* * *
Click here to read about the summer's FEATURED ARTISTS!
Visit the site's GUESTS page.
Click here for site NEWS.
* * *
* * *
The "Links" page has grown tremendously
with the number of venues added to the listings and the number of artists appearing at the concerts. The "Links" section has three pages. The first page contains links to the cities/venues
hosting the concerts, as well as a small list of art and poetry links (Visit the "Extras" page for other art-related links). The second section is a list of band links for the letters "A" through "L," and the third section is a list of band links for the letters
"M" through "Z." Some cities/venues do not release their concert information until well into June or later (especially for series in August and September), so the Links section is continually updated during the
summer as information is received. Click on a link below to go to one of the three sections.
* * PLEASE NOTE: Band links are added to the section on a continuing
basis and updated throughout the summer, and "missing links" are filled in as websites are
located. There are still many more names to be added and shows to be included. If you don't find the information you're looking for, please send an e-mail
message to the site or try back a little later! * *
The information included in the section is in the following format: artist or
band name, type of music, website/link and date(s) of performance(s).
Details for concerts dates are included in the listings
during the current month. All listings are alphabetical, and you can click on a letter
below or scroll down the page to view the entire section of band links.
Any information on band links which have not been located ("missing link")
is appreciated.
M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
M Ohs |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
June, July, Aug, Sept 30 |
MLC Band |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
June |
Electronic |
www.mndsgn.bandcamp.com |
July |
MVPs |
Variety |
www.themvps.net |
June, Aug |
Mabuchi, Yuko Group |
Jazz |
www.yukomabuchi.com |
August |
MacKay, Mark Band |
Country Rock |
www.facebook.com/markmackayofficial |
July |
MacNamara Ray, Big Bamboo Steel Band |
Steel Drum |
"missing link" |
July |
Machado, Betsayda |
Venezuelan |
www.betsayda.com |
August |
Mack, Jack/Heart Attack |
Rock |
www.jackmack.com |
Sept 16 |
Maggiora, Steve Band |
R&B |
www.stevemaggiora.com |
August |
Maika, Danny |
www.dannymaika.com |
July |
Makoto Taiko |
Taiko Drums |
"missing link" |
July |
Malone, Madison |
"missing link" |
June |
Mangione, Michelle Trio |
Jazz |
www.michellemangione.com |
Sept 17 |
The Mann |
"missing link" |
June |
Mann, Chico |
www.chicomann.com |
June |
Manukian, Marina |
Violinist |
"missing link" |
June |
Mara & the Big Rock Stars |
80s Rock |
www.marasong.com |
Sept 4 |
Marcela's Noche de Flamenco |
Flamenco |
"missing link" |
June |
Mariachi Amba Guadalajara |
Mariachi |
"missing link" |
Sept 14 |
Mariachi Ambiente |
Mariachi |
www.facebook.com/mariach.ambiente.1 |
July |
Mariachi Camino Real |
Mariachi |
www.facebook.com/pages/maraci-camino-real/... |
August |
Mariachi Divas |
All-Female Mariachi |
www.mariachidivas.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 16 |
Mariachi Espectacular |
Mariachi |
www.mariachiespectacular.com |
June, July |
Mariachi Herradura de Plata |
Mariachi |
"missing link" |
Sept 1 |
Mariachi Los Angeles |
Mariachi |
"missing link" |
July |
Mariachi Los Reyes |
Mariachi |
www.facebook.com/mariachilosreyes |
August |
Marie, Joyce |
Jazz |
See Joyce Marie |
Marimba Tropical |
Latin |
"missing link" |
Sept 19 |
Marina Del Rey Summer Symphony |
Classical |
www.culvercitysymphony.org |
July, Aug |
Marina, Krista |
"missing link" |
June |
Mariposa Ballet Folklorico |
Dance |
"missing link" |
July |
Mark, Amber |
Pop |
www.ambermarkmusic.com |
July |
Marsh, Kathy |
Flutist |
www.sfvsymphony.com/about_the_ orchestra |
July |
Marshall, Evan |
Mandolin |
http://evanjmarshall.com |
July, Sept 6 |
Martin, Becky |
Vocalist |
"missing link" |
July |
Martin, Kim Band |
Variety |
www.kimmartinband.com |
July |
Masters of Puppets |
Metallica Tribute |
www.mastersofpuppets.com |
Sept 1 |
The Mastersons |
Americana |
www.themastersonsmusic.com |
June |
Matos, Bobby |
Afro-Latin Jazz |
www.bobbymatosmusic.com |
August |
Matthews, Dave Experience |
D.M. Tribute |
www.steppingfeet.com |
July |
Mattson 2 |
Jazz/Rock |
www.mattson2.com |
June |
Maverick, Mark |
DJ/Karaoke |
"missing link" |
July |
Mayaztek |
Reggae/Cumbia |
"missing link" |
July |
Maye, Joe |
Rock/Pop/R&B |
"missing link" |
June |
McCoy, Jack |
Oldies |
"missing link" |
July, Sept 1 |
McMahon, Andrew/Wilderness |
