotic |
"missing link" |
July |
Airplay |
Dance |
"missing link" |
August |
Albert, Mike |
Guitar/Blues |
www.mikealbert.rocks |
August |
Alder, Judith |
Violinist |
"missing link" |
Sept 13 |
Alexander, Coty |
Madonna Tribute |
http://theiconicblonde.wordpress.com |
June |
Alhaj, Rahim |
Middle Eastern |
"missing link" |
July |
Allen, Debbie Dance |
Dance Class |
www.debbieallendanceacademy.com |
June, July, Aug |
The Alley Cats |
A Cappella/Doo Wop |
www.thealleycats.com |
June |
Alligator Beach |
Funk |
www.facebook.com/alligatorbeach |
Sept 4 |
Almario, Justo Quartet |
Jazz |
www.justoalmario.net |
Sept 15 |
Altar Billies |
Rockabilly |
www.facebook.com/altarbillies |
August |
The Alturas |
Andean/World |
www.alturasmusic.com |
June, July, Aug |
Amato, Jabe |
Rock |
"missing link" |
July, Aug, Sept 4,30 |
Amazing Tone Benders |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
June, Aug |
Amber and Smoke |
"missing link" |
June |
Amos, Reverend Shawn |
Jazz |
www.shawnamos.com |
July, Sept 3 |
Anderson, Chris Group |
Blues |
www.chrisandersongroup.com |
June, Aug |
Andrew, Martin |
Rod Stewart Tribute |
"missing link" |
August |
Andy and Renee |
www.andyandrenee.com |
June |
Angel Blue |
"missing link" |
July |
Angel City Jazz |
Jazz |
www.angelcityjazz.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 8,22 |
The Answer |
Classic Rock |
www.theanswertoclassicrock.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 4,14 |
Aquarius |
60s |
www.aquarius68.com |
July, Aug |
Archuleta, Zac |
www.zacarchuleta.com |
June |
Ariana & the Rose |
Pop |
www.arianaandtherose.com |
July |
Arise Roots |
Reggae |
www.ariseroots.com |
Sept 7 |
Arocena, Dayme |
Cuban |
www.daymearocena.com/en |
August |
Asher, Peter |
Peter & Gordon Duo |
www.peterandgordon.net |
August |
Ashley, Reggie |
Pop |
"missing link" |
June |
Asia |
Rock |
www.johnpayneasia.com |
July |
Atlantic Crossing |
Rod Stewart Tribute |
"missing link" |
June |
Atomic Punks |
Van Halen Tribute |
www.theatomicpunks.net |
July |
Atwood-Ferguson, Miguel |
www.miguelatwoodferguson.com |
June |
Aztlan Soul Band |
Latin |
www.aztlansoulband.com |
August |
Azure |
www.facebook.com/azurebandofsouthbay |
July |
Azusa Pacific University Ensembles |
Variety |
www.apu.edu/music |
Sept 20,22,29,30 |
Azzoni Duo |
Classical |
www.christineazzonidow.com |
August |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
B52s |
Rock/Dance |
www.theb52s.com |
August |
BYOB (Bring Your Own Blues) |
Blues |
www.billyproulx.com |
Sept 22 |
Babad, Bruce Quintet |
Jazz |
www.brucebabad.com |
June |
Babylon Social Club |
Jazz/Blues |
www.facebook.com/babylonsocialclub |
July |
The Babys |
Rock |
www.thebabysofficial.com |
Sept 4 |
Back in the Day |
"missing link" |
July |
Back to the 80s |
80s |
"missing link" |
Sept 21 |
Bad Haggis |
Celtic/Rock |
www.badhaggis.com |
August |
Badwater Junction |
"missing link" |
July |
Bad Haggis |
Celtic Fusion |
www.badhaggis.com |
August |
Baio |
Synth-Pop |
www.baiobaio.com |
July |
Baker, Bob |
Marionettes |
www.bobbakermarionettes.com |
June, July |
Balance Band |
Latin |
www.reverbnation.com/balanceband2011 |
July |
The Band Fresh |
Top 40/Dance |
www.thebandfresh.com |
June, July, Aug |
Banda Impacto Jalisco |
Latin |
"missing link" |
July |
Barley |
Rock/Americana |
www.barleyband.com |
June, Sept 2 |
Barnes, Windy/Peedro Players |
Variety |
"missing link" |
Sept 17 |
Basile, Frank |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
June |
Basix |
Top 40 |
www.basixmusic.com |
June, July |
Bataan, Joe |
Latin Jazz |
www.facebook.com/pages/joe-bataan/... |
Sept 23 |
Batalla, Perla |
Latin |
www.perla.com |
June, July |
Battle of Santiago |
Afro-Cuban |
www.thebattleofsantiago.com |
Sept 3 |
Bayside High |
90s |
"missing link" |
July |
Bea, Alina |
www.alinabea.com |
Sept 16 |
Bearded Pearl Clams |
"missing link" |
Sept 2 |
The Beatunes |
"missing link" |
July |
Becker, Jim |
Rock |
www.facebook.com/jimbeckermusic |
June, July, Aug, Sept 2,23 |
Beckman H.S. Bands |
Variety |
"missing link" |
June |
Beer & Ol' Blue Eyes |
Sinatra Tribute |
"missing link" |
June, Sept 16 |
The Belairs |
Rock/Soul |
www.thebelairs.net |
August |
Belrose Duo |
Classical |
www.junkopiano.com |
June |
Beltran, Louie Cruz |
Latin Jazz |
www.louiecruzbeltran.com |
July |
Betamaxx |
80s Pop |
www.betamaxxband.com |
July |
Better Than Blue |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
August |
Beverly Belles |
1920s-40s |
"missing link" |
Sept 23 |
Big Bad Rooster |
Americana |
www.bigbadroostermusic.com |
Aug, Sept 16 |
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy |
www.bbvd.com |
June |
Big Butter Jazz Band |
Jazz |
www.bigbutterjazzband.com |
June, Aug |
Big City Hillbillies |
www.bigcityhillbillies.com |
June |
Big Daddy T |
Blues |
www.bigdaddyt.com |
Sept 1, 23 |
Big Funky Jazz Band |
See www.grandperformances.org/big-funky-jazz |
August |
Big Jim Caver |
Blues |
