Click here to read about the summer's FEATURED ARTISTS!
Visit the site's GUESTS page.
Click here for site NEWS.
* * *
* * *
The Links page has grown tremendously
with the number of venues added to the listings and the number of artists appearing at the concerts. Several years ago it was the most slowly-loading page on the site. As a result, it was split into three sections.
The first section contains links to the cities/venues
hosting the concerts, as well as a small list of art and poetry links. The second section is a list of band links for the letters "A" through "L," and the third section is a list of band links for the letters
"M" through "Z." Some cities/venues do not release their concert information until well into June or later (especially for series in August and September), so the Links section is continually updated during the
summer as information is received. Click on a link below to go to one of the three sections.
The 1958 Expo in Brussels was the first major World's Fair after
the end of World War II (only a smaller one was held in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti in 1949). The picture here, courtesy of the Atomium, shows the Atomium and surrounding area today. The Atomium (www.atomium.be) was renovated between 2004 and 2006. It
houses permanent and temporary exhibits, a restaurant, panoramic viewpoints, and areas for private events. The Atomium guidebook shows that the facility has about 2,300 visitors each day and 600,000 visitors a year.
* * PLEASE NOTE: Band links are added to the section on a continuing
basis and updated throughout the summer, and "missing links" are filled in as websites are
located. There are still many more names to be added and shows to be included. If you don't find the information you're looking for, please send an e-mail
message to the site or try back a little later! * *
The information included in the section is in the following format: artist or
band name, type of music, website/link and date(s) of performance(s).
Details for concerts dates are included in the listings
during the current month. All listings are alphabetical, and you can click on a letter
below or scroll down the page to view the entire section of band links.
Any information on band links which have not been located ("missing link")
is appreciated.
M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the signing into law of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Earlier this summer a ribbon-cutting was held
for the only monument in Los Angeles dedicated to the Civil Rights Movement. The public artwork sits in two places in the Baldwin Hills area separated by a mile, one at the intersection of Rodeo Road and Martin
Luther King Jr. Boulevard, and the other at the intersection of Rodeo Road and Jefferson Boulevard. The part of the public artwork depicted below is of the installation at Rodeo Road and Jefferson Boulevard. It focuses on
local heroes of the Civil Rights Movement. The other, at Rodeo Road and MLK, Jr. Boulevard, focuses on national leaders of the Civil Rights Movement.
A tile mounted on the main portion of the artwork reads as follows: Walk a Mile in My Shoes (2014) is a public artwork by Kim Abeles and
commissioned by the City of Los Angeles, Department of Cultural Affairs and Department of Public Works. "You can't really understand another person's experience until you've walked a mile in their shoes," is an
American Indian saying, with variations known in many cultures. Located along the corridor of Rodeo Road, book-ended by Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard on the east and Jefferson Boulevard on the west, the artwork
speaks of inspiration, empathy and "walking" as forward movement. This site [meaning the Rodeo/MLK, Jr. site] features the shoes of participants of the civil rights marches, colleagues of Dr. King, and a replica of
his shoes. At the Jefferson/Rodeo site, the photographic tiles include shoes belonging to local leaders in Los Angeles, and show the many forms of community building that are possible for each of us. You can find out
more about this project at the website walkamileinmyshoes.us
Continue scrolling down the page to view the photographs. Other images can be found on the "Band Links A - L" page.