Pop |
www.andrewmcmahon.com |
August |
McWilliams, Paulette |
Jazz |
www.paulettemcwilliams.com |
July |
Meat Puppets |
Punk Rock |
www.themeatpuppets.com |
August |
Meklit |
Ethio-American |
www.meklitmusic.com |
July, Sept 21 |
Men of Mystery |
Surf |
"missing link" |
June |
Mention |
"missing link" |
July |
Mestizo LA |
Latin Jazz |
www.mestizola.com |
Aug, Sept 3 |
Metalachi |
Metal/Mariachi |
www.metalachi.com |
July |
Metcalf, Kenny |
Elton John Tribute |
www.kennymetcalfaselton.com |
June, July, Aug |
Mexica |
Ancient Mex. |
"missing link" |
July |
Mexican Institute of Sound |
Electronic |
www.institutomexicanodelsonido.tv |
Sept 23 |
The Mexican Standoff |
Latin Rock |
"missing link" |
June |
Miami Horror |
Aussie Dance |
www.miamihorror.com |
July |
Michael SG |
Singer & Guitarist |
www.michaelsg.com |
June, Aug, Sept 28 |
Michael, Raymond |
Elvis Tribute |
www.raymondmichael.com |
July, Aug |
Michaud, Art |
DJ |
www.artmichaud.com |
July |
Middleman, Murray |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
June |
MidLife Crisis |
www.midlifecrisishb.com |
July |
Mighty Cash Cats |
Cash Tribute |
www.mightycashcats.com |
July |
Mighty Untouchables |
Dance |
"missing link" |
July |
Miguel |
R&B |
www.officialmiguel.com |
July |
Mike's Guitar World |
Variety |
www.mikesguitarworld.com |
June, July, Aug |
Mile Stone Band |
"missing link" |
Sept 29 |
Minniefield, Barrie Trio |
Oldies |
www.barrieminniefieldofficial.com |
July |
Mirage |
Fleetwood Mac Tribute |
www.miragetribute.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 3 |
Miranda, Roberto Quartet |
JazzPop |
"missing link" |
August |
Misplaced Priorities |
Classic Rock |
www.misplacedpriorities.com |
June |
Missing Persons |
Alt Rock |
www.warrencuccurullo.com |
July |
Mitchell, Billy |
Jazz |
www.billy-mitchell.com |
August |
Mitchell, Grace |
Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Modern Gentlemen |
Vocal Group |
"missing link" |
July |
Mojave Beach Band |
Rock |
"missing link" |
June, Sept 1 |
Mon Laferte |
Latin |
www.facebook.com/monlaferte |
August |
Mondo Cozmo |
www.mondocozmo.com |
July |
Montes Mateo, Cristine |
Harpist |
"missing link" |
July |
Moon, Elwood |
Classic Rock |
www.elwoodmoon.com |
August |
Moon Rays |
Doo Wop |
www.themoonrays.com |
July |
Moonsville Collective |
American Roots |
www.moonsvillecollective.com |
August |
Moonwalker |
Michael Jackson Tribute |
www.moonwalkershow.net |
June |
Mora, Tommy |
Blues/Pop |
"missing link" |
Sept 16 |
More, Yari |
Salsa |
www.yarimore.com |
August |
Moreno, Gaby |
Indie/Latin |
www.gaby-moreno.com |
June |
Morningstar Performing Arts |
Youth |
www.morningstarperformingarts.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 10,24 |
Morrison, Barbara |
Jazz |
www.barbaramorrison.com |
June, Sept 3, 15 |
Morrison, Matthew |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Morrison, Sam Band |
Southern Rock |
www.sammorrisonband.com |
July, Sept 2 |
Mostly Kosher |
Jewish |
www.mostlykosher.com |
July |
Mothership Landing |
Funk |
"missing link" |
July |
Moulden, Aliyah |
The Voice |
www.aliyamoulden |
August |
Moving in Stereo |
"missing link" |
July |
Mr. Elevator/Brain Hotel |
Rock |
www.facebook.com/thebrainhotel |
July |
Mr. Growley |
Surf |
"missing link" |
June |
Mrs. Jones Revenge |
www.mrsjonesrevenge.com |
August |
Mudbug Brass Band |
Jazz/Funk |
www.mudbugbrass.com |
Sept 9 |
The Muertones |
Surf |
"missing link" |
July |
Murphy, Kaitlin |
"missing link" |
June |
Musical Arts Club of OC |
Competition |
www.musicalartsoc.org |
June |
My Generation |
British Invasion |
"missing link" |
June, Aug, Sept 16 |
Mystic India |
Bollywood |
www.mysticindiatheshow.com |
August |
Mystic Wave |
"missing link" |
July |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Napoleon, Bo |
"missing link" |
June |
Nargizyan, Dr. Lucy |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
Sept 29 |
Nash, Larry |
Jazz |
www.thejazznetworkworldwide.com/profile/larrynash |
July |
Natural Wonder |
Stevie Wonder Tribute |
www.naturalwondermusic.com |
August |
Naughty Professor |
Jazz |
www.naughtyprofessormusic.com |
July |
Neil, Vince |
Motley Crue |
www.motley.com |
Sept 2 |
The Neil Deal |
Neil Young Tribute |
www.neildeal.com |
July, Aug |
Nelson, Jimi/Drifting Cowboys |
Country |
www.jiminelson.com |
August |
Neon Nation |
80s |
www.neonnation.net |
June, July, Aug |
Neptune Cocktail |
Surf |
www.neptunecocktail.com |
Sept 17 |
Neuman, Anyssa |
Pianist |
www.anyssaneumann.com |
July |
New Blues Revolution |
Blues |
"missing link" |
July |
New Breed Brass Band |
Funk-Rock |
www.facebook.com/newbreedbrassband |
Sept 16 |
New Coast Trio |
Rock |
"missing link" |
June, Aug |