"missing link" |
July |
Big Mess |
Indie Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Big Papa and the TCB |
Swing/R&B |
www.bigpapaandthetcb.com |
Sept 10 |
Big Wednesday |
Big Band |
"missing link" |
August |
Billy Joel 2 Elton John |
Dual Tribute |
s"missing link" |
July |
Birdie's Playhouse |
Children's |
www.birdiesplayhouse.com |
August |
Blair, John/Trespassers |
Surf |
www.johnblair.us |
August |
The Black Jacketz |
Youth Band |
"missing link" |
August |
Blackball Bandits |
Surf |
www.facebook.com/blackball.bandits |
Sept 17 |
Blasphemous Rumours |
Depeche Mode Tribute |
www.depechemodetribute.com |
June |
Bleeding Harp |
Blues |
www.bleedingharp.com |
July |
Blood, Sweat & Tears |
Rock |
www.bloodsweatandtears.com |
Sept 16 |
Blue Breeze Band |
R&B/Motown |
www.bluebreezeband.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 23 |
Blue Highway |
Blues/Rock |
"missing link" |
Sept 15 |
Blues & Fries |
Blues/Rock |
www.bluesandfries.com |
June, July |
Blues Racket |
Pop/R&B/Dance |
www.bluesracketband.com |
July, Aug, Sept 2 |
Boatman, Tim |
Percussionist |
"missing link" |
July |
Bob Hope USO Troupe |
Patriotic |
www.bobhopeuso.org |
Aug, Sept 1,2,3,4 |
Bobby and the Gypsies |
Catlan Rumba |
"missing link" |
July |
The Bonedaddys |
World/Variety |
www.thebonedaddys.com |
August |
Bontempo Band |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Boogaloo Assassins |
Latin Boogaloo |
www.boogalooassassins.com |
Aug, Sept 16 |
Boogie Knights |
Disco |
www.boogieknights.com |
July |
Boombox Heroes |
80s |
"missing link" |
July |
Bordeaux, Derek |
R&B |
www.thederekbordeauxgroup.com |
August |
Born Country |
Country |
www.facebook.com/alabamatributeband |
Sept 7 |
Born Jovi |
Bon Jovi Tribute |
www.bornjovi.net |
July |
Bourelly, Bibi |
Neo Soul/R&B |
"missing link" |
June |
Bove, Nicki |
Soul |
"missing link" |
June |
Bowen, Sidney |
Singer/Songwriter |
www.sidneybowen.com |
August |
Box Car 7 |
Blues/Soul |
www.boxcar7.com |
July, Aug |
Boys of Summer |
Eagles Tribute |
www.boysofsummertribute.com |
July |
Bracken Band |
Celtic |
www.facebook.com/thebrackenband |
July |
Brainstory |
Soulful Jazz |
www.brainstorymusic.com |
July, Sept 16 |
Brasil Brazil |
Samba |
www.brasilbrazilshow.com |
Sept 3 |
The Breakaways |
Surf |
www.thebreakaways.com |
July |
Brennan, Christopher |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
June |
The Bright Light Social Hour |
Soul/Blues |
www.thebrightlightsocialhour.com |
July |
Britain's Finest |
Beatles Tribute |
www.beatlestributeband.net |
June, Sept 17 |
British Rock Royalty |
Brit. Rock |
"missing link" |
June |
Brooks, JC |
Soul/Funk |
wwwjcbrooksband.com |
July |
Brooks, Doug |
"missing link" |
Sept 29 |
Brooks, Ray/Bluzmasters |
Jazz/Soul |
"missing link" |
June |
Brooks, Rosa Lee Project |
"missing link" |
Sept 23 |
Brother Yusef |
Blues |
www.brotheryusef.com |
June, Aug |
Browne, Jann Band |
Country |
www.jannbrowne.com |
June |
Bruce, Scot |
Elvis Tribute |
www.scotbruce.com |
June, Aug |
Bryden, Benny/Blue Four |
Swing |
"missing link" |
Sept 10 |
Buchbinder, David |
Jewish/Cuban |
www.davidbuchbinder.ca |
August |
Buck, Jeremy |
Pop/Rock |
www.jeremybuck.com |
June |
Bulldawg Blues Band |
Blues |
"missing link" |
June, Sept 1,8 |
Bumptown |
Top 40/Latin |
www.bumptownband.com |
June, July, Aug |
Burdon, Eric/The Animals |
Rock |
www.theanimalswebsite.com |
July |
Burnell, Dana |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
Sept 20 |
Burning Heart Bluegrass |
Bluegrass |
www.burningheartbluegrass.com |
Sept 16 |
Burrows, Savannah |
Country |
See Doublewide |
July |
Buscabulla |
Latin |
www.buscabulla.com |
August |
The Buttertones |
Surf Rock |
www.facebook.com/thebuttertones |
June, July |
Buyepongo |
Latin/World |
www.buyepongo.com |
July, Aug, Sept 16 |
Bybee, Sam |
Americana |
www.facebook.com/sambybeemusic |
Sept 14 |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Cafe Flamenco |
Classical Guitar |
"missing link" |
June, July, Aug, Sept 15 |
Cafe Fuego |
Flamenco |
"missing link" |
June |
Caine, Elliott |
Jazz |
www.facebook.com/elliott.caine.5 |
July, Aug |
Calico The Band |
"missing link" |
July |
California Air Nat'l Guard Band of the W. Coast |
Classical/Pops |
"missing link" |
July |
California Feetwarmers |
Am. Roots |
www.californiafeetwarmers.com |
August |
California Sun |
Surf |
"missing link" |
August |
Calistoga Falls |
Country |
www.calistogafalls.com |
July |
Calloway, Cameron |
R&B |
"missing link" |
August |
Caloncho |
Latin |
"missing link" |
June |
Cambalache |
Latin |
www.loscambalache.com |
August |
Cameron, Clayton Sextet |
Jazz |
www.claytoncameron.com |
June |
Cannibal & the Headhunters |
www.facebook.com/cannibalandtheheadhunters |
July |
Capitol Ensemble |
Classical |
www.capitolensemble.com |
June, Aug, Sept 10 |
Captain Planet |
www.facebook.com/captainplanettheband |
June |
Caravana |
Latin/R&B |
www.facebook.com/caravanaband1 |
