Click here to read about the summer's FEATURED ARTISTS!
Visit the site's GUESTS page.
Click here for site NEWS.
* * *
* * *
The Links page has grown tremendously
with the number of venues added to the listings and the number of artists appearing at the concerts. Several years ago it was the most slowly-loading page on the site. As a result, it was split into three sections.
The first section contains links to the cities/venues
hosting the concerts, as well as a small list of art and poetry links. The second section is a list of band links for the letters "A" through "L," and the third section is a list of band links for the letters
"M" through "Z." Some cities/venues do not release their concert information until well into June or later (especially for series in August and September), so the Links section is continually updated during the
summer as information is received. Click on a link below to go to one of the three sections.
The 1958 Expo in Brussels was the first major World's Fair after the end of World War II (only a smaller one was held in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti in 1949).
The picture here, courtesy of the Atomium (www.atomium.be), shows the building as it is today. The Atomium guidebook also notes that "With the slogan building a world for the modern man, the event [1958 Expo] sent out a message of boundless optimism and attempted to
reflect a society that was confident in its future and enthusiastic about the future of humanity." Further on in the text, the explanation of the 1958 event continues by saying, "With its national and commercial pavilions, Expo 58 was a window to the world. In spite of it message of
peace and friendship between nations, this great festive event was not immune from the tensions of the Cold War in 1958. Beneath the Atomium, the United States and the Soviet Union (now Russia and the other
nations of central Europe) defied each other in a symbolic confrontation. Both of them attracted curious, fascinated crowds. Pride of place at the centre of the Soviet Pavilion was given to Sputnik, the first artificial satellite,
representing the success of communist society. Opposite this, the American Pavilion vaunted the American Dream, the consumer society and the comforts of modern life."
* * PLEASE NOTE: Band links are added to the section on a continuing
basis and updated throughout the summer, and "missing links" are filled in as websites are
located. There are still many more names to be added and shows to be included. If you don't find the information you're looking for, please send an e-mail
message to the site or try back a little later! * *
The information included in the section is in the following format: artist or
band name, type of music, website/link and date(s) of performance(s).
Details for concerts dates are included in the listings
during the current month. All listings are alphabetical, and you can click on a letter
below or scroll down the page to view the entire section of band links.
Any information on band links which have not been located ("missing link")
is appreciated.
#s | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L
This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the signing into law of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Earlier this summer a ribbon-cutting was held
for the only monument in Los Angeles dedicated to the Civil Rights Movement. The public artwork sits in two places in the Baldwin Hills area separated by a mile, one at the intersection of Rodeo Road and Martin
Luther King Jr. Boulevard, and the other at the intersection of Rodeo Road and Jefferson Boulevard. The part of the public artwork depicted below is of the installation at Rodeo Road and Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. It focuses on
national leaders of the Civil Rights Movement. The other, at Rodeo Road and Jefferson Boulevard, focuses on local Civil Rights leaders.
A tile mounted on the main portion of the artwork reads as follows: Walk a Mile in My Shoes (2014) is a public artwork by Kim Abeles and
commissioned by the City of Los Angeles, Department of Cultural Affairs and Department of Public Works. "You can't really understand another person's experience until you've walked a mile in their shoes," is an
American Indian saying, with variations known in many cultures. Located along the corridor of Rodeo Road, book-ended by Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard on the east and Jefferson Boulevard on the west, the artwork
speaks of inspiration, empathy and "walking" as forward movement. This site [meaning the Rodeo/MLK, Jr. site] features the shoes of participants of the civil rights marches, colleagues of Dr. King, and a replica of
his shoes. At the Jefferson/Rodeo site, the photographic tiles include shoes belonging to local leaders in Los Angeles, and show the many forms of community building that are possible for each of us. You can find out
more about this project at the website walkamileinmyshoes.us
Continue scrolling down the page to view the photographs. Other images can be found on the "Band Links M - Z" page.
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
The A Section |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
A+ Dropouts |
Pop/Rock |
www.aplusdropouts.com |
July |
A Flock of Seagulls |
New Wave |
www.myspace.com/aflockofseagulls |
July |
A Little Band |
"missing link" |
August |
A Place Called Home |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
AC Jazz Project |
Jazz |
www.acjazzproject.com |
August |
AJ's Entertainment |
www.aj2entertain.com |
July |
Abba Fab |
Abba Tribute |
www.abbafabpromo.com |
July, Aug |
Abbey Road |
Beatles Tribute |
www.facebook.com/abbeyroadtribute |
June, July, Sept 4 |
About Time |
www.abouttime4music.com |
August |
Abrakadabra |
www.acousticforachange.com |
August |
Academy of Visual and Performing Arts |
Jazz/Blues |
www.avpa.org |
August |
Ace |
Dance/Variety |
www.theaceband.com |
Aug, Sept 19 |
Acoustic for a Change |
Acoustic |
www.acousticforachange.com |
June |
Adaawe |
African |
www.adaawemusic.com |
July, Aug |
Adam's Attic |
Alt Rock |
www.adamsatticmusic.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 27 |
Adams, Nico |
www.nicoadams.com |
August |
Adrianna Marie/Groove Cutters |
www.adriannamarieandhergroovecutters. com |
August |
Aeromyth |
Aerosmith Tribute |
www.aerosmithtribute.com |
July |
Afanador, Daniel Jiminez |
Acoustic Sp/Eng |
www.danieljiminezafanador.com |
Sept 26 |
Afro-Peruvian Jazz Project |
Latin Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Afro-Tango Ensemble |
www.juanestanga.com |
June, July |
After Party |
80s |
www.afterparty80sband.com |
July |
Al-Saadi, Laith |
Blues/Rock |
www.laithmusic.com |
August |
The Album Leaf |
Eclectic |
www.thealbumleaf.com |
June |
Alexandra/Starlight Band |
www.reverbnation.com/alexandrathe starlightband |
August |
Ali, Nadia |
www.nadiaali.com |
August |
Alien Ant Farm |
Rock |
www.facebook.com/alienantfarm |
August |
All American Boys Chorus |
Youth Chorus |
www.taabc.org |
July |
All American Wranglers |
Country |
http://allamericanwranglers.com |
June |
All Day Night |
World Pop |
"missing link" |
June |
Allah-Las |
Rock |
www.allah-las.com |
June, Sept 4 |
The Allant Trio |
Classical |
www.allanttrio.com |
June |
The Alley Cats |
A Cappella/Doo Wop |
www.thealleycats.com |
July |
The Allman, Gregg |
Southern Rock |
www.greggallman.com |
July |
AlmaNova Duo |
Flute/Guitar |
www.almanova.us |
June |
Aloha Radio |
www.thealoharadio.com |
June, July, Aug |
Alpha Iota Music Fraternity |
Classical |
www.sai-national.org |
June |
Altar Billies |
www.facebook.com/altarbillies |
July, Aug |
Alvarez, J |
"missing link" |
August |
Ambrosius, Marsha |
Singer Songwriter |
www.marshaambrosiusmusic.com |
June |
American Wake |
Irish |
www.theamericanwake.com |
August |
American Young |
www.americanyoung.com |
July |
Amos, Shawn |
www.shawnamos.com |
August |
Anderson, Chris Group |
Blues |
www.myspace.com/chrisandersongroup |
July, Sept 4 |
Anderson, Paul |
Roots Rock |
"missing link" |
Aug, Sept 6 |
Anderson, Pete |
Roots/Blues |
"missing link" |
July |
Andrews, Ernie |
Jazz |
www.ernieandrews.com |
July, Sept 12 |
Angel City All Stars Brass Band |
Eclectic |
www.toddsimonmusic.com/angel-city-all-star-brass-band |
June |
The Angry Babies |
80s New Wave |
www.facebook.com/theangrybabies |
July |
The Answer |
Classic Rock |
www.theanswertoclassicrock.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 1, 6, 7, 25 |
Aquarius |
Late 60s |
www.aquarius68.com |
July |
Argus Quartet |
Classical |
www.argusquartet.com |
Sept 24 |
Ariondo, Nick |
Accordionist |
www.nickariondo.com |
July |
Arioso Duo |
Classical |
www.cindyellisflute.weebly.com/... |
Sept 17 |
Arise Roots |
Reggae |
www.ariseroots.com |
June |
Arrival |
ABBA Tribute |
www.themusicofabba.com |
