These pages list information on free concerts in Orange County, parts of Los Angeles County, and parts of the Inland Empire. In the summer, concerts are listed by city, by date and by type of music. They also are listed for all cities together and separately by county. Clicking a date on the calendar on the home page will take you to the lists of concerts for all cities by date; from there you can use the links to reach other city or county pages. Although every effort is made to post the most current concert information, ALL PERFORMANCES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. It is recommended that you confirm any performance you wish to attend.

    Access to the "Free Concerts" pages will remain available without charge for 2017. There will not be a requirement to submit an e-mail address to reach the listings this year, but it may be the last summer that the listings can be accessed without a small fee. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Click on the links below to reach one of the concert pages.

    Last-minute updates can be found on the site's Facebook or Twitter pages. That information also may be found on the "News" page or toward the top of the "Concerts By Date, All Cities" and "Concerts By City, All Cities" pages.

CLICK HERE for Concerts By Date, All Cities
CLICK HERE for Concerts By City, All Cities
CLICK HERE for Concerts By Type of Music

Fine feathered friend: Peacock