July, Aug, Sept 8 |
Carbe-Durand |
Latin Pop |
"missing link" |
August |
Cash Up Front |
Johnny Cash Tribute |
www.reverbnation.com/cashupfront |
August |
Castrillon, Mark |
Variety |
www.facebook.com/markanthonycastrillon |
June, July, Sept 2 |
Castro, Amanda Band |
Jazz |
www.amandacastro.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 8 |
Catch A Wave |
Beach Boys Tribute |
"missing link" |
June |
Cauldron Band |
Top 40/Dance |
www.cauldronband.com |
July |
Caver, Big Jim |
Blues |
"missing link" |
June |
Cavin, Paul |
Oldies/Rock |
www.facebook.com/onelifepaulcavin |
June, July, Aug |
Celtic Spring |
Celtic |
www.celticspringband.com |
August |
Centerfold |
80s |
www.centerfold80s.com |
June, July, Aug |
Central |
Top 40 |
"missing link" |
August |
Chain Reaction |
R&B/Dance |
"missing link" |
June, July, Sept 29 |
The Chamberlain Trio |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Chambers Brothers |
R&B/Soul |
"missing link" |
July |
The Champagne Band |
"missing link" |
August |
Chang, Sung |
Pianist |
www.sungchangpianist.com |
August |
Chapman University Band |
www.chapman.edu/music |
Sept 22 |
Charles, Evyn Duo |
Soul/Pop |
"missing link" |
July |
Charles, Pearl |
"missing link" |
August |
Chazzy Green |
Funky Sax |
"missing link" |
July |
Che, Kelly |
Jazz |
www.kellyche.com |
June |
Chejere |
Son Jarocho |
"missing link" |
June |
Chiang, Doris |
Pianist |
www.dorischiang.com |
Sept 10 |
Chiang, Olivia |
Guitarist |
"missing link" |
Sept 3 |
Chicano Batman |
Latin Alt |
www.chicanobatman.com |
June |
Chico |
Latin/Variety |
www.chicoband.com |
June, July, Sept 1 |
Chico's Bail Bonds |
Blues |
www.chicosblues.com |
June, July, Sept 29 |
Chiu, Frederic |
Pianist |
www.fredericchiu.com |
June |
Cho, Peter |
1920s Jazz |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Christopher Brothers |
Rock |
"missing link" |
Aug, Sept 9 |
Chulita Vinyl Club |
www.chulitavinylclub.com |
August |
Chung, Grace |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
Sept 24 |
City Beat Band |
R&B |
www.citybeatband.com |
July, Aug |
Claremont Symphony Orchestra |
Orchestra |
www.claremontso.org |
June, July |
Claremont Voodoo Society |
Blues/Rock |
www.facebook.com/claremont-voodoo- society... |
July, Sept 29 |
Cleopold |
Aussie Dance |
www.cleopold.com |
July |
Cline, Sharon Marie |
Jazz |
www.sharonmariecline.com |
August |
Close, William |
80s |
See Earth Harp Collective |
June |
Coast, Everett |
Pop |
"missing link" |
July |
Coast Modern |
Pop |
www.coastmodernmusic.com |
June |
Colburn School Ensembles |
Classical |
www.colburnschool.edu |
June, July, Sept |
Cold Duck |
70s Top 40 |
www.colduck.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 24 |
Colley, Dean |
See "Hot August Night" |
July, Aug, Sept 9 |
Collins, Meloney |
Vocalist |
www.melcollins.com |
July |
Colony Boys/Friends |
Rockabilly |
"missing link" |
June, July |
Colour My World |
Chicago Tribute |
www.cmwchicagotribute.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 3 |
Common Sense |
Reggae |
www.commonsenseband.com |
July, Aug |
The Commons |
"missing link" |
July |
Como La Flor |
Selena Tribute |
www.selenatribute.net |
July, Aug |
Conganas |
Salsa/Cumbia |
www.facebook.com/conganas23 |
August |
Conjunto Costazul |
Salsa |
"missing link" |
July |
Conjunto Jardin |
Son Jarocho |
www.conjuntojardin.com |
Aug, Sept 14 |
Connor, Cat |
Jazz Vocals |
"missing link" |
July |
Contraband |
80s |
"missing link" |
July |
Cope, Frank |
"missing link" |
July, Aug, Sept 21 |
Copper Canyon Band |
Country |
www.coppercanyonwest.com |
August |
Coral Paradise Band |
Jimmy Buffet Tribute |
"missing link" |
July |
Corday, Jennifer |
Folk |
www.corday.net |
July, Aug |
Cornerstone Theater Co. |
Theater |
www.cornerstonetheater.org |
July |
Cory Beers Cimbalom Band |
E. European |
www.garlicband.com/cory-beers.html |
Sept 22 |
Cosmic Reaction |
www.facebook.com/cosmicreactionband |
July |
Costa, Matt |
Folk/Rock |
www.mattcosta.com |
July |
Cougrzz Rock |
70s-Current Hits |
www.cougrzzrock.com |
July |
The Country Club |
Country |
www.thecountryclubevents.com |
June |
Country Nation |
Country |
www.country-nation.com |
July |
Courtney, Barns |
Songwriter |
www.barnscourtney.com |
July |
Cover 2 Cover |
"missing link" |
August |
Covina Concert Band |
Community Band |
www.covinaconcertband.org |
June, July, Aug |
Cowles, Howard |
Pianist |
www.howardcowles.com |
July |
Crawdaddio |
Zydeco |
www.crawdaddio.us |
August |
Crawford, Taylor |
www.taylorcrawfordmusic.com |
July, Aug |
Creedence Relived |
CCR Tribute |
www.facebook.com/creedencerelived |
July |
Crimes of Passion |
Pat Benatar Tribute |
www.crimesofpassionbenatartribute.com |
July, Aug |
Crouch, Kenneth |
Gospel |
"missing link" |
June, Aug |
Crow, Dan Music |
Children's |
www.dancrow.com |
June |
Cubensis |
Grateful Dead Tribute |
www.cubensis.com |
Aug, Sept 3 |
Cumbia Cosmica |
Cumbia |