New Divide |
"missing link" |
June |
The New Waves |
Surf |
"missing link" |
August |
Newman, Arnie |
Country |
www.thecountryclubevents.com |
August |
Nick & Jen |
Children's |
"missing link" |
July |
Nikpay, Hamed |
World |
www.hamednikpay |
August |
Night Blooming Jazzmen |
Dixieland Jazz |
www.nightbloomingjazzmen.com |
July, Aug |
Night Owl |
Big Band |
"missing link" |
July |
Niia |
Singer-Songwriter |
www.niiamusic.com |
July |
Nitro Express |
Country |
www.nitroexpressband.com |
July |
No Duh |
No Doubt Tribute |
www.noduh.net |
July, Aug |
No Side Now |
Expt'l Dance |
"missing link" |
August |
Nocona |
Country Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Noir Saxophone Quartet |
Instrumental |
"missing link" |
July |
Nolan, Tom Band |
R&B/Soul |
www.tomnolanband.com |
June, July, Sept 16 |
Nomads |
Rock/Blues |
"missing link" |
June |
Nori |
Korean |
"missing link" |
July |
Nowhere Man |
"missing link" |
August |
Nubes |
Latin Rock |
"missing link" |
August |
Nutty |
Jazz |
www.nuttyjazz.com |
August |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
O'Brien, Pat/Priests of Love |
Rock |
www.priestsoflove.com |
August |
O'Farrill, Arturo |
Latin Jazz |
www.arturoofarrill.com |
Sept 24 |
OC Guitar Orchestra |
Guitar Ensemble |
www.ocgo.org |
June |
Oakenfold, Paul |
DJ |
www.pauloakenfold.com |
July |
Odessa/Havana |
World |
See Buchbinder, David |
August |
Ohio Trio Plus |
Motown/R&B |
www.seville1975.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 15 |
Old Spice Band |
Rock 'n Roll |
"missing link" |
Sept 29 |
Oliu, Sean |
Rockabilly |
"missing link" |
June |
Olson, Cale |
Baritone |
"missing link" |
August |
One World Rhythm |
"missing link" |
July |
Ontario Chaffee Community Show Band |
Community Band |
www.showband.net |
June, July, Sept 18 |
Ooms, Olivia |
"missing link" |
July |
Opa Opa |
Salsa |
www.opaopa.biz |
June, Aug |
Open Arms |
Journey Tribute |
www.facebook.com/openarms... |
July |
Orange Empire Barbershop Chorus |
Harmony |
www.oechorus.org |
June |
Orquesta Charangoa |
Salsa/Cuban |
www.charangoa.com |
July, Aug, Sept 9 |
Orquesta Tabaco y Ron |
Salsa |
"missing link" |
June |
Otero, Fabian/West Coast Salsa Orchestra |
Salsa |
"missing link" |
Sept 2 |
Outerwave |
Surf |
www.outerwavesurfband.weebly.com |
Sept 17 |
Outlaw Daddies |
Rockabilly |
www.outlawdaddies.com |
July, Aug, Sept 1 |
Ozomatli |
Latin Alt |
www.ozomatli.com |
June |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
PAC Men |
80s |
"missing link" |
June |
Pacific Coast Highway |
Light Rock |
"missing link" |
August |
Pacific Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.pacificsymphony.org |
July |
Paddock, Craig Band |
"missing link" |
August |
Paddy's Pig |
Irish |
www.paddyspigla.com |
August |
The Paladins |
Rock |
www.paladinsband.com |
August |
Palechubs |
Afro-Latin Jazz |
www.facebook.com/thepalechubs |
July |
Palisades Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.palisadessymphony.org |
June |
Panjive Trio |
Steel Drum |
www.panjive.com |
June, July |
Panoptica Orchestra |
Norteno/Elect. |
www.npo-music.com |
July |
Papago Warrior |
Elect./Expt'l |
"missing link" |
August |
Paperback Writer |
Beatles Tribute |
www.paperbackwritersite.com |
July, Aug |
Paprika Mari Jazz Ensemble |
Jazz |
www.twitter.com/paprikamari |
August |
The Paranoias |
Ska |
www.theparanoias.com |
August |
Pareli/Rodgarband |
Armenian/World |
"missing link" |
June |
Paris Chansons |
World |
www.parischansons.com |
August |
Party Animals |
Children's |
www.thepartyanimalslive.com |
July |
Pasadena Community Orchestra |
Classical |
www.pcomusic.org |
June |
Pasadena Summer Youth Chamber Orchestra |
Classical |
www.psycochamberorch.org |
July |
Pasadena Symphony-Pops |
Orchestra |
www.pasadenasymphony-pops.org |
June |
Pasion Mexicana y Mariachi |
Latin |
www.folklorpasionmexicana.org |
Aug, Sept 16 |
Past Action Heroes |
80s |
www.pastactionheroes.com |
July, Aug |
Paula, Leslie/Latin Soul Band |
Latin Soul/Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Pawn Shop Kings |
www.facebook.com/pawnshopkings |
June |
Payne, Brent |
Country |
www.brentpayne.com |
Sept 3 |
Peanut Butter Wolf |
www.facebook.com/pbwolf |
August |
Pederson, Mikael |
www.mikaelpederson.com |
June, July, Sept 17 |
Peeples, Aubrey |
"missing link" |
July |
Peninsula Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.pensyn.org |
June, July |
Person 2 Person |
Pop/Rock |
www.persontopersonband.com |
June |
Petty or Not |
Tom Petty Tribute |
"missing link" |
July |
The PettyBreakers |
Tom Petty Tribute |
www.thepettybreakers.com |
June, Aug |
Pezzone, Bryan |
Pianist |
www.bryanpezzone.net |
June |
Phat Cat Swinger |
Vegas Swing |
