I thought
These were things settled long ago
Victories drawn from within a sea of struggle
Leaving more open minds and open doors in their wake.

I thought
The cries of the past
Had given voice to the songs of a new spirit
Soaring ever higher above even the tallest mountains.

I thought
The bright light of hope
Casting its rays over distant shores
Was the beam of a beacon shining equally for all.

And I thought
A woman could be anything she wanted to be.

But even as new horizons stretch into the distance
They can, at the same time, melt away
Like the elusive remains of a decaying hologram
Built to keep the complacent at bay.

They say that freedom is not free,
That the price of liberty is eternal vigilance,
That for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction,
That those who do not understand the past
     are doomed to have it repeated.

But for some, the problem was simply
That I thought.

Poem "I Thought" © 2014 Dorothy A. Birsic

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