July |
Astoquillca, Christopher A-Tet |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Atlantics Tribute |
Surf |
"missing link" |
August |
Atomic Punks |
Van Halen Tribute |
www.theatomicpunks.net |
August |
Aubele, Federico |
Minimalist Tango |
www.federicoaubele.com |
June |
Auger, Brian/Oblivion Express |
Jazz |
www.brianauger.com |
July |
Azusa Pacific University Ensembles |
Variety |
www.apu.edu/music |
Sept 12, 26, 27, 28 |
Azzoni Duo |
Classical |
www.christineazzonidow.com |
June, Aug |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Though somewhat obscured in the picture above, the pair of shoes pictured here sits atop the main
marker for the site. As explained in the image on the left, the shoe sculpture was modeled after the shoes of Dr. King which are on display at The King
B-Side Band |
Rock & Roll |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
BJ & the Chicago Kid |
"missing link" |
July |
BYOB (Bring Your Own Blues) |
Blues |
www.billyproulx.com |
July, Sept 19 |
Baba Elefante Trio |
Jazz |
www.reverbnation.com/babaelefante |
July, Sept 19 |
Babylon Saints |
Reggae-Rock |
www.babylonsaints.com |
June, July |
Baca, Max/Los Texmaniacs |
www.texmaniacs.com |
August |
Backstreet |
"missing link" |
Sept 20 |
Bad Apples |
"missing link" |
July |
Bad Bad Not Good |
Jazz/Instrumental |
www.badbadnotgood.com |
August |
Bad Jack |
"missing link" |
July |
Badd Co. |
Bad Company Tribute |
www.baddcotribute.com |
August |
Baker, Bob |
Marionettes |
www.bobbakermarionettes.com |
June, Aug |
The Balance Band |
Latin |
www.reverbnation.com/balanceband2011 |
August |
Balcombe, Naomi |
Sax/Vocals |
www.naomisax.com |
Aug, Sept 5 |
Bali & Beyond |
Music of Bali |
www.balibeyond.com |
July |
Ballet Folklorico Mexico LA |
Folklorico |
"missing link" |
July |
Ballet Folklorico Revolucion |
Folklorico |
"missing link" |
Sept 13 |
Balogh, Endre |
Violinist |
www.endresphotos.com |
Sept 7 |
The Band Fresh |
Top 40/Dance |
www.thebandfresh.com |
July |
Banda Agua Caliente |
See www.grandperformances.org |
June |
Banda Brothers |
Latin Jazz |
www.bandabros.com |
August |
Banda la Tremendas |
Latin |
"missing link" |
Sept 13 |
Banda Maqueos |
Oaxacan |
www.maqueosmusic.com |
July |
Bandidos de Amor |
Latin |
www.bandidosdeamor.com |
July |
Bankshot |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
August |
Banned from the Beach |
Surf |
www.reverbnation.com/bannedfromthebeach |
June |
Bannen, Kelleigh |
www.kelleighbannen.com |
July |
Banta |
Pop |
www.bantaband.com |
August |
Bar Starz |
Rock |
www.facebook.com/barstarzband |
July |
Barbee, Ray |
"missing link" |
Sept 6 |
Barber, Cris Jazz Band |
Jazz |
www.crisbarbermusic.com |
August |
Barsamian, Aram |
Baritone |
www.facebook.com/arambarsamian |
June |
Bastards of Belleville |
Blues/Swing |
www.facebook.com/gypsybluesandswing |
June |
Bastida, Ceci |
Latin |
www.cecibastida.com |
Aug, Sept 14 |
Batata Los Angeles |
Afro Funk |
"missing link" |
June |
Baytos, Eddie/Nervis Bros |
New Orleans Jazz |
www.eddiebaytos.com |
August |
Bearcoon |
www.facebook.com/bearcoonmusic |
Sept 6 |
Bearwulf |
Rock |
www.bearwulf.bandcamp.com |
July |
The Beatless |
Classic Rock |
www.thebeatless.com |
July, Aug |
The Beatunes |
Beatles Tribute |
www.thebeatunes.com |
July |
Beck, Nina |
Jazz |
www.upanddownguys.com |
August |
Beep |
JazzPop |
http://beep.bandcamp.com |
August |
The Belairs |
Rock/Soul |
www.thebelairs.net |
July |
Bell Gardens |
Eclectic |
www.bellgardensmusic.com |
June |
Bella Donna |
Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac Tribute |
www.belladonna-music.com |
June, July |
The Belle Brigade |
Pop |
www.thebellebrigade.com |
August |
Below 51 |
Alt/Punk Rock |
www.facebook.com/below51 |
August |
Beltran, Louie Cruz |
Latin Jazz/Salsa |
www.louiecruzbeltran.com |
June, July |
Benet, Eric |
R&B |
www.ericbenet.net |
June |
Benjamin, Karen |
Am. Songbook |
www.karenandalan.com |
June |
Bennett, Michael |
"missing link" |
Sept 20 |
Benny y Sus Tropicales |
Central Am. |
www.facebook.com/bennyysustropicales usa |
August |
Better Than Blue |
Blues |
"missing link" |
August |
Big Bad Rooster |
www.bigbadroostermusic.com |
August |
Big Butter Jazz Band |
Jazz |
www.facebook.com/bigbutterjazzband |
June, July |
Big Daddy T |
www.bigdaddyt.com |
August |
Big Data |
Electronic |
www.bigdata.fm |
July |
Big Fat Steve Band |
Country Rockabilly |
www.bigfatsteveband.com |
July |
Big Lucky |
Swing |
www.bigluckyband.com |
June |
Big Papa and the TCB |
R&B |
www.bigpapaandthetcb.com |
August |
Big Truth Little Lies Band |
Fleetwood Mac Tribute |
www.littleliesband.com |
August |
Billy Joel 2 Elton John |
Joel/John Tribute |
www.billyjoel2eltonjohn.com |
Sept 30 |
Birdie's Playhouse |
Children's |
www.birdiesplayhouse.com |
August |
Bjorkedal, Alison |
Harpist |
www.alisonbjorkedal.com |
July |
Black Crystal Wolf Kids |
Indie Tribute |
www.blackcrystalwolfkids.com |
June, July |
Black Tongued Bells |
Roots |
www.theblacktonguedbells.com |
Sept 28 |
Blair, Alaina |
Country |
www.alainablair.com |
June |
Blame Sally |
Folk/Rock |
www.blamesally.com |
August |
Bleeding Harp |
Blues |
www.bleedingharp.com |
Sept 19 |
Blue Bird Harmony |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
Aug, Sept 27 |
Blue Breeze Band |
R&B/Motown |
www.bluebreezeband.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 13 |
Blue Hawaiians |
www.facebook.com/pages/the-blue-hawaiians... |
August |
The Blue Notes |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Blue Oyster Cult |
Rock |
www.blueoystercult.com |
August |
Blue Steel |
Rock |
www.bluesteelrocks.com |
August |
Blues Buzzards |
R&B |
www.bluesbuzzards.com |
July, Aug |
Blues Racket |
Pop/R&B/Dance |
www.bluesracketband.com |
July, Aug |
Bob's Garage |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
June, July |
Boca do Rio |
Brazilian |
www.bocadorio.com |
August |
Bola de Vez |
Brazilian |
"missing link" |
July |
The Bolts |
Rock |
www.theboltsmusic.com |
July |
Bonaduce, Gretchen |
80s |
See Fatal 80s |
Sept 1 |
Bonfire |
AC/DC Tribute |
www.labonfire.com |
August |
Boogaloo Assassins |
Latin Soul |
www.boogalooassasins.com |
August |
Boogie Knights |
Disco |
www.boogieknights.com |
August |
Boom Boom Boom |
www.facebook.com/boomboomboomband |
June |
Bop!Bang!Boom! Band |
Jazz |
See Geissman, Grant |
July |
Bordeaux, Derek |
R&B/Motown |
www.thederekbordeauxgroup.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 20 |
Born Jovi |
Bon Jovi Tribute |
www.bornjovi.net |
August |
Bourbon, Claude |
Guitarist |
www.claudebourbon.org |
June |
Boshnack, Sam Quintet |
JazzPop |
www.boshnackmusic.com |
August |
Box Car 7 |
Blues/Soul |
www.boxcar7.com |
July, Aug |
Boys and Bees |
20s-40s |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Boys of Summer |
Eagles Tribute |
www.boysofsummertribute.com |
July |
Bradley, Charles |
www.thecharlesbradley.com |
Sept 11 |
Brandon, Peter |
Country |
www.peterbrandon.net |
July |
Brasil Brazil |
Brazilian |
www.brasilbrazilshow.com |
August |
Bravo High Latin Jazz Band |
Latin Jazz |
www.bravoweb.lausd.k12.ca.us |
July |
Breach the Summit |
Indie Pop |
www.facebook.com/breachthesummit |
June, July, Aug |
Brentwood Westwood Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.bwso.org |
June |
Brewster, Jimmy/Westside Band |
Sinatra |
"missing link" |
August |
Brick Top Blaggers |
www.bricktopblaggers.com |
August |
Bridgers, Phoebe |
Folk/Rock |
www.facebook.com/phoebebridgers |
Sept 13 |
Briggs, Karen/Jazz in Pink |
Jazz |
www.jazzinpink.com |
July |
Britain's Finest |
Beatles Tribute |
www.beatlestributeband.net |
June, July |
Brockus: RED |
Dance |
www.brokusprojectdancecompany.org |
July |
Brooks, Ray/Blues Masters |
Blues |
"missing link" |
June |
Broussard, Jeffery |
Zydeco |
www.jefferybrousard.com |
August |
Brother Joscephus/Love Revolution |
Soul-Rock |
www.brotherjoscephus.com |
August |
Brown, Einstein |
Calypso |
www.einsteinbrown.com |
July |
Browne, Jann Band |
Country |
www.jannbrowne.com |
July |
Bruce, Scot |
Elvis Tribute |
www.scotbruce.com |
June, July |
Bubba & the Big Bad Blues |
Blues |
www.bubbablues.com |
July |
The Budrows |
www.thebudrows.com |
June |
Buffet, Jimmy |
www.margaritaville.com |
August |
Bulldawg Blues Band |
Blues |
http://bulldawgbluesband.com |
August |
Bumptown |
Top 40/Latin |
www.bumptownband.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 5, 27 |
Burnette, Brandyn |
www.brandynburnette.com |
July |
Burning Heart |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Burrell, Kenny Big Band |
Jazz |
www.vervemusicgroup.com/kennyburrell |
June |
Butler, Donna |
R&B/Jazz |
See Fitchett, Mark |
June |
Butler, John Trio |
"missing link" |
August |
Buyepongo |
Cumbia |
www.buyepongo.com |
July |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Sayings such as this one by Dr. King are etched into the main display area.