"missing link" |
June |
Cunao |
Variety |
www.cunaomusic.com |
July, Sept 17 |
Cunliffe, Bill |
Jazz |
www.billcunliffe.com |
August |
Curl, Jeri |
80s Funk/Tribute |
"missing link" |
July |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
D-Nice |
"missing link" |
September |
DJ Anne Litt |
www.kcrw.com |
July |
DJ Anthony Valadez |
www.kcrw.com |
June, July, Aug |
DJ Dennis Owens |
"missing link" |
July |
DJ Honey Power Club |
www.honeypowercollective.com |
June |
DJ Jose Galvan |
www.kcrw.com |
July |
DJ Jason Bentley |
www.kcrw.com |
July, Aug |
DJ Liza Richardson |
www.kcrw.com |
July |
DJ Marion Hodges |
www.kcrw.com |
June, July |
DJ Mark Torres |
www.kcrw.com |
August |
DJ Mary Lattimore |
"missing link" |
July |
DJ Monalisa |
"missing link" |
Sept 16 |
DJ Raul Campos |
www.kcrw.com |
August |
DJ Showtime |
www.935kday |
August |
DJ Travis Holcombe |
www.kcrw.com |
August |
DJ Valida |
www.kcrw.com |
July, Aug |
Journey Tribute |
www.dsbband.com |
June, July, Aug |
DW3 |
Jazz/Soul |
www.dw3soul.com |
June, July |
D'Amico, Tony |
"missing link" |
June |
Dabandjian, Ara Combo |
World |
www.facebook.com/aradabandjian |
Sept 2 |
Daddy-Os |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Dali Trio Ensemble |
Classical |
"missing link" |
August |
Dallas & Doll |
R&B/Soul |
www.dallasanddoll.com |
June |
Damaged Goods |
"missing link" |
July |
Darden Family |
Gospel |
"missing link" |
July |
Darden Sisters |
Western Swing |
"missing link" |
June, July, Aug, Sept 16, 28 |
Dave Matthews Experience |
Dave Matthews Tribute |
www.steppingfeet.com |
July |
Dawuni, Rocky |
World |
www.rockydawuni.com |
August |
De Clive-Lowe, Mark |
Electronic/World |
www.markdeclivelowe.net |
August |
De la Cruz, Anamaria |
Folk/Blues |
"missing link" |
July |
De la Sierra, Aguilar |
Latin |
"missing link" |
August |
De Los Santos, Sonia |
Latin for Kids |
www.soniadelossantos.com |
August |
De Sena, Bob |
Latin Jazz |
www.bobdesena.com |
July, Aug, Sept 16, 30 |
Dead Man's Party |
Oingo Boingo |
www.deadmansparty.com |
June |
Dead or Alive |
Bon Jovi Tribute |
"missing link" |
July |
The Dead Ships |
Rock |
www.thedeadships.com |
August |
Deak, Zachary |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
Sept 27 |
Deja Vu |
CSNY Tribute |
"missing link" |
Sept 4 |
Del Pilar, Maria |
Pop/Rock |
www.maria-del-pilar.com |
July |
Delgres |
Caribbean |
www.facebook.com/delgresband |
August |
The Delirians |
Reggae |
www.thedelirians.com |
August |
Delta Nove |
Funk |
"missing link" |
July |
Desperado |
Eagles Tribute |
www.desperadolive.com |
July, Aug |
Detour 91 |
Rock |
www.detour91.com |
Sept 23 |
Detroit Underground |
"missing link" |
June |
Dirty Ice Cream |
www.facebook.com/dicband |
July |
Disco Freaks |
70s |
"missing link" |
July |
Dixieland Stompers |
Dixieland |
"missing link" |
June, July, Aug |
Doc Rock-It |
70s-Current |
www.doc-rock-it.com |
July, Aug |
Dog 'N Butterfly |
Heart Tribute |
www.dognbutterfly.com |
June, Sept 2 |
The Dogs |
Rock |
www.thedogsmusic.com |
June, Aug |
Domini, Ava |
July |
Donatelli, Denise |
Jazz |
www.denisedonatelli.com |
August |
Donovan/Muradian Quintet |
Jazz |
www.dmqjazz.com |
July |
Dons of Distinction |
60s - 80s |
www.donsofdistinction.com |
July |
Doo Wah Riders |
Country |
www.thedoowahriders.com |
July |
Dos Lobos |
Los Lobos members |
www.loslobos.org |
July, Sept 1, 24 |
Doublewide |
Country |
"missing link" |
July |
Down the Hatch |
www.facebook.com/downthehatch310 |
July |
Down Time Groove |
"missing link" |
June |
Downbeat Express |
Big Band |
"missing link" |
July |
Downey Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.downeysymphony.com |
July |
Dresser, Mark Quintet |
JazzPop |
www.mark-dresser.com |
August |
Driving Guitars |
The Ventures Tribute |
"missing link" |
July |
Duckwrth |
www.duckwrth.com |
Sept 16 |
Dude's Got Blues |
Blues |
"missing link" |
July |
Duo Deloro |
Guitar Duo |
www.adamdelmonte.com |
Sept 6 |
Durango 66 |
Surf |
"missing link" |
July |
Dustbowl Revival |
Americana/Soul |
www.dustbowlrevival.com |
August |
Dynamite Dawson |
Soft Rock |
www.dynamitedawson.com |
June, July, Sept 8 |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Eagle Rock Gospel Singers |
Gospel |
www.ergospelsingers.com |
Sept 8 |
Earth Harp Collective |
www.earthharpsymphony.com |
June |
East of Lincoln |
www.eastoflincoln.com |
June, July, Sept 10 |
Easterday, Mark/40oz Band |
Country |
www.markeasterdaycountry.com |
June, July |
Echo Love Chamber |
Pop/Rock |
www.echolovechamber.com |
July |
Eclipse Musica |
"missing link" |
June |
Eclipse Rewound |
80s |
"missing link" |
June |
El Khatib, Hanni |
Eclectic |
www.hannielkhatib.com |
August |
El Santo Golpe |
Latin |
www.elsantogolpe.net |
Sept 16 |
Eldred, Mike Trio |
Blues |
"missing link" |
July |
Electric Caravan |
Blues |
"missing link" |
Sept 23 |
Element Band |
Armenian Folk |
www.elementband.com |
Sept 16 |
Elements |
Dance |