M80s |
80s |
"missing link" |
June |
MK Band |
"missing link" |
July |
The MP3s |
Soft Rock |
"missing link" |
June |
MLK Jr. High School Band |
School Band |
"missing link" |
June |
MacNeil, Robert |
Tenor |
www.classicalsinger.com/sites/index.php?user_id=10872 |
August |
Mad & Mack |
www.madnmack.net |
June |
Madlib |
"missing link" |
July |
Magee, Bill Band |
Blues |
www.billmageeblues.com |
July, Aug |
Magic Man |
www.magicmanmusic.com |
July |
Magness, Janiva |
Blues |
www.janivamagness.com |
June |
The Magnetix |
See www.grandperformances.org |
June |
Magnolia Memoir |
Pop/Soul/Alt |
www.magnoliamemoir.com |
August |
Maika, Danny |
Blues |
www.dannymaika.com |
July |
Main Street Band |
Big Band/Swing |
"missing link" |
July |
Mambop |
www.mambop.com |
July |
Mancini, Nick Trio |
Jazz |
www.nickmancini.net |
June, Aug |
Mann, Janis |
Jazz |
www.janismann.com |
August |
Mansfield, Darrell |
Blues/Soul |
www.darrellmansfield.net |
August |
Mariachi El Aventurero |
Mariachi |
www.mariachielaventurero.com |
July |
Mariachi Conservatory |
Mariachi |
www.themariachiconservatory.com |
June |
Mariachi Divas |
All-Female Mariachi |
www.mariachidivas.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 12 |
Mariachi Juvenil |
Mariachi |
"missing link" |
July |
Mariachi Halcones de Jalisco |
Mariachi |
"missing link" |
July |
Mariachi Poncitlan |
Mariachi |
"missing link" |
July |
Mariachi Reyna de Los Angeles |
All-Female Mariachi |
www.reynadelosangeles.com |
June, July, Aug |
Mariachi Tesoro de San Fernando |
Mariachi |
www.ci.san-fernando.ca.us/mmap/mariachi-tesoro-de-san-fernando.shtml |
July |
Mariachi Voz de America |
Mariachi |
www.vozdeamerica.com |
June |
Marina Del Rey Summer Symphony |
Classical |
www.culvercitysymphony.org |
July, Aug |
Mark, Duane |
Country/Folk |
www.ihateduanemark.com |
June |
Marley's Ghost |
Bluegrass |
www.marleysghost.com |
June |
Marquez, Daniel Tatita |
Latin |
See Cambalache |
August |
Marsh, Kathy |
Flute |
www.sfvsymphony.com/about_the_ orchestra |
July |
Martin, Becky |
Vocalist |
"missing link" |
July |
Martin, Kim Band |
www.kimmartinband.com |
August |
Martin, Scott Latin Soul Band |
Latin Soul Jazz |
www.scottmartinjazz.com |
June, Aug |
Masanga Marimba Ensemble |
African |
www.masanga.com |
June |
Master Blaster Sound System |
Latin |
www.facebook.com/masterblastersound system |
August |
Masters of Harmony |
Barbershop |
www.mastersofharmony.org |
July |
Matthews, Dave Experience |
Dave Matthews Tribute |
www.steppingfeet.com |
July |
Maverick, Mark |
DJ |
"missing link" |
June, July, Aug, Sept 5 |
McClure, Maggie |
Songwriter |
www.maggiemcclure.com |
August |
McKay, Al Allstars |
Earth, Wind & Fire |
www.almckay.com |
August |
McNamara, Ray |
Steel Drums |
www.raymcnamara.com |
August |
McQueen, Annie |
www.amqmusic.com |
August |
Memphis, Danny |
50s/60s Rock |
www.facebook.com/dannymemphis1 |
July |
Mendoza, Sergio/La Orkestra |
www.ylaorkesta.com |
August |
Metcalf, Kenny |
Elton John Tribute |
www.kennymetcalfaselton.com |
June |
Merriweather, Rex |
Big Band/Swing |
www.bigbandrockparty.com |
June |
Metalachi |
Metal/Mariachi |
www.metalachi.com |
August |
Mexico 68 |
www.mexico68music.com |
August |
Michael, Raymond |
Elvis Tribute |
www.raymondmichael.com |
June, July, Aug |