www.phatcatswinger.com |
August |
Phazze One |
Funk |
"missing link" |
July |
Phoenix Rising |
Rock |
www.phoenixrisingla.com |
Sept 2 |
Pickleback Shine |
Country |
www.picklebackshine.com |
June |
Pine Mountain Logs |
Covers |
www.facebook.com/pinemountainlogs |
June, Sept 16 |
Placentia Community Chorus |
Community Group |
www.placentiaband.org |
June |
Platinum Rockstars |
Rock |
www.platinumrockstars.com |
June |
The Platters |
R&B |
www.theplatters.com |
June |
Plaza de la Raza Youth Jazz Band |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
Sept 23 |
Police Experience |
Police Tribute |
"missing link" |
July |
Pomona College Ensembles |
Classical |
www.pomona.edu/music |
Sept 10,15,17,23,30 |
Pomona Concert Band |
Community Band |
www.pomonaconcertband.com |
July, Aug |
Poncho & Lefty Blues Band |
Blues |
"missing link" |
June, Aug, Sept 2 |
Ponderosa Aces |
Country |
"missing link" |
July |
Pop King MJ Show |
M Jackson Tribute |
"missing link" |
July |
Pop Vinyl |
Pop |
www.popvinyl.co |
July, Aug |
The Popravinas |
Americana |
www.reverbnation.com/thepopravinas |
July |
Powers, Lee |
Jazz/Am Songbook |
"missing link" |
June |
Prakash, Aditya Ensemble |
Indian |
www.adityaprakashmusic.com |
June |
Pretzel Logic |
Steely Dan Tribute |
www.steelydantribute.com |
June, Sept 3 |
Prezident Brown |
Reggae |
www.prezidentbrownmusic.com |
Sept 7 |
Pride of Cucamonga |
Rock |
"missing link" |
June, Aug |
Primo Sueno |
Son Jarocho |
"missing link" |
June |
Priss |
KISS Tribute |
www.prissarmy.com |
Sept 4 |
Prizmatic |
Katy Perry Tribute |
"missing link" |
Aug |
Protich, Anita |
Soprano |
www.anitaprotich.com |
August |
Psychic Ills |
Psych/Rock |
"missing link" |
August |
Psycho Punx |
www.psychopunx.com |
June, Aug |
Puorto, Shari |
Blues/Rock |
www.bluesrockmusic.com |
August |
Purple Sugar |
Rock |
www.johnnycamello.com |
Sept 2 |
Pyromania |
Def Leppard Tribute |
www.facebook.com/pyromaniadefleppard... |
July |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Racquet |
R&B |
"missing link" |
August |
Radio Active |
"missing link" |
July |
Radio Rebels |
80s Rock |
www.theradiorebels.com |
July |
Radosz, Julia |
Soprano |
www.juliaradosz.com |
July |
Rafael, Joel |
Folk |
www.joelrafael.com |
August |
Ragdoll |
Rock |
www.facebook.com/ragdolloc |
July |
Ragins, Julie |
Vocalist |
"missing link" |
July |
Ramsey Brothers |
Surf/Rock |
www.facebook.com/ramsey-brothers-band/... |
Sept 17 |
Randolph, Robert/Family Band |
Funk/Soul |
www.robertrandolph.net |
August |
Rancho Cucamonga Community Band |
Concert Band |
"missing link" |
June |
Random Spark |
Rock |
"missing link" |
June, Aug, Sept 22 |
Ranger Jack |
Children's |
www.rangerjack.com |
July |
Ranshidi, Bassem |
Middle Eastern |
See Yuval Ron Ensemble |
Rasmussen, Chris |
"missing link" |
July |
Ratt Blasters |
"missing link" |
Sept 23 |
Rattle the Knee |
Irish |
www.facebook.com/rattletheknee |
June |
The Ravelers |
Classic Rock |
www.ravelers.com |
June, July, Aug |
Ray, Izzi |
www.izziray.com |
June |
Razciel, Sandro & Co |
Pop |
www.sandrorazciel.com |
June, July, Sept 1, 3 |
Rebellion de Guerrero |
Latin |
"missing link" |
June, Aug |
Reckless |
Rock |
"missing link" |
Sept 3 |
Redd Street |
R&B/Dance |
"missing link" |
June, July, Aug |
Redlands Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.redlandssymphony.com |
August |
Redneck Rodeo |
Country |
www.facebook.com/redneckrodeo |
June, Aug |
The Reflexx |
80s |
www.thereflexx.com |
August |
The Regrettes |
Punk Rock |
www.regrettes.com |
July |
Reluctant Apostles |
Rock |
www.facebook.com/thereluctantapostles |
August |
Remixified |
Variety |
"missing link" |
July |
Renown Muzic |
R&B/Contempo |
www.renownmuzic.com |
June, Aug, Sept 3 |
The Replicas |
Variety |
www.thereplicasmusic.com |
June, July |
Retro Soul |
Variety |
www.retro-soul.com |
July, Aug |
Retro Station |
Dance |
www.retrostationband.net |
July |
The Reventlos |
Surf |
www.reventlos.com |
August |
Rhodes, Mick/Hard 8 |
Rock |
"missing link" |
June |
Rhythm Child |
Children's |
www.rhythmchild.net |
July |
Rhythm Jukeboxx |
"missing link" |
June |
Rice & Beans |
Country |
"missing link" |
August |
Riders in the Sky |
Western |
www.ridersinthesky.com |
August |
The Righteous & the Wicked |
Red Hot Chili Peppers Tribute |
www.facebook.com/rwrhcptribute |
Sept 3 |
Rio |
Duran Duran Tribute |
www.durandurantributeband.com |
July |
Rio Hondo Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.riohondosymphony.org |
Sept 24 |
RipMasters |
Rockabilly |
"missing link" |
June |
Riptides |
Surf |
www.facebook.com/cabrillosurf |
June, July |
Roberts, Justin |
Children's |
www.justinroberts.org |
August |
Robertshaw, Manon |
Cellist |
"missing link" |