CSUF Ensembles |
Jazz |
www.fullerton.edu/arts |
Sept 13 |
CSUN Jazz Ensembles |
Jazz |
www.csunjazz.com |
August |
CSUSB Jazz Ensemble |
Jazz/Swing |
www.csusb.edu |
Sept 28 |
The CT |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
Sept 14 |
Cadillac Phil |
Rockabilly |
"missing link" |
July |
Caine, Elliott Quintet |
Jazz |
www.facebook.com/elliott.caine.5 |
June, July, Aug |
Cal State LA Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.calstatela.edu |
June |
Calhoun, Cynthia |
Vocalist |
www.cynthiacalhoun.com |
July |
Calico |
"missing link" |
July |
Caliente Duo |
Pop/Dance |
www.facebook.com/calientelive |
Sept 11 |
California Guitar Trio |
Guitars |
www.cgtrio.com |
August |
California Feetwarmers |
Eclectic |
www.californiafeetwarmers.com |
July |
California Lions |
www.californialions.net |
June |
California Sun |
Surf |
"missing link" |
August 2 |
Calistoga Falls |
www.calistogafalls.com |
August |
Cambalache |
Son Jarocho |
www.jarochelo.com/cambalache |
August |
Campbell, Buzz/Hot Rod Lincoln |
Rockabilly |
www.hotrodlincoln.net |
July |
Campos, Art |
DJ |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Candy-O |
Cars Tribute |
www.candy-o.net |
Sept 1 |
Capitol Ensemble |
Chamber Music |
www.capitolensemble.com |
Sept 28 |
Cappy's Garage |
"missing link" |
August |
Captain Cardiac/Coronaries |
50s/60s |
www.captaincardiac.com |
July, Aug |
Cara-C |
Pop Violinist |
www.cara-c.com |
July, Aug, Sept 6, 21, 28 |
Caravana |
Latin Fusion |
www.facebook.com/caravanaband1 |
June, Sept 27 |
Carlton, Larry |
Jazz |
www.larrycarlton.com |
Sept 18 |
Carney, Andrew Collective |
Jazz |
www.andrewcarney.com |
July |
Carrion, Ray/Latin All Stars |
Latin Jazz |
www.raycarrion.com |
July |
Cash and Carter |
Cash/Carter Tribute |
www.johnnyandjunetribute.com |
July, Aug |
Cash Up Front |
Johnny Cash Tribute |
www.reverbnation.com/cashupfront |
June, July |
Castellanos, Gilbert Quintet |
Latin Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Castillo, Martin |
Latin |
www.myspace.com/martincastilloal100 |
August |
Castrillon, Mark |
Variety |
www.markcastrillon.com |
July, Sept 6 |
Castro, Amanda Band |
Vintage/Latin Jazz |
www.amandacastro.com |
June |
Cat Fish Junction |
www.facebook.com/catfishjunctionband |
August |
Catch a Wave |
Beach Boys Tribute |
www.thebeachtoys.com |
August |
The Catillacs |
"missing link" |
August |
Cats With Class |
Swing |
www.reverbnation.com/catswithclassswing band |
August |
Caught A Ghost |
Modern Soul |
www.caughtaghost.com |
July |
Cauldron |
Top 40/Funk |
"missing link" |
July |
Cavin, Paul |
Oldies/Rock |
www.facebook.com/onelifepaulcavin |
July, Aug, Sept 12 |
Cayucus |
www.cayucas.com |
July |
Centerfold |
80s |
www.centerfold80s.com |
June, July, Aug |
Ceora Winds |
Classical |
www.ceorawinds.com |
Sept 12 |
Cerritos College Band(s) |
Concert, Other Bands |
www.cerritos.edu/music |
July, Sept 22 |
Cetera, Kenny |
Chicago Tribute |
www.facebook.com/kennyceteramusic |
July |
Chainsaw Brothers |
Blues/Jump/Scat |
www.facebook.com/chainsawbrothers |
June |
Chancler, Ndugu |
Jazz |
www.nduguchancler.com |
July, Sept 27, 28 |
Chanel, Ashley |
Jazz |
www.ashleychanel.com |
July |
Chain, Michael |
www.michaelchain.com |
July, Aug 1 |
Chain Reaction |
Motown/R&B |
"missing link" |
June, Aug |
Chapman, Alan |
Am. Songbook |
www.karenandalan.com |
June |
Charangoa |
Cuban Charanga |
See Orquesta Charangoa |
June, July, Aug |
Charged Particles |
Jazz |
www.chargedparticles.com |
Sept 12 |
Chavos de la Cumbia |
Central Am. |
www.facebook.com/pages/los-chavos-de-la-cumbia... |
August |
Cheers Elephant |
Pop/Rock |
www.cheerselephant.com |
August |
Chesne, Paul Band |
www.paulchesne.com |
June |
Chiang, Doris |
Pianist |
www.dorischiang.com |
Sept 7 |
Chicago Experience |
Chicago Tribute |
See Cetera, Kenny |
July |
Chicano Batman |
Latin Fusion |
www.chicanobatman.com |
July, August |
Chico |
Latin/Variety |
www.chicoband.com |
July, Aug |
Chico's Bail Bonds |
Blues |
www.chicosblues.com |
July, Aug |
Childs, Billy |
Jazz |
www.billychilds.com |
July |
City Beat |
Swing |
"missing link" |
Sept 27 |
Claremont Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.claremontso.org |
June, July |
Clark, Stacy |
www.stacyclark.net |
August |
Classic Rock Revolution |
Classic Rock |
www.corday.net/classic-rock-revolution |
July |
Classics 150 |
"missing link" |
July |
Club 57 |
Jazz/Blues |
www.facebook.com/club57band |
July |
Codigo FN |
Latin |
www.es-la.facebook.com/codigofnofficial |
August |
Colburn Adult Wind Symphony |
Wind Symphony |
www.colburnschool.edu |
August |
Cold Duck |
70s/Top 40 |
www.colduck.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 21 |
Colley, Craig |
Patriotic |
www.craigcolley.com |
July |
Colley, Dean |
See "Hot August Night" |
June, July, Aug |
Collins, Melony |
Vocalist |
"missing link" |
July |
Colour My World |
Chicago Tribute |
www.cmwchicagotribute.com |
June |
Comanescu, Taso |
Guitarist |
www.tasoguitar.com |
July, Aug |
Common Sense |
Reggae |
www.commonsenseband.com |
June, Aug |
Commonwealth Players |
Classical |
"missing link" |
July |
Concert on the Green Wind Orchestra |
Winds |
www.cui.edu |
July |
Conganas |
Salsa/Latin |
www.facebook.com/conganas23 |
July, Aug |
Conjunto Chappottin y Sus Estrellas |
Cuban Son |
www.almaartistbooking.com/conjunto-chappottin |
July |
Conjunto Los Pochos |
Latin |
www.lospochos.com |
Sept 7, 14 |
Connor, Michael D. |
Vocalist |
"missing link" |
August |
Copper Canyon Band |
Country |
www.coppercanyonwest.com |
June, Aug |
Corazon Salvaje Band |
Latin |
"missing link" |
August |
Corday Band |
Pop-Rock/Originals |
www.corday.net |
August |
Cornerstone Theater Co. |
Theatrical |
www.cornerstonetheater.org |
August |
Correa, David/Cascada |
Latin/World |
www.davidcorreaandcascada.com |
July |
Costa, Matt |
Folk/Rock |
www.mattcosta.com |
August |
Cougrzz |
Classic Rock |
www.cougrzzrock.com |
July |
The Counselors |
Surf |
www.facebook.com/counselorsband |
Sept 14 |
Country Gone Awry |
Country |
www.countrygoneawry.com |
August |
Country Legends |
Country |
www.facebook.com/thecountrylegends |
June |
Country Nation |
Country |
www.country-nation.com |
July |
Country Sounds |
Country |
"missing link" |
July |
Cover Me |
www.covermeband.com |
Sept 6 |
Covina Assembly of God Church |
Praise |
www.covinaag.org |
July |
Covina Concert Band |
Community Band |
www.covinaconcertband.org |
June, July, Aug, Sept 27, 28 |
Covina United Methodist Church |
Praise |
www.covinaumc.org |
July |
Cowan, Andy |
Jazz |
www.upanddownguys.com |
August |
Cowbop |
Cowboy Jazz/Western |
www.cowbop.com |
Aug, Sept 4 |
crash |
"missing link" |
July |
Crazy Heart |
"missing link" |
June |
Creedence Relived |
CCR Tribute |
www.facebook.com/creedencerelived |
July |
Creekwood |
www.creekwoodofficial.com |
July |
Crimson Crowbar |