Michael SG |
Singer & Guitarist |
www.michaelsg.com |
July, Sept 13 |
Michaud, Art |
DJ |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Midnight Whiskey |
Blues/Rock |
www.midnightwhiskey.com |
August |
The Mighty Burnt Bacon |
Soul |
www.facebook.com/themightyburntbacon |
August |
Mighty Cash Cats |
Johnny Cash Tribute |
www.mightcashcats.com |
July |
Mighty Joaquins |
Country |
"missing link" |
July |
Mike B |
K-Pop/Hip Hop |
www.facebook.com/whosmikeb |
August |
Mikkelsen, Sven |
"missing link" |
July |
Mila J |
R&B |
www.facebook.com/milaj |
June |
Miller, Andrea |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Miller, Glen Orchestra |
Big Band |
www.glenmillerorchestra.com |
August |
Miller, Molly |
Guitarist-Singer |
www.mollymillermusic.com |
June, Aug |
Miner |
Folk Rock |
See www.grandperformances.org |
August |
Mira Costa Jazz Band |
High School Band |
www.miracostabands.com |
June |
Miranda, Roberto Band |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
Sept |
Mischief Band |
"missing link" |
July |
Miskey Mountain Boys |
Bluegrass |
www.miskeymountainboys.com |
July |
Misplaced Priorities |
Classic Rock |
www.misplacedpriorities.com |
June |
Missing Persons Information Society |
"missing link" |
July |
Mister G |
Children's |
www.mistergsongs.com |
August |
Mitchell, Billy |
Jazz |
www.billy-mitchell.com |
July |
Mongorama |
Latin Jazz |
See Rizo, Jose |
June, July, Aug |
Montero, Julio/Far South Trio |
Latin |
www.juliomontero.com |
July |
Moock, Alstair |
Children's |
www.moockmusic.com |
August |
Moona Luna |
Children's |
www.moonalunamusic.com |
June |
Moonlight Express |
Big Band |
www.facebook.com/moonlightexpress bigband |
July |
Moonsville Collective |
American Roots |
www.moonsvillecollective.com |
August |
Moore, Josh |
Guitarist |
"missing link" |
August |
Mora, Dean |
Swing |
www.morasmodern.com |
Aug, Sept 21 |
Moraes, Katia |
Brazilian Samba |
www.katiamoraes.com |
August |
The Moraga Band |
Latin/Variety |
www.vicmoraga.com |
June, July, Aug |
More, Yari |
Salsa |
www.yarimore.com |
August |
Moreira, Arito/Eyedentity |
Afro-Brazilian |
See www.grandperformances.org |
June |
Moreno, Karly |
www.facebook.com/karlymorenoofficialpage |
July, Sept 20 |
Morrison, Adriana |
Soprano |
www.adrianamorrison.com |
Sept 288 |
Morrison, Barbara |
Jazz |
www.barbaramorrison.com |
June, July |
Morrison, Sam Band |
Southern Rock |
www.sammorrisonband.com |
June, Aug |
Moshav |
Jewish |
www.moshavband.com |
July |
Mrs. Jones Revenge |
www.mrsjonesrevenge.com |
August |
Mrs. Robinson's Decades |
Multi Tribute |
www.mrsrobinson.biz |
July |
Mukul, Angela |
Pop/Soul |
www.facebook.com/angelamukul |
August |
My Hawaii |
www.wearemyhawaii.com |
July |
Myron & E |
Funk/Soul |
www.myronande.com |
August |
Mystic Braves |
www.mysticbraves.com |
July, Aug |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
This stone slab with the saying of Martin Luther King Jr. is part of the main sculpture at the entrance to traffic
island (depicted in the photograph above). Other panels to the left and right of the saying include tiles of a six-part poem written by Beverly Lafontaine for "Walk a Mile." Two
parts of the poems, one of which is pictured further down this page, also are included as tiles on a bench along the walkway.