"missing link" |
Aug, Sept 16 |
Eliaza, Claudia |
Children's |
"missing link" |
August |
Elizondo, Rafael |
Guitarist |
"missing link" |
August |
Ellis, Cynthia |
Flutist |
"missing link" |
Sept 6 |
Elkington, James |
www.jameselkington.com |
July |
Elm Street Band |
Classic Rock |
www.elmstreetband.com |
June, July, Aug |
Elohim |
Electronic |
www.facebook.com/elohimonline |
July |
Elton the Early Years |
Elton John Tribute |
See Metcalf, Kenny |
July, Aug |
Emerson Trio |
Classical |
"missing link" |
Sept 3 |
Emery, Cory |
"missing link" |
June |
Emilio |
Modern Gypsy |
www.emiliotv.com |
June, July, Sept 14 |
Emperors |
Rock |
www.emperorrocks.com |
August |
Encore Saxophone Quartet |
Classical |
"missing link" |
June, July |
Encore SouthBay |
www.encoresouthbay.org |
June |
Ergo Musica |
Baroque/Period |
www.ergomusica.com |
Sept 20 |
Eric E Ensemble |
"missing link" |
June |
Erotic City |
Prince Tribute |
www.facebook.com/ecprincetribute |
July |
Escape |
Journey Tribute |
www.escapetribute.com |
July, Aug |
Escovedo, Alejandro |
Singer/Guitarist |
www.alejandroescovedo.com |
July |
Escovedo, Pete |
Latin Jazz |
www.peteescovedo.com |
July, Sept 24 |
Espinosa, Roger |
Flamenco |
"missing link" |
June |
Espinoza, Chino |
Latin |
http://chinoespinoza.dimelorecords.com |
July |
Estrella de Jalisco |
"missing link" |
Sept 16 |
Ethio-Cali |
Ethiopian Jazz |
www.facebook.com/ethiocali |
July |
Evans, Faith |
R&B |
www.faithevansmusic.com |
Sept 9 |
Everclear |
Rock |
www.everclearmusic.com |
August |
Everett Coast |
Acoustic Pop |
"missing link" |
July |
Eyre, Hanna/The Ashleys |
www.hannaeyre.com |
July |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
FM Radio |
Variety |
"missing link" |
June |
Pop/Funk |
www.reverbnation.com/fr3qu3nc3frequency |
July |
Fabulous Esquires Band |
Big Band |
www.esquires.org |
July |
Fabus, Jason |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
June |
Falcon, Ted |
Brazilian |
www.tedfalcon.com |
August |
Faliks, Inna |
Pianist |
www.innafaliks.com |
June |
Falls Like Rain |
Rock |
www.facebook.com/fallslikerain |
Sept 29 |
Fan Halen |
Van Halen Tribute |
www.fanhalen.net |
Sept 2, 4 |
Family Style |
Variety |
www.facebook.com/familystyleusa |
July, Aug |
FastHorse, Larissa |
Theater |
"missing link" |
July |
Faye and the Fella |
"missing link" |
June |
Feddy, Jason |
Guitarist/Singer |
www.jasonfeddy.com |
Sept 15 |
The Federal Empire |
Americana |
www.thefederalempire.com |
July |
Feed the Kitty |
www.feedthekitty.com |
June |
The Fenians |
Irish |
www.thefenians.com |
June, Aug |
Fichot, Jessica |
World/French |
www.jessicasongs.com |
July, Aug |
Fielder, Dale Quartet |
Jazz |
www.dalefielder.com |
August |
Fierro, Nancy |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
June, Aug |
Fiesta Jones Band |
www.facebook.com/thejayband |
July |
Fire & Brimstone |
"missing link" |
July |
Firebird Balalaika |
E. European |
"missing link" |
June |
Fisher, Angie |
"missing link" |
July |
Fitzgerald, Kelly Band |
Pop/Rock |
www.kellyfitzgerald.net |
June, July, Aug |
Flashback Heart Attack |
80s |
www.flashbackheartattack.com |
June, July, Aug |
Flashback Cowboys |
Country |
www.flashbackcowboys.com |
August |
Flashover |
www.highland-flashoverband.com |
July |
Flashpants |
80s |
www.flashpants.com |
July |
Floyd & the Flyboys |
Funk/Soul |
www.facebook.com/floyd.flyboys |
June, July, Sept 17 |
FluteSonic Orchestra |
Instrumental |
www.flutesonicorchestra.com |
August |
Flying Squad |
"missing link" |
July |
Forman, Michael Trio |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Fortunate Son |
Creedence Clearwater Revival Tribute |
www.fortunatesontribute.com |
June, July, Aug |
Foxx, Amber |
Rockabilly |
www.amberfoxx.com |
August |
Francis, Joanie/The Boomers |
www.facebook.com/pages/joanie-francis-and-the-boomers/... |
July, Aug |
Frankie & the Witch Fingers |
Indie/Garage |
www.frankieandthewitchfingers.bandcamp.com |
August |
Franks & Deans |
Rat Pack Rock |
www.franksanddeans.com |
July |
Fresh, Doug E |
www.iamdougefresh.com |
August |
Friends |
R&B |
"missing link" |
July, Sept 4 |
Frisson |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Fryer, George Combo |
Americana |
"missing link" |
June |
Funderbunk, Duane |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
Sept 7 |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Galla, Tony |
Vocalist |
www.tonygalla.com |
August |
Garage Doors |
Doors Tribute |
"missing link" |
June |
Garcia, Maya |
Pop/Folk |
"missing link" |
July |
Garrett, Junko Ueno |
Pianist |
www.junkopiano.com |
July |
Garzon-Montano, Gabriel |
Singer |
www.gabrielgarzonmontano.com |
July |
Gay Men's Chorus |
Vocal Group |
www.facebook.com/gaymenschorusla |
July |
Geissman, Grant |
Jazz |
www.grantgeissman.com |
July |
Gem City Jazz Cats |
Big Band |
www.facebook.com/gemcityjazzcats |
July, Aug |
Generation Idol |
Billy Idol Tribute |
"missing link" |
June |