Sept 13 |
Robinson, Steve |
"missing link" |
July |
Robson, Mark |
Pianist |
www.laphil.com/philpedia/mark-robson |
August |
The Rockabillys |
Rockabilly |
www.therockabillys.net |
June, July |
Rockshop |
"missing link" |
July |
Rockstars of Tomorrow |
Music School |
www.rockstarsoftomorrow.com |
August |
Rockstars Music |
Music School |
"missing link" |
July |
Rodrigo y Gabriela |
www.rodgab.com |
July |
Rodriguez, Arsenio Project |
Salsa |
www.facebook.com/thearseniorodriguez project |
Sept 8 |
Rodriguez, Dr. Bobby |
Latin Jazz |
www.bobbyrodriguez.com |
June |
Rodriguez, Robert Xavier |
Stage Prod. |
"missing link" |
June |
Rojanaro, Renee/After Dark |
www.reneerojanaro.com |
July |
Rojas, Mario/Saturday Night Pink |
"missing link" |
Sept 8 |
Ronny and the Classics |
Rock Classics |
www.ronnyandtheclassics.com |
June, Aug, Sept 8 |
Rootz, Benni |
Roots Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Rosales, David |
Singer |
www.davidrosalesmusic.com |
June, July |
Rose, Cali/CC Strummers |
Ukulele |
www.calirose.com |
August |
Rose City Rhythm |
Rockabilly |
www.rosecityrhythm.com |
August |
Ross, Jimbo |
Blues/Funk |
www.bodaciousrecords.com |
June, Aug |
Roth, Nancy |
Violinist |
"missing link" |
August |
Rothschild, David |
"missing link" |
July |
Royal Garden Dixieland Band |
Dixieland |
"missing link" |
June |
Rumbandela |
Elec/Expt'l |
www.facebook.com/sonido-rumbandela-... |
August |
Rumbankete |
Salsa |
www.rubankete.com |
July |
Rumer, Faith |
See Light Keeper |
Rumours |
Fleetwood Mac Tribute |
www.rumourstributeshow.com |
June |
Run River North |
Folk Rock |
http://home.runrivernorth.com |
Sept 16 |
Rutherford, Ian |
Broadway |
www.ianrutherford.com |
July |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Sagal, David Jazz Quintet |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
June |
Sagal, Katey |
Rock |
www.kateysagal.net |
August |
Salas Steve/Latin All-Stars |
Latin Jazz |
www.facebook.com/stevesalasmusic |
Sept 3 |
Salazar, Polli Chambers |
Pianist |
www.pollichambers.com |
June |
Saline Fiddlers Philharmonic |
"missing link" |
July |
Salsa Allstars Trio |
Latin/Salsa |
"missing link" |
August |
Salt Petal |
www.saltpetal.com |
June |
Salute to Santana |
Santana Tribute |
"missing link" |
August |
San Bernardino Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.sanbernardinosymphony.org |
June, Aug |
San Fernando Valley Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.sfvsymphony.com |
July |
San Gabriel Mission Marimba |
Marimba |
"missing link" |
Sept 2 |
Sanchez, Lorenzo |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
August |
Sanchez, Nancy |
Jazz |
www.nancysanchezmusic.com |
June |
Sandoval, Arturo |
Musician-Composer |
www.arturosandoval.com |
August |
Santana Ways |
Santana Tribute |
www.santanaways.com |
August |
Sarzo, Robert |
Santana Tribute |
"missing link" |
July |
Satisfaction |
Rolling Stones Tribute |
"missing link" |
August |
Saturday Night Fever |
Bee Gees Tribute |
"missing link" |
July |
Savor |
Santana Tribute |
www.savortheband.com |
July, Aug |
Savoy Motel |
Rock |
www.savoymotel.com |
August |
Schalk, Wolfgang |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
June |
Schifrin, Lalo |
Jazz |
www.schifrin.com |
Sept 8 |
Schlosberg, Daniel |
Pianist |
www.danielschlosberg.com |
June |
School Boy Crush |
R&B/Dance |
www.facebook.com/sbcrush |
August |
Schulman, Jory |
"missing link" |
Sept 3 |
Schwartz, Agnes |
Violinist |
"missing link" |
Sept 10 |
Schwarzwald, Reinhold |
Jazz |
www.reihholdschwarzwald.com |
August |
Scrapyard Aces |
Roots/Reggae |
www.scrapyardaces.com |
August |
Scripps College Ensembles |
Classical |
www.scrippscollege.edu |
September |
Seatbelt |
Rockabilly |
"missing link" |
August |
Secret Agent 23 Skidoo |
Children's |
www.secretagent23skidoo.com |
July, Aug |
Seiler, Gary/Coast Riders |
Jimmy Buffet Tribute |
www.garyseiler.com |
Sept 3 |
Selina, Adrienne |
Rock |
www.soundcloud.com/adrienneselina |
Sept 8 |
Sellers, Michael |
Pianist |
www.michaelsellerspianist.com |
July, Sept 17 |
Septeto Santaguero |
Cuban |
"missing link"www.kateysagal.net |
August |
Sgt. Peppers |
Beatles Tribute |
www.sgtpeppers.us |
July, Aug |
Sgt Peppers Lonely Bluegrass Band |
Bluegrass Beatles |
www.bluegrassbeatles.com |
July |
Shades |
R&B |
www.shadesbnd.com |
June, Aug |
Shades of Blue |
Diverse Blues |
www.blueshadenews.com |
July, Sept 9 |
Shades of LA |
www.facebook.com/shadesofla |
Sept 2 |
Shaheed, Nolan Quintet |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Shannon Rae |
Country |
www.shannonrae.com |
Sept 3 |
Sharon & the Chevelles |
Swinging 50s |
www.americanmadeband.com/sharon... |
July |
Shashaty, Joe |
Jazz Sax |