N'Demand |
Pop/Dance |
"missing link" |
August |
Nathalie |
"missing link" |
June |
Nation, Jewels/Johnny |
www.cityfritter.com |
June |
The Neil Deal |
Neil Young Tribute |
www.neildeal.com |
June, Sept 1 |
Nelson, Jimi/Drifting Cowboys |
Country |
www.jiminelson.com |
June, July, Aug |
Nelson, Lukas |
www.promiseofthereal.com |
August |
Neon Nation |
80s |
www.neonnation.net |
June, July, Aug |
New Caribbean |
Steel Drum |
www.markwoodentertianment.com/new_ caribbean/... |
June |
New Valley Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.nvsorch.org |
June |
Nicole, Megan |
www.megannicolemusic.com |
July |
Night Blooming Jazzmen |
Dixieland Jazz |
www.nightbloomingjazzmen.com |
July, Aug, Sept 20 |
Night Tides |
Surf |
www.thenighttides.com |
August |
Night Train Music |
Rock/Folk& Blues |
"missing link" |
July |
Niles, Steven |
Pianist |
www.stevenniles.com |
August |
Nilu |
Classical |
"missing link" |
June |
No Age |
Punk |
www.noagela.blogspot.com |
July |
No Duh |
No Doubt Tribute |
www.noduh.net |
June |
Noche Flamenca |
Flamenco |
"missing link" |
July |
Nocturnes |
Surf |
www.nocturnesband.com |
June |
Noel, Cecilia |
Sal-Soul |
www.cecilianoel.com |
July |
Nolan, Tom Band |
R&B/Soul |
www.tomnolanband.com |
June, July, Aug |
North Mississippi AllStars |
"missing link" |
August |
North Side Jazz Collective |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Number Nine |
Beatles Tribute |
www.number9beatlestribute.com |
August |
Nunez, Carlos |
Celtic |
www.carlosnunez.com |
July |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
O Sole Trio |
Variety |
www.osoletrio.com |
July |
OK Go |
Pop Rock |
www.okgo.net |
Sept 4 |
The Occasions |
"missing link" |
August |
Ochoa, Helen |
Latin |
www.facebook.com/helen8a |
August |
Of Eyes That See |
www.ofeyesthatsee.com |
June |
Off the Wall |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Ohio Trio Plus |
Motown/R&B |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
The Old Fashioned |
Top 40 |
"missing link" |
June |
Olympia Youth Orchestra |
Classical |
www.olympiaphil.org |
June |
Omega String Quartet |
Classical |
"missing link" |
August |
One Way Ticket |
Rock |
www.onewayticket.net |
June, Sept 20 |
Ontario Chaffee Community Show Band |
Community Band |
www.showband.net |
June, July, Sept 25 |
Opa Opa |
Salsa |
www.opaopa.biz |
June, Aug, Sept 20 |
Open Hands |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Orange County Wind Ensemble |
Wind Ensemble |
"missing link" |
June |
Orange Empire Barbershop Chorus |
Barbershop |
www.oechorus.org |
June |
The Orchestra |
ELO Members |
www.theorchestra.net |
July |
Orchestre de Bellville |
See www.grandperformances.org |
August |
Original Sacrifice |
www.originalsacrifice.com |
June |
The Original Wailers |
Reggae |
www.theoriginalwailers.com |
August |
The Originalites |
www.theoriginalites.com |
July |
Orozco, Jose Luis |
Children's |
www.joseluisorozco.com |
August |
Orquesta Charangoa |
Cuban Charanga |
www.charangoa.com |
June, July, Aug |
The Other Brothers |
Rock |
"missing link" |
June, Aug, Sept 13 |
Outerwave |
Surf |
www.myspace.com/outerwavesurf |
June |
Oy!Stars |
Klezmer |
www.klezmerlosangeles.com |
July |
Ozomatli |
Latin Alt |
www.ozomatli.com |
June |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Each of the pedestals bordering the walkway are dedicated to a particular local
Civil Rights leader.