Ghetto on Phyre |
Ska/Punk |
www.facebook.com/theghettoonphyre |
August |
Ghost in the Machine |
Police Tribute |
www.ghostinthemachineband.com |
June, Aug |
The Gillibillies |
Surf |
"missing link" |
August |
Gin Blossoms |
Alt Rock |
www.ginblossoms.net |
July |
Ginger/Hoosier Daddys |
1920s-40s |
"missing link" |
Sept 3 |
Givers and Takers |
Alt Rock |
"missing link" |
August |
Glasgow Tiki Shakers |
Surf |
"missing link" |
August |
Gold Rush Country |
Country |
www.goldrushcountry.org |
August |
Golden Sands Chorus |
Women's Chorus |
"missing link" |
Sept 11 |
Golden State British Brass Band |
Brass Band |
www.goldenstatebritishbrassband.org |
August |
Golden West Pops |
Pops Orchestra |
http://goldenwestpops.com |
July |
Good Cop Bad Cop |
Variety |
"missing link" |
July |
Goodheart, Greg |
Guitarist |
"missing link" |
August |
Gordy, Matthew |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
Sept 22 |
Gould, Gary |
Klezmer Clarinet |
"missing link" |
Sept 27 |
Graceband |
Elvis Tribute |
www.gracebandlives.com |
August |
Grateful Dads |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Graves, Cameron |
Jazz |
www.camerongravesmusic.com |
July, Aug |
Great American Swing Band |
Swing |
www.greatamericanswingband.com |
August |
Grech, Dean |
Pop/Rock Guitar |
www.deangrech.com |
June |
Green, Ann Patrick |
Pianist |
www.patricksmusic.com |
July |
Green, Danny Trio |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Green, Hershel |
Baritone |
"missing link" |
July |
Green Today |
Green Day Tribute |
www.greentodaytribute.com |
July, Aug |
Greenberg, Susan |
Flutist |
"missing link" |
August |
Gregory, Annelle |
Violinist |
www.annelleviolin.com |
Sept 9 |
Grey, Tini/The Shade |
Soul/Pop |
www.tinigrey.com |
June |
Griffiths, Marcia |
Reggae |
www.marciagriffiths.net |
July |
Groovy Lemon Pie |
www.facebook.com/pages/groovy-lemon-pie/... |
July |
Grozdanovic, Dr. Marina |
Pianist |
www.virtuosopianostudio.com |
Sept 24 |
Grupo Falso Baiano |
Latin |
"missing link" |
June |
Guerra, Yamila |
Cuban/Latin |
www.yamilaguerra.com |
July |
Guia Del Norte |
"missing link" |
Sept 22 |
Gunn, Steve |
Guitarist |
www.steve-gunn.com |
July |
The Gurneys |
"missing link" |
July |
Gypsy Breeze |
Rock |
"missing link" |
June |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
HOLA Youth Jazz Band |
Jazz |
www.heartofla.org/arts/music |
Sept 24 |
Haggins, Michael |
Jazz |
www.michaelhaggins.com |
July |
Haley, Lisa/Zydecats |
Zydeco |
www.lisahaley.com |
August |
Hamilton, Andrea Quartet |
Acoustic |
www.andreahamiltononline.com |
August |
Hammond, Ross |
Jazz |
www.rosshammond.com |
August |
Hanick, Conor |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
August |
Hansen, Susie Latin Band |
Latin Jazz/Salsa |
www.susiehansen.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 1, 10, 23 |
The Happiness Band |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Happy Crowd |
Children's |
www.happycrowd.com |
July |
Hard Day's Night |
Beatles Tribute |
www.harddaysnightband.com |
June, July |
Hardtack |
Rock/Blues |
"missing link" |
August |
Harris, Matt Quartet |
Jazz |
www.mattharrismusic.com |
June |
Harvey Mudd College |
Classical |
www.hmc.edu |
Sept 24 |
Hayes, Otis Motown Review |
Motown |
www.otishayes.com |
June |
He, Bei Bei |
Chinese |
www.beibeizheng.com |
August |
Heart-N-Soul |
Latin/R&B/Dance |
"missing link" |
June, Sept 23 |
Heart to Heart |
Heart Tribute |
www.hearttoheartatributeband.com |
July |
Heartache Tonight |
Vocalist |
www.surfband.us |
July |
Heartbeat City |
Cars Tribute |
www.heartbeat-city.com |
June |
Helene, Carmel Duo |
Country Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Hernandez, Felicia |
Pop |
"missing link" |
July |
Hernandez, Oscar/Alma Libre |
Latin |
www.oscarhernandezmusic.com |
July |
Hi Lyfe |
"missing link" |
July |
Hickernell, Aubren |
Folk |
www.soundcloud.com/aubren1215 |
July |
The Higgs |
Rock |
www.thehiggsmusic.com |
Sept 3 |
Higher Ground |
R&B |
"missing link" |
July |
HighStrung Band |
Bluegrass |
"missing link" |
June |
The Highwayman Show |
"missing link" |
June |
Hill, Sam Duo |
Flute/Guitar |
"missing link" |
July |
The HillBenders |
Bluegrass |
www.hillbenders.com |
July |
Hip Street |
Tower of Power Tribute |
www.facebook.com/pages/hip-street/... |
July, Aug |
Hirie |
www.hiriemusic.com |
June |
Hit Me 90s |
90s |
"missing link" |
June |
Hodads |
Variety |
www.hodads.com |
July |
The Hollow Trees |
Americana |
www.thehollowtrees.com |
July |
Hollywood Blonde |
Top 40 |
"missing link" |
August |
Hollywood Stones |
Rolling Stones Tribute |
www.hollywoodstones.com |
July |
Hollywood U2 |
U2 Tribute |
www.hollywoodu2.com |
July, Aug |
Honey County |
Country |
www.honeycounty.com |
July |
The Honeybees |
Pop/Dance |
www.facebook.com/honeybeesband |
June, July, Aug, Sept 30 |
Honeybuckets |
Folk/Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