"missing link" |
June, Sept 9,30 |
Shelby and Tieg |
Folk/Pop |
www.shelbyandtieg.com |
August |
Shoreline Symphonic Winds |
Instrumental |
www.shorelinewinds.org |
June, July, Aug |
Shweyk Brothers |
"missing link" |
August |
Sidestepper |
Columbian |
www.facebook.com/sidesteppermusic |
July |
Sidi, Sebastian |
Pianist |
www.sebastiansidi.com |
July |
Siegel, Jodi |
Singer-Songwriter |
www.jodisiegel.com |
Sept 29 |
Sierra Madre Music |
Variety |
www.sierramadremusic.net |
June |
Silk Road Dance |
World |
www.silkroaddancers.org |
July |
The Silverados |
Country |
www.thesilverados.com |
June, July, Sept 1 |
Simmons, CJ |
Country |
"missing link" |
July |
Simon, Robert |
Flamenco Guitar |
www.robertsimonguitar.com |
June, July, Sept 8 |
Sin Color |
Indie Pop/Latin |
"missing link" |
June |
Sinfonia Mexicana Acad. |
Latin |
www.sinfoniamexicana.com |
August |
Sinkane |
www.soundcloud.com/sinkane |
August |
Six Hot Live |
www.sixhotlive.net |
June, July, Aug, Sept 1 |
Skinny Little Twits |
Classic Rock |
www.skinnylittletwits.com |
July |
Skinny Ties |
80s Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Skonberg, Bria |
Jazz |
www.briaskonberg.com |
August |
Slick Rick the Ruler |
90s |
www.ricktheruler.net |
Sept 1 |
Slinker |
Rock |
"missing link" |
June, Aug |
Small World Band |
Classic Rock |
www.smallworldband.com |
July |
Smith the Band |
Country |
www.smiththeband.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 20 |
Smith, VR |
Jazz |
www.ejensenmx.blogspot.com |
Sept 13 |
The Smokin' Cobras |
Oldies |
www.smokincobras.com |
June, July, Aug |
Smooth |
Santana Tribute |
www.smoothsos.com |
June, July |
Smooth Touch |
Top 40 |
www.thebandsmoothtouch.com |
August |
Soba, Aram |
Middle Eastern |
"missing link" |
August |
Son de Kalavera |
Latin Regional |
"missing link" |
Sept 14 |
Sonic Recovery |
Rock |
www.facebook.com/sonicrecovery |
July |
Sonido La Cumbia |
DJ/Cumbia |
"missing link" |
August |
Sosa, Candi |
Afro-Latin Jazz |
www.candisosa.net |
August |
Soto |
Latin/Funk |
www.sotoband.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 7 |
Soul Purpose Collective |
Soul/New Age |
"missing link" |
June |
Soul Sacrifice |
Santana Tribute |
www.soulsacrifice.net |
July |
Soul Sauce |
Latin Jazz |
"missing link" |
Sept 23 |
Soul Shot |
Funk/Soul |
www.facebook.com/soulshot- . . . |
July |
Soul To Soul |
"missing link" |
July |
Soul Tribe |
Funk |
"missing link" |
July |
Soulshine |
Rock |
"missing link" |
July, Sept 15 |
Sound FX |
Jazz/R&B/Dance |
www.4soundfx.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 16 |
Sound House |
Pop/Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Soundbytes |
Variety |
www.soundbyteslive.com |
July |
Sounds of Light |
"missing link" |
July |
Southbound & Company |
Skynyrd Tribute |
www.southboundandcompany.com |
June, July |
Southern Spirit |
S. Rock |
www.myspace.com/southernspiritrox |
July |
Southland Band |
Rock/R&B |
www.southlandband.com |
June |
Southland MegaGroove |
Top 40 |
www.southlandmegagroove.com |
July |
The Sovereign Artist |
www.facebook.com/thesovereignartist |
Sept 16 |
Space Oddity |
Bowie Tribute |
www.davidbowietribute.com |
June |
Spare Parts for Broken Hearts |
Rock |
www.sparepartsforbrokenhearts.com |
July, Aug |
Spazmatics |
80s/New Wave |
www.thespazmatics.com |
June, July, Aug |
Spelles |
Songwriter |
www.facebook.com/spellesmusic |
June |
The Split |
Rock/Blues |
"missing link" |
June |
Springsteen Experience |
Springsteen Tribute |
www.brucespringsteentribute.com |
August |
Squeakin' Wheels |
Folk/Blues |
www.facebook.com/squeakinwheels |
July |
Starlite |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
August |
State Street Ballet |
Dance |
www.statestreetballet.com |
Aug |
Stayin' Alive |
Bee Gees Tribute |
www.stayinalivetribute.com |
August |
Steel Parade Trio |
Calypso/Reggae |
"missing link" |
August |
Steel Rod |
Top 40 |
"missing link" |
Aug, Sept 7 |
Steel Rollin' |
Funk/R&B |
www.steelrollin.kurtszul.com |
Sept 4 |
Step Brothers Band |
"missing link" |
August |
Sterling, Jimmy Experience |
Motown |
"missing link" |
July |
Steve Songs |
Children's |
www.stevesongs.com |
July |
Stevens, Leslie/Badgers |
Country |
www.lesliestevensusa.com |
Auguust |
Still Spark |
Pop/Rock |
"missing link" |
June |
Stipp, Neil |
Organist |
www.neilstipp.com |
June |
Stone Soul |
Motown/Soul |
www.stonesoul.com |
June, July, Aug |
Stoneback, Rob |
Jazz |
www.robstoneback.com |
August |
Storm Giants |
Acoustic Rock |
"missing link" |
June, Sept 9 |
Story Lady |
Children's |
"missing link" |
June |
Strange Days |
Doors Tribute |
www.strangedaystribute.com |
July, Aug |
Street Beat |
Percussion |
"missing link" |
June |
Street Corner Renaissance |