PCH Band |
70s |
"missing link" |
June |
Pacheco, Raul |
Latin |
See Ozomatli |
August |
Pacific Coast Highway |
Light Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Pacific Mambo Orchestra |
Salsa/Latin Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Pacific Rose |
Country |
"missing link" |
July |
Pacific Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.pacificsymphony.org |
July |
Palkovich, Tony Group |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Panjive Trio |
Steel Drum |
www.panjive.com |
June |
Panoptica Orchestra |
Electro Acoustic |
"missing link" |
June |
Papa |
www.papatheband.com |
July |
Papafish |
www.facebook.com/papafishband |
July |
Paperback Writer |
Beatles Tribute |
www.paperbackwritersite.com |
July, Aug |
Partly Jack Band |
Covers |
www.partlyjackband.com |
June, Aug |
The Party Animals |
Children's |
www.thepartyanimalslive.com |
July |
Pasadena Community Orchestra |
Classical |
www.pcomusic.org |
June |
Pasadena Summer Youth Chamber Orchestra |
Classical |
"missing link" |
July |
Pasadena Symphony |
Classical for Children |
www.pasadenasymphony-pops.org |
June |
Past Action Heroes |
80s |
"missing link" |
June, Aug |
Paula, Leslie |
Jazz |
www.myspace.com/lesliepaula |
June |
Paxson, Sunnie Trio |
Jazz |
www.sunniepaxson.com |
July |
Payne, Brent |
Country |
www.brentpayne.com |
August |
Peacefrog |
Doors Tribute |
www.peacefrogband.com |
Sept 1 |
Peake, Don Jazz Quartet |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Peaking Lights |
www.peakinglights.com |
July |
Peanut Butterwolf |
DJ |
See www.grandperformances.org |
July |
Peet, Wayne Trio |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Pennyroyal Players |
Americana |
"missing link" |
July |
The People |
"missing link" |
June |
Peralta, Mike |
Acoustic/Alt |
www.mikeperalta.com |
Aug, Sept 19 |
The Perfect Gentlemen |
A Capella |
www.theperfectgentlemen.us |
July |
Perry, Lee "Scratch" |
Reggae/Dub |
"missing link" |
August |
Person to Person |
Top 40 |
www.persontopersonband.com |
August |
Peters, Bernadette |
Singer |
www.bernadettepeters.com |
August |
The Petty Breakers |
Tom Petty Tribute |
www.thepettybreakers.com |
July, Aug |
Petty Theft |
Tom Petty Tribute |
www.pettytheftlive.com |
June, July |
The Pharoahs |
Reggae |
"missing link" |
July |
Phat Cat Swinger |
Vegas Swing |
www.phatcatswinger.com |
June, July |
Pheasant Pluckers |
"missing link" |
Sept 27 |
Phoenix Rising |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Pike, Anastasia |
Classical |
"missing link" |
August |
Pine Mountain Logs |
Originals |
See www.venicecentral.com |
August |
Pistolera |
Latin Alt |
See www.pistolera.net |
June |
Placentia Symphonic Band |
Comm. Band |
www.placentiaband.org |
July |
Platinum Rock Stars |
Rock Legend Tribute |
www.platinumrockstars.com |
July |
Play the Groove |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Playback |
60s-80s |
www.playback-entertainment.com |
July |
Playing for Change |
World |
"missing link" |
June |
Plaza de la Raza Ensemble |
Latin Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
The Pleasuretones |
Blues/Jazz |
www.thepleasuretones.com |
August |
Polanco, Johnny |
Salsa |
www.johnnypolanco.dimelorecords.com |
August |
Pop Gun Rerun |
80s |
"missing link" |
July |
Pop Rock Academy |
Music School |
"missing link" |
June |
Pop Vinyl |
Pop |
"missing link" |
July |
Pope, Cassadee |
Singer |
www.cassadeepope.com |
July |
Power of Sol |
Beatles Music |
"missing link" |
June |
Porkchop Tom |
Blues |
"missing link" |
July |
Pretzel Logic |
Steely Dan Tribute |
www.steelydantribute.com |
June, Aug |
Prime Society Music |
"missing link" |
July |
Project 46 |
"missing link" |
July |
Promenade Players |
"missing link" |
June |
Psyche! |
Big Band |
www.psychbigband.com |
August |
Psycho Punx |
"missing link" |
June, Sept 26 |
Puentes, Adonis Orchestra |
Cuban/Mambo |
www.adonispuentes.com |
July |
PUorto, Shari Band |
Blues/Rock |
www.bluesrockmusic.com |
Sept 1 |
Pure Play |
www.pureplayband.com |
July |
Pyromania |
Def Leppard Tribute |
www.defleppardtribute.com |
July, Sept 16 |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
There are no dead ends along the path. The path continues until the viewer once again
reached the point of entry to the facility.