Classic Rock |
www.crimsoncrowbar.com |
July |
Critical Brass |
Jazz |
www.myspace.com/criticalbrass |
August |
Crosstown 2 |
Blues |
www.tupelobluemusic.com |
Sept 20, 21 |
Crowd Theory |
www.facebook.com/crowdtheoryband |
July |
Crown City Bombers |
Rockabilly |
www.cubensis.com |
June |
Cubensis |
Grateful Dead Tribute |
www.davidcorreaandcascada.com |
July |
Cults |
www.cultscultscults.com |
July |
Cunliffe, Bill |
Jazz |
www.billcunliffe.com |
Sept 13 |
Curl Riders |
Surf |
www.thecurlriders.com |
July |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Tiles on the ground surrounding the main platform show a pair of shoes and the name of the
person to whom they belong. A plaque on the main platform indicates that the shoes represented in the tiles are a "selection of shoes from the International
Civil Rights Walk of Fame collection of Xernona Clayton."
Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
DC Babylon/Hanging Gardens Band |
Jazz/Rock |
www.dcbabylon.com |
July |
DJ Aaron Byrd |
www.kcrw.com |
July |
DJ Anne Litt |
www.kcrw.com |
July |
DJ Anthony Valadez |
www.kcrw.com |
July |
DJ Chris Douridas |
www.kcrw.com |
July |
DJ Chris Mulkey |
www.kcrw.com |
July |
DJ Dan Wilcox |
www.kcrw.com |
June, Aug |
DJ Doc Martin |
See www.deep-la.com |
July |
DJ Gary Calamar |
www.kcrw.com |
August |
DJ Glenn Red |
www.glennred.com |
July |
DJ Jason Bentley |
www.kcrw.com |
August |
DJ Jeremy Sole |
www.kcrw.com |
July, Aug |
DJ Jimbo Jenkins |
www.facebook.com/djjimbojenkins |
July |
DJ Lithuanian Prince |
www.myspace.com/lithuanianprince |
June |
DJ Liza Richardson |
www.kcrw.com |
July |
DJ Mario Cotto |
www.kcrw.com |
August 1 |
DJ Marion Hodges |
www.kcrw.com |
June, July, Sept 11 |
DJ Marques Wyatt |
See www.deep-la.com |
July |
DJ Matt Holzman |
www.kcrw.com |
Sept 4 |
DJ Mattieu Schreyer |
www.kcrw.com |
July |
DJ Munish |
"missing link" |
August |
DJ Nu-Mark |
See www.grandperformances.org |
August |
DJ Peter G |
"missing link" |
June |
DJ Raul Campos |
www.kcrw.com |
July, Aug |
Journey Tribute |
www.dsbband.com |
June, July, Aug |
D'Arrigo |
Latin |
www.facebook.com/darrigomusic |
August |
The Daddy-Os |
"missing link" |
June |
Dafra Drum/Dance |
West African |
www.btdanceproject.com/... |
July, Aug |
DaKah Hip Hop Orchestra |
Hip Hop |
See www.grandperformances.org |
June |
Dakota |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
August |
Dallas & Doll |
www.dallasanddoll.com |
July, Aug, Sept 27 |
Dalmacio, Apryle |
Pop/Rock |
www.apryledalmacio |
June, Aug |
DaM FunK |
Funk |
www.stonesthrow.com/damfunk |
July |
Dani, Jack Rock Review |
90s |
www.facebook.com/pages/jack-dani-rock-review... |
July |
Darden Family |
Gospel |
"missing link" |
July |
The Dares |
Alt Rock |
www.thedares.com |
August |
Daversa, John Small Band |
Jazz |
www.johndaversa.com |
August |
David and Olivia |
www.davidandolivia.com |
July, Aug |
Davies, Erika |
Jazz |
www.misserikadavies.com |
Sept 26 |
Dawuni, Rocky |
Afro-Funke |
www.rockydawuni.com |
July, Aug |
Day 26 |
www.day26online.com |
June |
De Castro, Perfecto |
Guitarist |
www.perfectodecastro.com |
Sept 17 |
De Clive-Lowe, Mark |
Electronic |
www.markdeclivelowe.net |
August |
De Lux |
www.facebook.com/deluxband |
July |
De Sena, Bob |
Latin Jazz |
www.bobdesena.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 6 |
De Silva, Marisa |
Vocalist |
www.marisadesilva.com |
July |
Dead Sara |
Rock |
www.deadsara.com |
July |
The Dead Ships |
www.music.thedeadships.com |
Sept 20 |
Dead Man's Party |
Oingo Boingo Tribute |
www.deadmansparty.com |
July |
Dean, Danny |
Rockabilly/Swing |
www.dannydean.com |
July |
Dean, Darynn |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Decades of Rock |
Rock Covers |
"missing link" |
July |
The Decoders |
Funk/Reggae |
www.decodersmusic.tumblr.com |
July |
dee-Lightful Productions |
Musical Theater |
www.dee-lightful.org |
August |
Deep |
Electronic |
www.deep-la.com |
July |
Delgado Brothers Band |
Blues/Roots |
www.delgadobrothers.com |
August |
The Delirians |
Reggae |
www.thedelirians.com |
June |
The Delta 88s |
Classic Rock |
www.thedelta88s.com |
June, Aug |
Dempsey, Bill |
Sea Chanties |
www.billdempseymusic.com |
Sept 6, 7 |
Denizens of Jazz |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
Aug |
Denson, Karl/Tiny Universe |
Blues/Roots |
www.karldenson.us |
July |
Desmond, Mary |
Soft Rock |
www.marydesmondonline.com |
August |
Desperado |
Eagles Tribute |
www.desperadolive.com |
June, Sept 7 |
Detour 91 |
Blues/Rock |
www.detour91.com |
July |
The Devious Means |
Indie Rock |
www.thedeviousmeans.com |
July, Aug |
Diamonds and Pearlz |
"missing link" |
June |
Diaz, Irene |
Singer-Songwriter |
www.irenediazmusic.com |
July |
Diaz, Lucky/Family Jam Band |
Children's |
www.luckydiazmusic.com |
Aug |
Diaz Mendez, Faustina |
Oaxacan |
"missing link" |
July |
Diaz, Nina |
Latin |
www.ninadiazmusic.com |
July |
Dickstein, Marcia |
Classical |
www.debussytrio.com/dickstein.html |
June |
Dioz, Nina |
Latin |
www.facebook.com/oficialninadioz |
August |
The Do-Over |
www.thedoover.net |
July |
The Dogs |
Classic Rock |
www.thedogsmusic.com |
June, Aug |
Dominguez, Hector |
Mariachi |
www.facebook.com/hdominguezmusic |
Sept 12 |
Dondria |
www.facebook.com/officialdondria |
June |
Doo Wah Riders |
Country |
www.thedoowahriders.com |
June, July, Aug |
Doobies Inc. |
Doobie Brothers Tribute |
www.doobiesinc.com |
July |
Dorsey, Charles Project |
www.facebook.com/charlesdorsey |
June |
Dower, Thom |
Guitarist |
"missing link" |
June |
Down the Hatch |
"missing link" |
July |
Downbeat Express |
Big Band |
"missing link" |
July |
Downey Symphony Society |
Orchestral |
www.downeysymphony.com |
August |
Downtime Groove |
Variety |
www.facebook.com/downtimegroove |
June |
Dr. Wu |
Steely Dan Tribute |
www.doctorwuband.com |
June |
Dread Zeppelin |
www.dreadzeppelin.com |
August |
Drexx Cannon |
R&B/Funk/Soul |
www.drexxcannon.com |
July, Sept 19 |
Driscoll, Joe |
Afro Blues |
See www.grandperformances.org |
August |
Dub 8 |
Reggae |
www.reverbnation.com/dub8 |
June |
Dublin Public |
Irish |
www.dublinpublic.com |
August |
Duchicela |
Andean |
www.duchicela.com |
July, Aug |
Duckles, Jason & Andrew |
Classical |
"missing link" |
June, Sept 17 |
The Duhks |
Fusion Folk |
www.duhks.com |
July |
The Durgas |
www.thedurgas.com |
June |
DustBowl Cavaliers |
Bluegrass |
www.dustbowlcavaliers.com |
June |
Dustbowl Revival |
Folk/Roots |
www.dustbowlrevival.com |
August |
Dwntwn |
www.dwntwnmusic.com |
Sept 20 |
Dynamite Dawson |
Soft Rock |
"missing link" |
June, Aug |
Dynotones |
Surf |
http://dynotones.com |
Sept 14 |
Dziubla, Ron |
www.facebook.com/pages/ron-dziubla/... |
Sept 18 |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Another shot of the ground tiles (left), and an image of Stevie Wonder's shoes.