The Honeydrops |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
June, July, Sept 22 |
Horn, Bill |
Pop |
"missing link" |
June |
Hot August Night |
Neil Diamond Tribute |
www.hotaugust.com |
July, Aug, Sept 9 |
Hot Rod Trio |
Rockabilly |
www.thehotrodtrio.com |
July, Sept 7 |
Hound Dog Dave/Mel-Tones |
Blues/Roots |
www.reverbnation.com/hounddogdave andthemeltones |
July |
Huntington Beach Concert Band |
Concert Band |
www.hbconcertband.org |
June, July, Aug |
Huff, Kellye |
Country |
www.kellyehuffband.com |
July, Aug |
Huh, Inyoung |
Pianist |
www.laphil.com/philpedia/inyoung-huh |
Sept 17 |
Hui O Hula |
Hula |
www.huiohula.com |
Sept 4 |
Hurtado, Ciro |
Latin |
www.cirohurtado.com |
June |
Hyatt, Deena Odelle |
"missing link" |
August |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
J Grizz Band |
Rock |
www.jgrizzband.com |
July |
JB/Big Circle Riders |
Country |
www.jbandthebcriders.homestead.com |
June, July, Aug |
JC and the Randomz |
"missing link" |
July |
JES Band |
Classic Rock |
www.facebook.com/jesband |
June |
JJ Jukebox |
60s-70s Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
JPL Chorus |
www.pasadenasymphony-pops.org |
June |
JTD Motown Band |
Motown |
"missing link" |
June |
Jack's Cats |
Jazz/Swing |
www.jackscats.com |
July |
Jackpot Club |
"missing link" |
June |
Jackson, Aejaye/Full Spectrum Band |
Motown |
www.aejaye.com |
June |
Jackson Family Band |
Blues/Folk |
www.jacksonfamilyband.com |
July |
Jacobs, Pete |
USO/1940s |
www.petejacobsbands.com |
August |
Jah 9 |
Reggae |
www.jah9.com |
July |
James, Jason/King of Clubs |
Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
James, Teresa/Rhythm Tramps |
Blues |
www.teresajames.com |
July, Aug, Sept 28 |
Jan and Dean's Beach Party |
Beach/Surf |
"missing link" |
July |
Javid & Naoko |
Flamenco Guitar |
www.javidandnaoko.com |
July |
Jazz Angels |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Jazzy Ash/Leapin' Lizards |
Children's |
www.jazzyash.com |
August |
Jennings-Oudin, Laurie |
Folk |
www.jenningsandkeller.com |
June |
Jive Turkey |
Disco |
"missing link" |
August |
Joe |
R&B |
www.officialjoethomas.com |
July |
Johnson, Josh |
Jazz |
www.joshjohnsonmusic.com |
August |
Johnson, Paul |
Surf |
www.pjmoto.com |
July |
Jones, Brian Lynn/Misfit Cowboys |
Country |
www.brianlynnjones.com |
July |
Jorgenson, John Quartet |
Gypsy Jazz |
www.johnjorgenson.com |
July |
Joshua Tree |
U2 Tribute |
www.u2jt.com |
July, Aug |
Joyce Marie |
"missing link" |
August |
Jumping Jack Flash |
Rolling Stones Tribute |
www.jjflash.biz |
July, Aug |
June, Valerie |
Americana |
"missing link" |
August |
The Jungle Cats |
Indie Rock |
"missing link" |
June |
Jungle Fire |
Latin/Funk |
www.junglefiremusic.com |
July |
Jupiter 2.0 |
Rock/Punk |
www.jupitermax.com |
July |
Just Us |
www.justus4.com |
June |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Kalama Brothers |
Island Soul |
www.kalamabrothers.com |
July, Aug |
Kalama, Kai |
Variety |
www.kaikalama.com |
Aug, Sept 29 |
Kaleidoscope |
Chamber Orch. |
"missing link" |
July |
Kaleidoscope Trio |
Acoustic |
www.kaleidoscopetrio.com |
August |
Kalimba |
Earth Wind & Fire Tribute |
www.kalimbaband.com |
July |
Kaplan, David |
Pianist |
www.davidkaplanpiano.com |
June |
Kay, Pam/Tap Chicks |
Sr. Dance Group |
www.tapchicks.com |
July |
Keith, Jennifer Quintet |
Jazz/Swing |
www.jenniferkeith.com |
July |
Keller, Dana |
Folk |
www.jenningsandkeller.com |
June |
Kelly Boys |
Country |
"missing link" |
July |
Kelly Rae Band |
Country |
www.kellyraeband.com |
July, Aug |
Kerry and the Surftones |
Surf |
www.sonicbids.com/band/kerryandthesurftones |
August |
Khalid |
Neo Soul/R&B |
www.khalidofficial.com |
June |
Kid Ramos/Friends |
Rock/Roots |
www.facebook.com/kidramosmusic |
July, Aug |
Kiddle Karoo |
Children's |
www.kiddlekaroo.com |
June, July |
Kidder, Cori Cable |
Patsy Cline Tribute |
"missing link" |
July |
Kim, Eu Yun |
Violinist |
"missing link" |
August |
King Chris |
Funk/Soul |
www.kingthang.com |
August |
King, Liz |
www.lizkingmusic.com |
June |
King Salmon Band |
Dance Hits |
www.facebook.com/king-salmon-band... |
August |
Kings of 88 |
Piano Rock |
www.thekingsof88.com |
July, Aug |
Kinky |
Latin/Electronic |
"missing link" |
June |
Kira & the Major 3 |
Jazz |
www.kiraandthemajor3.com |
August |
Knyght Ryder |
80s |
www.knyghtryder.com |
July |
Kowalczyk, Tommy |
"missing link" |
Sept 8 |
Krazy Kirk/Hillbillies |
Americana |
www.kirkwallandthehillbillies.com |
June, Aug |
Kubis, Nicole |
Vocalist |
www.soundcloud.com/nicolekubis |
July |
Kulayd |
Doo Wop/Motown |
www.kulayd.com |
June, July, Aug |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
l'Orchestre Afrisa Int'l |
World |
http://afrisa.international |
July |
LA Bouquet |
"missing link" |
Sept 16 |
LA Diamond Trio |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
LA Misfits |
Latin Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
LA Opera |