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Cool Jazz |
"missing link" |
June, July |
Radiotron |
Hip Hop/Dance |
www.radiotron.org |
July |
Rancho Cucamonga Community Band |
Concert Band |
"missing link" |
June |
Random |
Youth Band |
"missing link" |
July |
Ranelin, Phil Sextet |
Jazz |
www.ranelin.com |
August |
Rattle the Knee |
Irish |
"missing link" |
June |
RaVaughn |
www.facebook.com/ravaughnofficial |
June |
Ravel, Freddie |
Latin Jazz |
www.freddieravel.com |
June |
The Ravelers |
Classic Rock |
www.ravelers.com |
July |
Ray/Rhythm Beat Band |
Motown |
www.rayandtherhythmbeat band.com |
June, July |
Rayner, Michael |
Juggling Show |
"missing link" |
June |
Razciel, Sandro |
Pop |
"missing link" |
Sept 12 |
Reasons Be |
"missing link" |
July |
Red Headed Stranger |
Willie Nelson Tribute |
www.mztributebands.com/ redheadedstranger... |
August |
Red Not Chili Peppers |
Red Hot Chili Peppers Tribute |
www.therednotchilipeppers.com |
July, Aug |
Redd Street |
R&B/Dance |
"missing link" |
June, July, Aug |
Redlands Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.redlandssymphony.com |
August |
Reef Riders |
Surf |
"missing link" |
July |
The Reflexx |
80s |
www.thereflexx.com |
July |
Reklaw, Derf |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Remixified |
Variety |
"missing link" |
July |
Renea, Tahera |
"missing link" |
June |
Renown Muzic |
Dance/Pop |
www.renownmuzic.com |
June, July, Aug |
Retro Rockers |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
June |
Retro Soul |
Variety |
www.retro-soul.com |
July, Aug |
Retro Station |
Dance |
"missing link" |
June |
Retros |
"missing link" |
July |
Reventlos |
Surf |
www.reventlos.com |
July |
Reznik, Yana |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
August |
Rhythm Child |
Children's |
www.rhythmchild.net |
July |
Richardson, Todd Quartet |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Ridgway, Stan |
Songwriter |
www.stanridgway.com |
August |
Ring of Fire |
Johnny Cash Tribute |
"missing link" |
July |
The Rising |
Springsteen Tribute |
www.therising.tv |
June |
Ritmo X |
Latin |
"missing link" |
June |
River Road |
Country |
"missing link" |
June |
Rivera, Anthony/Raining Horseshoes |
Country |
July |
Rivera, Scarlet |
Jazz |
www.facebook.com/ scarletriveramusic |
August |
Riverboat Dixie Jazz Band |
Dixieland |
www.riverboat.powweb.com |
August |
Riverside Mustangs |
50s/60s |
"missing link" |
July |
Riverside Swing Ensemble |
Swing |
"missing link" |
July |
Rizo, Jose |
Latin Jazz |
www.jazzonthelatinsideallstars.com |
June, July, Aug |
Roberts, Marcus Trio |
Americana |
"missing link" |
August |
Robinson, Fleming |
Latin |
"missing link" |
July |
Rock Stars of Tomorrow |
Music School |
"missing link" |
August |
The Rockabillys |
Rockabilly |
www.therockabillys.net |
July, August |
Rockola |
"missing link" |
August |
Rockstars Academy |
Music School |
"missing link" |
June |
Rodeo Revival Band |
Country |
"missing link" |
August |
Rodriguez, Dr. Bobby |
Latin Jazz |
www.bobbyrodriguez.com |
June, July |
Rodriguez, Reyes |
Latin Alt |
"missing link" |
August |
Rolie, Gregg Quartet |
Rock |