EC Twins |
www.ectwinsmusic.com |
August |
Eid, Joseph |
www.josepheidmusic.com |
August |
Eagle Rock Gospel Singers |
Gospel/Blues |
See www.grandperformances.org |
August |
Earth Glow |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
EarthRise Sound System |
World/Dance |
www.earthrisesoundsystem.com |
July |
East of Lincoln |
www.eastoflincoln.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 14 |
Eastern Conference Champions |
www.facebook.com/eccmusic |
Sept 6 |
Ebert, Alex |
www.alexanderebert.com |
July |
Echo Park Project |
Salsa |
www.theechoparkproject.com |
June |
EchoCell |
SynthPop |
www.echocell.com |
August |
Eclipse Rewound |
80s |
www.thebandeclipse.com |
July |
Eddie & Hush |
www.musicbyhush.com |
August |
Eddie Would Tow |
Surf |
www.facebook.com/pages/eddie-would-tow/... |
June, July |
Eddy, Melvin Blues Band |
Blues |
www.melvineddy.com |
June |
Edward, Jay Band |
Blues |
www.reverbnation.com/thejayedwardband |
June |
Edwards, Jesse Daniel |
www.jessedanieledwards.com |
Sept 6 |
El Caminos |
Surf |
"missing link" |
August |
Electric Rainman |
www.facebook.com/electricrainman |
June |
Electric Society |
"missing link" |
July |
The Eliminators |
Surf |
www.theeliminators.com |
Sept 14 |
Elm Street Band |
Classic Rock |
www.elmstreetband.com |
July, Aug, Sept 3 |
Emerald Society Bagpipes |
Irish |
www.emeraldsociety.net |
July |
The Emperors |
Rock |
www.emperorrocks.com |
July |
Encore Saxophone Quartet |
Chamber Music |
"missing link" |
July |
The English Beat |
Ska/Pop/Dance |
www.theenglishbeat.net |
August |
Escape |
Journey Tribute |
www.escapetribute.com |
June, July |
Escovedo, Pete Orchestra |
Latin Jazz |
www.peteescovedo.com |
July |
Espectacular de Beto Jimenez |
Mariachi |
www.mariachiespectacular.com |
July |
Ethio-Cali |
Ethiopian Jazz |
www.facebook.com/ethiocali |
July |
Evora, Cesaria Orchestra |
Evora Tribute |
See www.grandperformances.org |
July |
Everyday People |
Sly Stone Tribute |
"missing link" |
June |
The Express Band |
German |
"missing link" |
August |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
The Fab 8 |
Acoustic Beatles |
"missing link" |
June |
The Fabulous UltraTones |
Dance/Variety |
"missing link" |
August |
Fain, Tim |
Violinist |
www.timfain.com |
June |
Faliks, Inna |
Pianist |
www.innafaliks.com |
June |
Family Style |
Variety |
"missing link" |
July |
Fan Halen |
Van Halen Tribute |
www.fanhalen.net |
August |
Fandango |
ZZ Top Tribute |
www.zztribute.com |
August |
Far East Movement |
www.fareastmovement.com |
August |
Farruko |
Latin |
"missing link" |
August |
FartBarf |
www.fartbarf.com |
July |
Fatal 80s |
80s |
www.thefatal80s.wordpress.com |
Sept 1 |
Fathers and Suns |
Rock/Pop |
www.fathersandsuns.com |
Sept 6 |
Favela, Adriel |
Latin |
www.adriel-favela.com |
August |
Fayre, Lena |
www.lenafayre.com |
August |
Fela! Broadway cast |
Music of Fela Kuti |
See www.grandperformances.org |
July |
The Fenians |
Irish |
www.thefenians.com |
July, Aug |
Fetter, Nina/The Feds |
Jazz |
www.ninafetterandthefeds.com |
June |
Fichot, Jessica |
French |
www.jessicasongs.com |
July |
Fielder, Dale Quartet |
Jazz |
www.dalefielder.com |
Sept 5 |
Fierro, Charles |
Pianist |
www.charlesfierro.blogspot.com |
Sept 24 |
The Filharmonics |
A Capella/Doo Wop |
"missing link" |
July |
Film at Eleven |
60s/70s |
www.film11.com |
June, July |
First Marine Division Band |
Patriotic |
www.i-mef.usmc.mil/DIV/band/default.asp |
August |
First Presbyterian Church of Covina |
Praise |
www.firstprescovina.org |
July |
Fitchett, Mark |
Blues/Jazz |
www.markfitchett.net |
June |
Fitzgerald, Kelly Band |
Pop/Rock |
www.kellyfitzgerald.net |
June |
Flack, Roberta |
Pop/R&B |
www.robertaflack.com |
August |
Flame Singers |
Persian |
"missing link" |
July |
Flamingo Band |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Flash Mob America |
Dance |
www.flashmobamerica.com |
July |
Flashback Heart Attack |
50s Rock |
www.flashbackheartattack.com |
June, July, Aug |
Flashover |
www.highland-flashoverband.com |
July |
Flight Risk |
"missing link" |
July |
Floyd & the Flyboys |
Funk/Soul |
www.myspace.com/floydandtheflyboys |
June, Aug, Sept 21 |
Fly Guy |
R&B Dance Party |
www.soloprod.com |
August |
Flying Fish |
www.facebook.com/pages/the-flying-fish-band/... |
August |
Flying Utensils |
"missing link" |
Sept 13 |
Foggy Dew |
Sea Chanties |
"missing link" |
Sept 6, 7 |
The Folk Collection |
Americana/Folk |
www.thefolkcollection.com |
July |
Folklor Pasion Mexicana |
Folklorico |
www.facebook.com/pages/Folklor-Pasion-Mexicana/... |
July |
Fool's Gold |
AfroBeat/Pop |
www.foolsgoldmusic.com |
August |
Foothill Vineyard Church |
Praise |
www.foothillvineyard.org |
July |
Ford, Elaine |
Songwriter |
www.elaineford.com |
Sept 12, 26 |
Fortunate Son |
CCR/Fogerty Tribute |
www.fortunatesontribute.com |
June, Aug, Sept 23 |
The Four Fabs |
Beatles |
"missing link" |
July |
The Four Preps |
Doo Wop |
www.thefourpreps.com |
July |
Fotso, Titus |
www.titusfotso.com |
June |
Foxx, Amber |
Rockabilly |
www.amberfoxx.com |
August |
Francis, Joanie/The Boomers |
www.facebook.com/pages/joanie-francis-and-the-boomers/... |
June, July, Aug |
Frankie & the Pool Boys |
Surf |
www.facebook.com/frankieandthepoolboys |
August |
Frankie and Rufus |
Folk/Rock |
www.reverbnation.com/frankieandrufus |
July, Aug |
Franklin, Henry "Skipper" |
Jazz |
www.henryfranklin.com |
July |
Free Moral Agents |
www.fmaofficial.com |
July |
Freedom Drum Circle |
Drumming |
"missing link" |
June |
Freeman, Tricia Band |
Country/Rock |
www.triciafreemanband.com |
July |
Friends |
R&B |
"missing link" |
July, Sept 1 |
Fret House |
"missing link" |
July |
Fulbright, John |
Singer-Songwrtr |
www.johnfulbrightmusic.com |
August |
Full Circle Opera Project |
Student Opera |
www.stephanievlahos.com/fcop.html |
June |
Fullerton College Community Band |
Community Band |
http://music.fullcoll.edu |
June, July, Aug |
Funk-O-Matics |
Funk/Disco |
www.funkomatics.com |
July, Aug |
Funky Hippeez |
Funk |
www.soloprod.com |
July |
Funky Punks |
Children's |
www.troubie.com/public/funky_punks.html |
June |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Another of Dr. King's sayings included on the main installation platform.