Doo Wop |
www.streetcornerrenaissance.com |
Sept |
Streetlight Cadence |
www.streetlightcadence.com |
June |
Suave |
Latin/Variety |
www.suavetheband.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 15 |
The Suffers |
Soul |
www.thesuffers.com |
July |
Suffragettes |
Show Band |
www.facebook.com/thesuffregettes |
July, Aug, Sept 16 |
Sullivan, Mike |
Acoustic Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Sultana, Riffat |
World |
www.riffatsultana.com |
July |
Sun Kings |
Beatles Tribute |
www.thesunkings.com |
August |
Sun, Susy |
Pop |
www.susysun.com |
August |
The Sunshine Experience |
KC/Sunshine Band Tribute |
www.thesunshineexperience.com |
August |
Sunshine Generation |
Children's |
www.sunshinegenerationla.com |
June |
Super Diamond |
Neil Diamond Tribute |
www.superdiamond.com |
August |
Super Huey |
Huey Lewis/News Tribute |
www.superhueyband.com |
June |
Superlark |
Classic Rock |
www.superlark.com |
June, Aug |
Surf City AllStars |
Surf/Beach Boys |
www.surfcityallstars.com |
July, Sept 15 |
Surf Rockets |
Surf |
"missing link" |
June |
Surf's Up |
Beach Boys Tribute |
www.surfsupbeachboys.com |
July |
Sussman, Jonathan |
Composer |
"missing link" |
Sept 20 |
Suzi Analogue |
Elect/Vocals |
www.suzianalogue.com |
July |
Suzuki, Jacqueline |
Violinist |
www.lbso.org/bios/view/id/19 |
June |
Swanson, Don |
Variety |
www.donswansonmusic.com |
Sept 22 |
Sweet Crude |
Funk/Soul |
"missing link" |
June |
Sweet Harmony |
Top 40/Rock |
"missing link" |
July, Sept 23 |
Swing Cats Big Band |
Big Band/Swing |
www.swingcatsbigband.com |
July |
Swing Kings |
Swing/Variety |
www.swingkings.com |
June |
Swing Riots Quirktette |
Jazz/E.European |
"missing link" |
July |
Swing Shift |
Jazz/Swing |
"missing link" |
August |
Swingergy |
Swing |
www.reverbnation.com/swingergy |
June |
Symphonic Jazz Orchestra |
Jazz-Classical |
www.sjomusic.org |
Sept 30 |
Symphonic Winds of the Pacific |
Orchestra |
"missing link" |
July |
Synthesi |
Greek |
www.synthesimusic.com |
Sept 1,2,3 |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
TJ Rox |
"missing link" |
July |
Tahiti Shuttle Experiment |
Surf |
www.tahitishuttleexperiment.com |
June |
Taji |
Singer |
www.tajimusic.com |
June, July, Sept 23 |
Talmadge |
R&B/Rock |
www.talmadgeband.com |
July, Sept 22 |
Tangotico |
Arg. Tango |
"missing link" |
June |
Tank & the Bangas |
Funk/Soul |
www.tankandthebangas.com |
June |
Tassi, Tommy/The Authentics |
50s-60s Classics |
www.normananorman.com |
June, July, Aug |
Tavannas WickyWacky Wahines |
Polynesian |
www.angelfire.com/moon2/tavanna |
July |
Taylor, Mike Quartet |
Jazz |
www.facebook.com/the-mike-taylor-quartet-... |
August |
Tease Band |
Top 40 |
www.teaseband.com |
August |
Technopagan |
Electronic |
www.reverbnation.com/technopagan |
June |
Tempest Fire |
Rock |
"missing link" |
August |
Temple, Michelle |
Harpist |
"missing link" |
Sept 6 |
Temple, Stephen Wise |
"missing link" |
August |
Tenn West |
Country |
www.tennwest.com |
July |
Tequila Worms |
Surf |
www.thetequilaworms.com |
July |
Thank U Drive Thru |
Rock |
www.thankudrivethru.com |
Sept 2 |
Theater of Vision Prod. |
Carnival Show |
"missing link" |
August |
Thief Band |
Rock |
www.thiefrocks.com |
August |
Thierry, Andre/Zydeco Magic |
Zydeco+ |
www.andrethierry.com |
July |
Thin Ice |
Contempo |
"missing link" |
August |
Thomas, Irma |
Americana/Soul |
www.irmathomas.com |
August |
Thomson, Jonathan |
Cellist |
www.jtcello.com |
Sept 7 |
Ticket to Ride |
Beatles Tribute |
www.tickettoridelive.com |
June |
Tierra |
Latin/Old School |
www.tierramusic.com |
June |
Tijuana Dogs |
Rock |
www.tijuanadogs.com |
August |
Time Bomb |
70s/80s Rock |
www.timebomb7585.com |
July, Aug |
Tin & Wire |
Folk/Punk |
"missing link" |
Sept 15 |
Tizer, Lao |
Jazz/World |
www.laotizer.com |
July |
Toad the Wet Sprocket |
Rock |
www.toadthewetsprocket.com |
August |
The Tokens |
Doo Wop/Rock |
www.thetokens.com |
June |
Tommaso, Jasmine |
Jazz |
www.jasminetommaso.com |
August |
The Topics |
Latin/Rock |
www.thetopicsband.com |
July |
Toth, Moses |
www.mosestothmusic.com |
June, Aug |
The Tracks |
Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Tradicion Dance Co. |
Folklorico |
"missing link" |
Sept 19 |
Traveling Homeboys |
Rock/R&B |
"missing link" |
July |
Tremendos del Sur |
Latin |
"missing link" |
August |
Tres Hombres |
www.facebook.com/treshombresrocks |
June |
Trinity |
Rock Tribute |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Trio Celeste |
Classical |
www.trioceleste.com |
July |
Trio Ellas |
Latin/Harmony |
www.trioellas.com |
Sept 14 |
The Trip |
Classic Rock |
www.meetthetrip.com |
July, Aug |
Tropi-Carillo |
Afro-Tropical |
"missing link" |