www.greggrolie.com |
August |
The Roll Models |
www.therollmodels.com |
July |
Ronny and the Classics |
Classic Rock |
www.ronnyandtheclassics.com |
July, Sept 5 |
Ronstadt, Marisa |
"missing link" |
July |
Roode, Gina |
Guitarist-Singer |
www.ginaroode.com |
August |
Rootz, Bennie |
"missing link" |
June |
Rosa, Daniel |
Pop |
"missing link" |
July |
Rosales, David |
"missing link" |
August |
Rose, Pamela |
American Songbook |
www.pamelarose.com |
June |
Ross, Jimbo |
Blues |
www.bodaciousrecords.com |
June, July, Aug |
Roth, Nancy |
Violinist |
"missing link" |
August |
Rotolo, Timothy |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Roussos, Theodosia |
Chamber/Folk |
"missing link" |
August |
Ruela, Fidel |
Latin |
"missing link" |
August |
Rumours |
Fleetwood Mac Tribute |
www.rumourstributeshow.com |
July |
Rushen, Patrice |
Jazz |
www.patricerushen.com |
July |
Rushingwind Project |
Native American |
www.steverushingwind.com |
June, July, Aug |
Ryan, Will/Cactus Country Cowboys |
Country |
"missing link" |
August |
Ryche, C.G. |
World Music |
www.cgryche.com |
June, July |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
This pedestal is dedicated to former Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley. The
top of the pedestal (pictured above left) contains the image of one pair of that person's shoes, as will as a tile plaque with further
information about the individual.
Saddleback Valley Chorale |
Choral Group |
www.svchorale.org |
July |
Sagal, David Jazz Quintet |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
June |
Saguaro Sisters |
Country |
See Ryan, Will |
July |
Saint Andrew's Choir |
Church Choir |
www.saintandrewsfullerton.org |
June |
Saleh, Reza |
www.rezasaleh.com |
August |
Salsa Caliente |
Salsa |
www.lasalsacaliente.com |
July |
Samba N Motion |
Brazilian |
"missing link" |
July |
San Bernardino Symphony |
Orchestra |
www.sanbernardinosymphony.org |
June, July |
San Clemente High Jazz Band |
Student Band |
"missing link" |
June |
San Dimas High Band |
Student Band |
"missing link" |
June |
Sanchez, Jonathan |
Latin |
"missing link" |
August |
Sanchez, Lorenzo |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
August |
Sanchez, Nancy |
"missing link" |
August |
Sanchez, Poncho |
Latin Jazz |
www.ponchosanchez.com |
July, Aug, Sept 21 |
Sangria |
Latin/Top 40 |
www.sangriaband.net |
July |
Sapadilla |
Island/Reggae |
www.twitter.com/sapadillamusic |
August |
Sara, Kenny |
New Orleans Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Savor |
Santana Tribute |
www.savortheband.com |
August |
Schiesch, Annaliese |
Pop/Folk |
"missing link" |
August |
Schlosberg, Daniel |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
June |
School of Rock |
Music School |
"missing link" |
June, Aug |
Scott, Hunter |
Songwriter |
"missing link" |
August |
Segovia, Esther |
Argentinian |
www.esthersegovia.com |
June |
Seiler, Gary/Coast Riders |
Jimmy Buffet Tribute |
www.garyseiler.com |
June |
Seldon, Rory |
"missing link" |
July |
Sensation Show Band |
Variety |
"missing link" |
August |