Gal Musette |
www.galmusette.com |
August |
Galan, Edmundo |
See Mariachi Poncitlan |
July |
Galla, Tony |
Vocalist |
www.tonygalla.com |
July |
Gara, Etienne |
Violinist |
www.etiennegara.com |
Sept 20 |
Gardens & Villa |
Pop |
www.gardensandvilla.com |
August |
Garrett, Junko Ueno |
Pianist |
www.junkopiano.com/en |
July |
Garth Guy |
Garth Brooks Tribute |
www.garthguy.com |
June |
Garza, David |
Latin |
www.davidgarza.com |
July |
Gates, Jennifer |
Vocalist |
See Downbeat Express |
July |
Gauthier, Jeff Goatette |
JazzPop |
www.jeffgauthier.com |
August |
Gazarek, Sara |
Jazz |
www.saragazarek.com |
June |
Geissman, Grant |
Jazz |
www.grantgeissman.com |
July |
Gem City Jazz Cats |
Big Band |
www.facebook.com/gemcityjazzcats |
August |
Ghetto Blaster$ |
"missing link" |
Sept 6 |
Ghost in the Machine |
Police Tribute |
www.ghostinthemachineband.com |
June, July |
Gilad, Kimaree |
Oboist |
www.laco.org/artists/34 |
August |
The Girls |
Pop/Originals |
"missing link" |
August |
Give Up the Junk |
Dance/Jazz |
www.giveupthejunk.com |
June, Aug |
Glass, Manny Band |
Big Band |
www.bigbandsmoothies.com |
July |
Glendale Philharmonic |
Orchestra |
www.glendalephilharmonic.com |
June |
Glik, Chris |
www.glikmusic.com |
June |
Glover, Bruce and Gleason, Valerie |
"missing link" |
June |
Glover, Candice |
R&B |
www.candice-glover.com |
June |
GoGo 13 |
www.facebook.com/gogo13band |
July |
Gold, Joseph |
Violinist |
www.josephgold.com |
June, Sept 27 |
Gold Rush Country |
Country |
www.goldrushcountry.org |
July |
Goldberg, Mark "Pocket" |
Roots |
www.markpocketgoldberg.com |
Sept 25 |
Golden State British Brass Band |
Brass Band |
www.goldenstatebritishbrassband.org |
July, Aug |
Good Rockin' Daddy |
Rock Classics |
www.facebook.com/GRD2014 |
Sept 5 |
Goren, Ray |
Jazz |
www.raygoren.com |
July |
Grace, Kathleen |
Jazz |
www.kathleengrace.com |
Sept 26 |
Gramm, Lou |
Vocalist |
www.lougramm.com |
August |
Grammer, Andy |
www.andygrammer.com |
July |
Grand & Western |
"missing link" |
August |
Greaseland |
"missing link" |
July |
Great American Swing Band |
Swing |
www.greatamericanswingband.com |
Sept 2 |
Great Decision |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Greater California |
www.facebook.com/pages/greater/california . . . |
June |
Grech, Dean |
www.deangrech.com |
August |
Green, Herschel |
Baritone |
"missing link" |
July |
Green, Trevor |
"missing link" |
June |
Grey Beret |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Grey, Tini |
Soul Pop |
www.tinigrey.com |
July, Sept 12 |
Groove Mercenaries |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Groove Session |
Rock/Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Groove Trotters |
"missing link" |
August |
Grunge Monkeys |
Stone Temple Pilots Tribute |
www.grungemonkeys.com |
August |
Grupo Falso Baiano |
Latin |
www.grupofalsobaiano.com |
July |
Grupo Folklorico LaRosa |
Folk Dances |
"missing link" |
August |
Grupo Folklorico Macias |
Folk Dances |
"missing link" |
August |
Grupo Folklorico Mariposa |
Folklorico |
"missing link" |
July |
Grupo Folklorico Tzintzuni |
Folk Dances |
www.facebook.com/gftzintzuni |
August |
Grupo Los Dreamers |
Salsa/Latin Pop |
www.52blend.com/grupo-los-dreamers |
July |
Gutierrez, Alicia |
"missing link" |
June, Aug |
Gutierrez, Ronnie |
Latin Jazz |
www.rgmusic.com |
July |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Hacienda Music |
Music School |
www.haciendamusic.org |
July |
The Haden Triplets |
Country |
www.hadentriplets.com |
August |
Haemil |
Korean |
www.haemilband.com |
June |
Hagen, William |
Violinist |
www.williamhagen.com |
July |
Haggins, Michael |
R&B/Jazz |
www.michaelhaggins.com |
June, Aug |
Haiko Municipal Arts Troupe |
Chinese |
www.hainamusa.org |
June |
Haley, Lisa/Zydecats |
Zydeco |
www.lisahaley.com |
Aug, Sept 27 |
Hall, JD Band |
Jazz |
www.jdhallband.com |
June |
Hamilton High Jazz Combo |
Youth Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Hamlin, Griff |
Blues |
www.griffhamlin.com |
Sept 6 |
Hamlin, Jones and IV |
"missing link" |
Sept 6 |
Hansen, Susie Latin Band |
Latin Jazz/Salsa |
www.susiehansen.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 7 |
Happy Crowd |
Children's |
www.happycrowd.com |
July |
Hard Day's Night |
Beatles Tribute |
www.harddaysnightband.com |
June, July, Aug |
Hard Rain |
www.andyandrenee.com |
June |
Harlis Sweetwater Band |
Americana |
www.harlissweetwater.com |
August |
Harlow, Rosie |
www.talltalemusic.com |
July, Aug |
Harmony |
3 Dog Night Tribute |
www.facebook.com/threedognighttribute |
July |
Harmony Sisters |
40s/50s |
www.harmonysisters.org |
Aug, Sept 27 |
Harper, Suzanne |
Country |
"missing link" |
July |
Harvey, Jack Roberts Band |
www.jackrobertsharveyband.com |
August |
The Hats |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
Sept 19 |
Hawkline Monster |
www.hawklinemonster.com |
July, Aug |
Hayes, Otis Quartet |
Jazz |
www.otishayes.com |
June |
He, Bei Bei |
Chinese |
"missing link" |
July |
Head, Brian |
Guitarist |
www.music.usc.edu/brian-head |
Sept 7 |
Healy, Scott |
Jazz |
www.bluedogmusic.com |
August |
Heart-N-Soul |
Latin/R&B/Dance |
www.myspace.com/heartnsoulbandmusic |
June, Aug |
Heart Brigade |
Heart Tribute |
www.heartbrigadeband.com |
July |
Heart of LA Big Band |
Big Band |
"missing link" |
August |
Heart to Heart |
Heart Tribute |
www.hearttoheartatributeband.com |
August |
Hedgehog Swing |
Gypsy Jazz |
www.facebook.com/hedgehogswing |
June, Sept 27 |
Heffron Drive |
www.heffrondrive.com |
August |
Helix Collective |
Classical |
www.helixcollective.net |
June, Sept 3 |
The Hellhounds |
www.reverbnation.com/thehellhoundsrock |
July |
Hempstring Orchestra |
www.hempstringo.com |
Aug, Sept 26 |
Henebry, Mike Orchestra |
Big Band |
www.mikehenebryorchestra.com |
August |
Henebry's 1920 Crazy Rhythm Hot Society Orchestra |
Big Band |
www.crazyrhythm.com |
August |
Henry, Shane |
Singer - Songwriter |
www.shanehenry.com |
August |
Heritage Oak School |
Youth Orchestra |
"missing link" |
August |
Hermanos Herrera |
Latin |
www.hermanosherrera.com |
Sept 12 |
High Strung Band |
Country |
"missing link" |
June, Aug |
High Tide |
Surf |
"missing link" |
June, July |
High-D Boys |
Folk/Comedy |
www.highdboys.weebly.com |
Sept 4 |
Higher Ground |
R&B |
"missing link" |
August |
Highway 61 Revisited |
Dylan Tribute |
www.highway61revisited.com |
June |
Highway 91 |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Hill, Sam Duo |
Flute/Guitar |
"missing link" |
August |
Hindsight |
www.facebook.com/hindsight.classicrock |
July |
Hip Street |
Tower of Power Tribute |
www.facebook.com/pages/hip-street/... |
July, Aug |
Hite, Amy |
Guitarist |
www.amyhiteguitar.com |
July, Aug |
Ho, Chris Band |
Jazz |
www.chrisho.com |
June |
Ho'Aloha Dancers |
Polynesian |
"missing link" |
August |
Hobart Ocean |
www.hobartocean.bandcamp.com |
August |
The Hodads |
Surf/Beach |
www.hodads.com |
July, Aug |
Holley, Dorian |
World Beat Soul |
www.dorianholley.com |
August |