Sept 10 |
Trudell, John/Bad Dog |
Americana |
www.johntrudell.com |
August |
True Willie |
Willie Nelson Tribute |
www.truewillie.com |
June |
The Tuners |
"missing link" |
August |
Turn the Page |
Seger Tribute |
www.turnthepageonline.com |
Sept 4 |
Tuxedo |
Funk |
www.tuxedofunk.com |
August |
Twenty Flight Rocks |
Rock |
"missing link" |
August |
Twinkle Time |
Children's |
www.twinkleandfriends.com |
July, Aug |
Twist of Orange |
Swing |
See Covina Concert Band |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
U2 Experience |
U2 Tribute |
"missing link" |
July |
UCLA Camarades |
Classical |
www.music.ucla.edu |
June |
UCLA Music Ensembles |
Jazz/Other |
www.music.ucla.edu |
June |
US 99 |
Am. Roots |
"missing link" |
June, Sept 1, 2 |
USC Thornton School Ensembles |
Classical |
www.usc.edu/music |
Sept 8, 22 |
Ulali |
Indigenous Am. |
"missing link" |
July |
Ultimate Stones |
Stones Tribute |
"missing link" |
August |
Undecided Future |
Pop/Funk/R&B |
"missing link" |
August |
Unkle Monkey |
Tropical Rock |
www.unklemonkey.com |
June, July |
Unlimited Stones |
Stones Tribute |
"missing link" |
August |
Upstream |
Reggae/Soca |
www.upstreammusic.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 16, 23 |
Uptown Funk |
Bruno Mars Tribute |
www.brunomarstributeus.com |
June, July, Aug |
Urban Skies |
Keith Urban Tribute |
www.urbanskiesmusic.com |
July |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Wabash Wailers |
Dixieland |
www.coreygemme.com |
July |
Wakan, Kan |
Pop |
www.facebook.com/kanwakan |
August |
Walk Like a Man |
Four Seasons Tribute |
www.walklikeamantribute.com |
June, Aug |
Walker, Alyssa |
"missing link" |
July |
Walker, Jonny/Whiskey Shooters |
Country |
www.jwonstage.com |
July, Sept 16 |
The Wallflowers |
Rock |
www.thewallflowers.com |
July |
Wanted |
Bon Jovi Tribute |
www.wantedtributeband.com |
June, July, Aug |
Warburn, Patrick |
"missing link" |
Sept 2 |
Wargirl |
Pop |
www.reverbnation.com/wargirl |
July |
Warpaint |
Alt Rock |
www.warpaintwarpaint.com |
August |
Wartime Radio Revue |
USO/1940s |
See Jacobs, Pete |
August |
Watkins, Sean |
Americana |
www.seanwatkins.com |
July |
Watrous, Bill Quartet |
Jazz |
www.billwatrous.com |
August |
Wave Invasion |
Surf |
"missing link" |
June |
Wave Riders |
Beach/Surf |
"missing link" |
July |
Wayward Sons |
80s |
www.waywardsonsmusic.com |
August |
Weathers, Kaitlyn |
Country |
www.kaitlynweathers.com |
July |
Webb, Artie |
Latin Jazz |
See Viva! |
Webb, Jimmy |
Songwriter |
www.jimmywebb.com |
July |
Weinstein, Dan |
Latin Jazz |
See Viva! |
Weller, Mark Combo |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
June, Aug, Sept 22 |
Wells, Angie |
Jazz |
http://angiewellsjazz1.com |
June |
Welsman, Carol |
Jazz |
www.carolwelsman.com |
Sept 29 |
West Coast Pops Orchestra |
Pops |
www.wcpops.org |
July |
Western Express Band |
"missing link" |
July |
Western Standard Time |
Ska |
www.wstbigband.com |
July |
Westlake, Mary |
"missing link" |
July |
Weston Duo |
Sax/Piano |
"missing link" |
August |
Westwind Productions |
Polynesian |
www.westwindproductions.com |
July |
Which One's Pink |
Pink Floyd Tribute |
www.whichonespink.com |
June, Aug |
Whiskey Hayride |
Country/Rock |
www.facebook.com/whiskeyhayride |
July, Aug, Sept 2 |
White, Brendan |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
June |
White Fence |
Garage/Punk Rock |
www.whitefenceartcollective.blogspot.com |
June |
Who Generation |
Who Tribute |
www.thewhogen.com |
June, July, Aug |
Who's Next |
Who Tribute |
"missing link" |
June, July |
Wigs & Ties |
"missing link" |
June |
Wild Child |
Door Tribute |
www.wildchild.mu |
Sept 21 |
Wildwood Dreamers |
Rockabilly |
www.facebook.com/wildwooddreamers |
Aug, Sept 23 |
Wilson, Brad |
Blues |
www.bradwilsonlive.com |
July |
Wiseguys Big Band Machine |
Big Band/Swing |
www.wiseguysbigband.com |
June, July, Aug |
Wolfe, Gregory |
Rod Stewart Tribute |
www.gregorywolferodstewart.com |
July |
Wondem |
www.dexterstory.com |
Sept 16 |
The Wonderelles |
50s Revue |
www.wonderelles.com |
June, July |
Wood, Dorian |
French |
"missing link" |
August |
Wood, Jamie/Good Rockin' Daddys |
Blues/Swing |
www.jamiewoodmusic.com |
July |
Wood, Mark/Parrot Head Band |
Jimmy Buffet Tribute |
www.markwoodandtheparrotheadband.net |
June, July |
Woodard, Rickey |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
Sept 1 |
Wooden Nickel Band |
Pop/Rock |
"missing link" |
August |
Woodie & the Longboards |
Vintage Surf/Beach Boys |
www.surfband.us |
June, July, Aug |
World of Music |
Children's |
"missing link" |
June |
Wright, Greg |
Indie Rock |
See Brooks, Rosa Lee Project |
Sept 23 |
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