Opera |
www.laopera.org |
August |
LA Sheriff's Dept Band |
Patriotic |
www.sheriff.lacounty.gov |
Sept 11 |
LA Vation |
U2 Tribute |
www.u2lavation.com |
June, July |
LA Witch |
Indie/Garage |
www.lawitches.bandcamp.com |
August |
La Chamba |
Surf-Pop |
"missing link" |
July |
La Charanga Cubana |
Cuban Charanga |
www.charangacubana.dimelorecords.com |
July, Aug |
La Luz |
Surf/Indie Rock |
www.facebook.com/laluzusa |
June |
La Misa Negra |
Afro-Columbian |
www.lamisanegra.com |
Aug, Sept 8 |
La Resistencia |
Latin Ska |
www.facebook.com/laresistenciamusic |
July |
La Sonora Dinamita |
Cumbia |
"missing link" |
July, Sept 16 |
La Tourette Quintet |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
June, Aug |
Lafourcade, Natalie |
Latin |
www.lafourcade.com.mx |
July |
Laguna Beach Concert Band |
Community Band |
www.lagunaconcertband.com |
August |
Lantz, Jack Big Band |
Big Band/Swing |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Lappitt, Jeremy Trio |
Jazz |
www.jeremylappitt.com |
July |
Larson, Larry |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
The Late Night Band |
Pop |
"missing link" |
August |
Latin Express |
"missing link" |
July |
Latin Flair |
Latin/Variety |
"missing link" |
July |
Latin Nation |
"missing link" |
July, Sept 16 |
Latin Society |
Latin |
"missing link" |
July |
Latin Soul Connection |
www.bandmix.com/latinsoulconnection |
July |
Lawndale Blues Boys |
Blues |
"missing link" |
Sept 23 |
Led Zepagain |
Led Zeppelin Tribute |
www.zepagain.com |
June, Aug |
Lee, Albert |
Country/Rock Guitar |
www.albertleemusic.com |
August |
Leigh, Morgan Band |
Country |
www.morganleighband.com |
July |
Lemaitre |
Pop |
www.lemaitremusic.com |
June |
Lemvo, Ricardo/Makina Loca |
Afro-Cuban |
www.makinaloca.com |
July |
Lentini, Sabrina |
Pop |
www.sabrinalentini.com |
July |
Les Zazous |
Gypsy Jazz |
www.leszazousmusic.com |
July |
Lester, Rebecca |
Violinist |
"missing link" |
June |
Lesure, Jacques |
Jazz |
www.jacqueslesure.com |
June |
Letters To Cleo |
Alt Rock |
www.letterstocleo.net |
July |
Levy, Asher Shasho |
Middle Eastern |
www.facebook.com/ashershasholevy |
July |
Lewis, JR Trio |
Pop/Dance |
"missing link" |
August |
Lewis, Laurie/Right Hands |
Bluegrass |
www.laurielewis.com |
July |
Leyde Hieto |
"missing link" |
June |
Liebig, Steuart |
JazzPop |
www.stigsite.com |
August |
Light Keeper |
Acoustic |
"missing link" |
July |
Lightning, Rod |
Rock |
www.rodlightning.com |
July, Aug |
Lights |
Journey Tribute |
http://lightstribute.net |
July |
Like Zeppelin |
Led Zeppelin Tribute |
"missing link" |
August |
Lil' Willie G |
www.twitter.com/littlewillieg |
July |
Lindsay, Mark |
Rock |
www.marklindsay.com |
August |
Liquid Blue |
"missing link" |
June |
Listen |
Dance |
"missing link" |
June, Sept 2 |
Little Brazil |
Jazz |
www.littlebrazil.weebly.com |
August |
Littleton, Don |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Live From Earth |
Pat Benatar Tribute |
www.patbenatartributeband.com |
June, July, Aug |
Living Cover |
Covers |
"missing link" |
June, July, Aug, Sept 24 |
Livings, Frances |
Latin |
www.franceslivings.com |
August |
Lo Moon |
www.lomoonofficial.com |
July |
Lohrke, Jason |
Neil Diamond Tribute |
"missing link" |
June |
Long Beach Municipal Band |
Municipal Band |
www.lbparks.org |
June, July, Aug |
Long Beach Opera |
Opera |
www.longbeachopera.org |
June |
Long Beach Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.lbso.org |
July |
Long Run |
Eagles Tribute |
www.thelongrun.net |
Sept 4 |
Lorraine, Shantelle Trio |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra |
Classical |
www.laco.org |
Sept 20, 22 |
Los Angeles Ensemble |
Classical |
"missing link" |
Sept 8 |
Los Angeles Recorder Orchestra |
Recorders |
www.larohome.org |
Sept 17, 24 |
Los Angeles Symphonic Winds |
Variety |
www.lawinds.com |
Sept 24 |
Los Fabulosos |
Latin |
"missing link" |
June |
Los Lonely Boys |
Latin Rock |
www.loslonelyboys.com |
July |
Los Pinguos |
Latin Fusion |
www.lospinguos.com |
July |
Los Pistoleros |
Latin |
www.lospistolerosela.com |
August |
Los Rios Rock School |
Youth |
www.losriosrockschool.com |
Sept 2 |
Los Whateveros |
Rock |
www.reverbnation.com/loswhateveros |
August |
Love Ghost |
Rock |
www.loveghost.com |
Sept 16 |
Love is a Rose |
Linda Ronstadt Tribute |
"missing link" |
July |
Lowkey |
"missing link" |
July |
Luci |
Folk |
www.facebook.com/lovelucimusic |
Sept 21 |
Lucky Cricket |
"missing link" |
August |
Lucky Diaz/Family Jam Band |
Children's |
www.luckydiazmusic.com |
August |
Ludwig, Spencer |
www.spencerludwig.com |
July |
Luso-Amerian Duo |
Classical |
"missing link" |
Sept 20 |
Lynette Skynyrd |
Female Skynyrd Tribute |
www.lynetteskynyrd.com |
August |
Lyris Quartet |
Classical |
www.lyrisquartet.com |
June |
Lythgoe Family Productions |
Children's |
www.facebook.com/lythgoepanto |
August |
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