Hollowell |
Alt Rock |
www.hollowellmusic.com |
June, Aug |
Hollywood Combo |
Blues |
"missing link" |
Sept 25 |
Hollywood Hillbillies |
Country |
www.reverbnation.com/hollywoodhillbillies |
Aug, Sept 12 |
Hollywood Stones |
Rolling Stones Tribute |
www.hollywoodstones.com |
August |
Hollywood U2 |
U2 Tribute |
www.hollywoodu2.com |
July, Aug |
The Holophonics |
www.theholophonics.com |
August |
Hommel, Steve Quartet |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Honey Whiskey Trio |
www.honeywhiskeytrio.com |
July |
Hopkins, Dustin |
Rock/Soul |
"missing link" |
August |
Hot August Night |
Neil Diamond Tribute |
www.hotaugust.com |
June, July, Aug |
Hot Club of Detroit |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Hot Club of LA |
Gypsy Jazz |
www.hotclubofla.com |
July |
Hot Rod Trio |
Rockabilly |
www.thehotrodtrio.com |
July |
Hotel California |
Eagles Tribute |
www.hotelcal.com |
August |
Hotsy Totsy Boys |
20s |
www.hotsytotsyboys.com |
July |
Hound Dog Dave/Mel-Tones |
American Roots |
www.reverbnation.com/hounddogdave andthemeltones |
June |
House Party |
Variety |
www.housepartyrocks.com |
July, Aug |
How2 |
www.taylorandtannermusic.com |
August |
Huh, Inyoung |
Pianist |
www.laphil.com/philpedia/inyoung-huh |
Sept 14 |
Hula Girls |
Surf |
www.facebook.com/thehulagirls |
Sept 14 |
Hunter Hunted |
Alt Rock |
www.hunterhuntedmusic.com |
Sept 20 |
Huntington Beach Concert Band |
Concert Band |
www.hbconcertband.org |
June, Aug |
Hundley, Lindsey |
www.lindseyhundley.com |
July |
Hutchins Consort |
Classical |
www.hutchinsconsort.org |
June |
Hyland, Bryan |
Country |
"missing link" |
July |
Hyperion Outfall Serenaders |
Dixieland |
"missing link" |
July |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
An image of the shoes of Tom Joyner (right), and a portion of a plaque on the main installation platform listing some of the
national figures of the Civil Rights movement.
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
J Band |
"missing link" |
August |
J.E.S. Band |
Rock |
www.facebook.com/jesband |
June, July, Aug |
J. Grizz Band |
Reggae/Rock |
www.jgrizzband.com |
June, Sept 19 |
J&J Soulful Steps |
Dance Party |
www.jandj-soulfulsteps.com |
August |
Jabbawockeez |
Dance |
www.jabbawockeez.org |
August |
Jack & Peg |
"missing link" |
July |
Jackson Family Band |
Folk/Blues |
www.jacksonfamilyband.com |
June, July |
Jacobs, Eric |
Acoustic |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Jagger, Merle |
Country Rock |
www.merlejagger.com |
June |
Jagwar Ma |
Electronic |
www.jagwarma.com |
August |
Jangala Roots Band |
Reggae |
www.facebook.com/jangalarootsband |
June |
Jamestown Revival |
Classic Country |
www.jamestownrevival.com |
July |
Jasper, Maia |
Violinist |
www.laco.org/artists/maia-jasper |
August |
Jay, Jason/King of Clubs |
"missing link" |
June |
Jazz America |
Jazz |
www.jazzamerica.org |
July |
Jazz Mikan Trio |
Jazz |
www.jazzmikan.com |
July |
The Jazzedelics |
http://artistecard.com/jazzedelics |
July |
Jenny O |
Songwriter |
www.jennyo.com |
August |
Jeremiah Red |
www.djjeremiahred.com |
June, July |
Jet Set Quintet |
Cocktail Swing |
www.jetsetquintet.com |
August |
Jetpacks & Laser Guns |
Jazz |
www.jetpacksandlaserguns.com |
June, July |
Jimenez, Flaco |
Latin |
www.facebook.com/pages/flaco-jimenez/... |
August |
Johnson, Brad |
Country |
www.reverbnation.com/bradjohnsonthekillin timeband |
July |
Johnson Trio |
"missing link" |
August |
Jones, Brian Lynn/Misfit Cowboys |
Country |
www.brianlynnjones.com |
July, Aug |
Jones, Dennis Group |
www.dennisjonescentral.com |
August |
Jordan, Damien |
Soft Rock |
www.reverbnation.com/damienjordanmusic |
August |
Jorgensen, Mikael |
Electronic |
www.mikaeljorgensen.com |
August |
Jorgenson, John |
Bluegrass |
www.johnjorgenson.com |
July |
The Joshua Tree |
U2 Tribute |
www.u2jt.com |
July, Aug |
Joust Kidding Musicians |
Pirate |
www.joustkidding.com |
Sept 20, 21 |
Joyce Marie Quartet |
Jazz |
www.joycemariesings.com |
July |
Jubilate Adult Choir |
Church Choir |
www.stjohnsorange.org |
June |
Jumpin' Joz |
Swing/Jazz |
www.jumpinjoz.com |
July, Aug |
Jumping Jack Flash |
Rolling Stones Tribute |
www.jjflash.biz |
June, July, Aug |
Jungle Boogie |
70s |
"missing link" |
July |
Jungle Fire |
Afro Funk |
www.junglefiremusic.com |
June |
Jupiter, Maya |
www.mayajupiter.com |
July |
Just Us |
"missing link" |
July |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Kakraba, SK |
Jazz/Eclectic |
"missing link" |
August |
Kalama Brothers |
Hawaiian |
www.kalamabrothers.com |
July, Sept 19 |
Kan Wakan |
Orchestral Pop |
www.kanwakan.com |
June, Sept 13 |
Kanan Road |
www.kananroadband.com |
July |
Kane, Danity |
www.danitykane.com |
July |
Kapoor, Vikesh |
Folk |
See www.grandperformances.org |
August |
Kasajian, Michelle |
www.michellekasajian.com |
Aug, Sept 12 |
Katisse |
Jazz |
www.katisse.com |
August |
Kelly, Grace Quintet |
Jazz |
www.gracekellymusic.com |
June |
Kelly Rae Band |
Country |
www.kellyraeband.com |
June, July, Aug |
Kerry, Dani |
Soul |
www.danikerry.com |
June, Aug |
Kid Ramos |
Roots/Blue |
See Los Fabulocos |
July |
The Kid & Nic Show |
Classic American/Swing |
www.kidandnic.com |
July |
Kiddle Karoo |
Children's |
www.kiddlekaroo.com |
July, Aug |
Kidjo, Angelique |
World |
www.kidjo.com |
June |
Killin Time Band |
Country |
See Brad Johnson |
July |
Kilaueas |
Surf |
www.myspace.com/thekilaueas |
August |
Kim, Hana |
Soul Groove |
www.hanakim.org |
Sept 19 |
Kim-Sutre, Kyung-Hee |
Harpist |
"missing link" |
August |
King |
"missing link" |
July |
King, Evelyn "Champagne" |
Pop |
www.evelynchampagneking.com |
June |
King James/Special Men |
www.specialmennola.com |
Sept 11 |
King Kruk |
Elvis Tribute |
www.kingkruk.com |
July |
The Kingsmen |
www.louielouie.org |
July |
Kiss, Boglarka |
Flute |
www.tuvola.com |
July |
KiT |
Caribbean |
"missing link" |
June |
Klaro |
"missing link" |
July |
Klein, Janet/Parlor Boys |
1920s-40s |
www.janetklein.com |
June, Sept 14, 20 |
The Know-it-Alls |
"missing link" |
July |
Knyght Ryder |
80s |
www.knyghtryder.com |
July |
Kobayashi, Ron Trio |
Jazz |
www.carpetcat.com/kobayashi |
July |
Koo, Mia |
Singer Songwriter |
www.miakoo.com |
July |
Koren, Katja |
www.katjakoren.com |
June |
Koshin Taiko |
Taiko Drums |
www.koshintaiko.com |
July |
KoTolan |
Jazz |
www.kotolan.com |
August |
Kouyate, Sekou |
Afro Blues |
See www.grandperformances.org |
August |
Kramer, Jana |
www.janakramer.com |
July |
Kraus, John |
Sea Chanties |
www.johnkrausmusic.com |
Sept 6, 7 |
Krausse, Eric |
Classic Rock |
www.reverbnation.com/erickrausse |
August |
Krechkovsky-Loucks Duo |
Classical |
www.irynakrechkovsky.com |
June |
Kruse, Dallas |
www.dallaskruse.com |
June, July |
Kubis, Nicole |
Vocalist |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Kulayd |
Doo Wop/Motown |
www.kulayd.com |
June, July, Aug |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Images of the shoes of Sammy Davis Jr. (left) and Jesse Jackson Sr. (right).
LA Blue |
Latin/Rock/R&B |
www.labluemusic.com |
June |
LA Bluescasters |
R&B |
www.labluescasters.com |
July, Sept 20 |
LA Collective |
Reggae |
"missing link" |
June |
LA Inner City Mass Choir |
Gospel/Praise |
www.facebook.com/pages/la-inner-city-mass-choir-official-page/... |
July |
LA Love Band |
Funk/Soul |
www.dannymeyermusic.com |
August |
LA Opera |
Opera |
www.laopera.com |
June, Sept |
LA Police Swing Band |
Swing |
www.lapdband.org |
Sept 28 |
LA Vation |
U2 Tribute |
www.u2lavation.com |
July |
LAUSD All-City Jazz Big Band |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Classic Rock |
www.lcrband.com |
August |
La Fave, Jimmy |
Americana |
www.jimmylafave.com |
July |
La Palabra |
Latin Jazz |
www.palabraonline.com |
July |
La Resistencia |
Latin Ska |
www.facebook.com/laresistenciamusic |
August |
La Santa Cecilia |
Latin Fusion |
www.lasantacecilia.com |
July, Aug, Sept 14 |
La Sierra Orchestra |
School Orchestra |
www.lasierra.edu/music |
June |
La Sirena/Orquesta Mar de Ashe |
Salsa/Latin |
www.mardeashe.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 27 |
La Tourette Jazz Quintet |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
June, July, Aug |
Lady & The Tramps |
Variety |
"missing link" |
August |
Laguna Flutes |
Classical |
www.lagunaconcertband.weebly.com |
June |
Laguna Slim |
"missing link" |
August |
Land, Scott |
Marionettes |
www.thepuppetman.com |
July |
Lane, Nikki |
Country |
www.nikkilane.com |
August |
Lantz, Jack Big Band |
Big Band/Swing |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Las Cafeteras |
Latin Alt |
www.lascafeteras.com |
June, Aug |
Las Fenix |
Latin |
www.lasfenix.com |
August |
Last Call |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
Sept 27 |
Laterzo, Chris |
www.chrislaterzo.com |
July |
Lather, Ben's Orchestra |
R&B |
"missing link" |
August |
Latin Express |
Latin/Top 40 |
www.latinexpress.org |
August |
Latin Flair |
Latin |
"missing link" |
July |
Latin Lowdown |
Latin |
www.myspace.com/thelatinlowdownband |
August |
Latin Society |
Latin |
"missing link" |
June |
Lenida, Charles |
Folk/Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Led Zepagain |
Led Zeppelin Tribute |
www.zepagain.com |
July, Aug |
Led Zepplica |
Led Zeppelin Tribute |
www.led-zepplica.com |
August |
Lesure, Jacques |
Jazz |
www.jacqueslesure.com |
July |
Letters to Ash |
http://letterstoash.com |
June |
Legends of Rock |
Rock |
www.worldtourband.com |
June |
Lemvo, Ricardo |
Afro-Latin |
www.makinaloca.com |
August |
Lentini, Sabrina |
Pop |
www.sabrinalentini.com |
July, Aug |
Leonti, Carson |
"missing link" |
August |
Les Nubians |
See www.grandperformances.org |
August |
Let's Go |
Cars Tribute |
www.facebook.com/letsgotribute |
July |
Levy, Philip |
Violinist |
www.capitolensemble.com/artists.php |
June |
Lie, Terje |
Jazz |
www.terjelie.com |
June |
Lightnin' Willie/Poor Boys |
Blues |
http://lightninwillie.com |
June |
Lights |
Journey Tribute |
http://lightstribute.net |
July, Aug |
The Likes of Us |
"missing link" |
August |
Lindley, David |
Americana |
www.davidlindley.com |
July |
The Lions |
Reggae |
www.thelionsreggae.com |
July |
Little Brazil |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Little Faith |
Gospel/Soul |
www.littlefaithmusic.com |
August |
Little Lies Band |
Fleetwood Mac Tribute |
www.littleliesband.com |
August |
Little Willie G |
Latin/Variety |
www.myspace.com/littlewillieg |
July |
The Littlest Birds |
Americana |
www.littlestbirds.net |
Sept 25 |
Live 45 |
Patriotic |
"missing link" |
Sept 11 |
Live From Earth |
Pat Benatar Tribute |
www.patbenatartributeband.com |
August |
Long Beach Community Band |
Concert Band |
See Shoreline Winds |
June, July, Aug |
Long Beach Municipal Band |
Municipal Band |
www.lbparks.org |
July, Aug |
Long Run |
Eagles Tribute |
www.thelongrun.net |
June, July |
Los Angeles Horn Trio |
Classical |
www.losangeleshorntrio.blogspot.com |
June |
Los Angeles Recorder Orchestra |
Instrumental |
www.larohome.org |
Sept 21, 28 |
Los Angeles Symphonic Winds |
Classical |
www.lawinds.org |
August |
Los Fabulocos |
Mex Roots/Blues |
www.reverbnation.com/losfabulocos featuringkidramos |
July |
Los Obreros del Norte |
Latin |
www.losobrerosdelnorte.com |
Sept 13 |
Los Pinguos |
Argentinian Rock |
www.lospinguos.com |
July |
Los Pistoleros |
Latin |
www.lospistolerosela.com |
July, Aug |
Los Whateveros |
Rock |
www.reverbnation.com/loswhateveros |
June, Sept 26 |
Loughery, Kate |
Harpist |
www.californiaharpist.com |
August |
Louise, Jessica |
Show Tunes |
www.jessicalouisemusic.com |
Aug, Sept 20 |
Luciano |
"missing link" |
July |
Lucky Lloyd/Blues Shockers |
Blues |
www.reverbnation.com/luckylloyd |
August |
Lucky 7 Mambo |
Latin |
www.lucky7mambo.com |
August |
Luz Rojade San Marcos |
Central Am. |
"missing link" |
August |
Lynette Skynyrd |
Female Lynyrd Skynyrd Tribute |
www.lynetteskynyrd.com |
July |
Lynne, Shelby |
Country |
www.shelbylynne.com |
July |
Lyris Quartet |
Classical |
www.lyrisquartet.com |
August |
Lythgoe Family Productions |
Kids' Theater |
www.facebook.com/lythgoepanto |
July |
To return to the top of the
page, click
The phrase "walk a mile in my shoes" is etched into the concrete near the street. The shoes aren't part of the official
display, but are the "dorothyswebsite" ruby slippers from the home buttons (if you've never seen them, place your cursor over the "Home" link below). Took a picture as a
reminder of the visit to the monument.
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