Session, Mekala |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Session, Michael Sextet |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July, Sept 1 |
Seymali, Noura Mint |
Arab/African |
www.nouramintseymali.bandcamp.com |
July |
Sgt. Pepper |
Beatles Tribute |
"missing link" |
June, July, Sept 6 |
Sgt. Peppers |
Beatles Tribute |
www.sgtpeppers.us |
July |
Shades |
R&B |
"missing link" |
August |
Shades of Blue |
Diverse Blues |
www.blueshadenews.com |
July |
Shades of LA |
Rock/Blues |
"missing link" |
July |
Shakey Pete/Fault Line |
www.shakeypete.com |
August |
Shallow |
90s |
"missing link" |
June |
Shaw, Aaron |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Shea, Rick/Losin' End |
Alt Country |
www.rickshea.net |
August |
Sheldon, Rich Band |
Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Shine and the Moonbeams |
Children's |
"missing link" |
August |
Shockley, Matt |
Singer |
www.mattshockley.com |
June, July, Aug |
The Shoe |
"missing link" |
July |
Shoppy |
www.facebook.com/shoppymusic |
August |
Shorecliffs Jazz Band |
School Band |
"missing link" |
June |
Showkillers |
Reggae/Soul |
www.facebook.com/showkillers |
July |
Shpachenko, Nadia |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
August |
Shrake, Nathan |
Classic Rock |
www.nathanshrake.com |
August |
Sidi, Sebastian |
Pianist |
www.sebastiansidi.com |
June, July, Aug |
Silk Road |
World/Korean |
www.silkroaddancers.org |
August |
Silverado Bluegrass |
Bluegrass |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
The Silverados |
Country |
www.thesilverados.com |
July, August |
Simon, Robert |
Flamenco Guitar |
www.robertsimonguitar.com |
Aug, Sept 27 |
Simpson, Sturgill |
Country |
www.sturgillsimpson.com |
July |
Sinclair, Paul |
"missing link" |
July |
Sitarason |
Salsa |
www.facebook.com/sitarason |
July, Aug |
Six Appeal |
A Capella |
"missing link" |
July |
Skelly, Craig |
Surf |
See Curl Riders |
July |
Skinny Little Twits |
Classic Rock |
www.skinnylittletwits.com |
July, Aug |
Slacktone |
Surf |
www.slacktone.com |
June |
Sligo Rags |
Celtic/Folk |
www.sligorags.com |
July, August |
Smith, Richard |
Jazz/Guitar |
www.richardsmithguitar.com |
August |
Smoggy Mtn. String Band |
"missing link" |
August |
The Smokin' Cobras |
Oldies |
www.smokincobras.com |
June, July, Aug |
Smooth |
Santana Tribute |
www.myspace.com/smoothsoundsofsantana |
July, Aug |
Smooth Response |
"missing link" |
July |
Smooth Touch |
Top 40 |
www.thebandsmoothtouch.com |
July |
Smoothie Jones |
Reggae |
"missing link" |
July |
Snow, Ty |
Gospel |
"missing link" |
July |
Sofia, Raquel |
Latin |
"missing link" |
August |
Solid Ray Woods |
60s |
www.solidraywoods.com |
August |
Son Cache |
Salsa |
www.salsabandforhire.com |
August |
Son Mayor |
Salsa/Latin Jazz |
www.sonmayor.com |
August |
Sonora Santanera |
Central Am. |
"missing link" |
August |
Sonsoles |
Latin Fusion |
www.sonsolesmusic.com |
July |
Soto |
Latin/Funk |
www.sotoband.com |
July, Aug |
Soul Deep |
R&B/Soul |
"missing link" |
Aug, Sept 20 |
Soul Sacrifice |
Santana Tribute |
www.soulsacrifice.net |
June, July |
Soul Shot |
"missing link" |
July |
Souleyman, Omar |
"missing link" |
July |
Sound FX |
Jazz/R&B/Dance |
www.4soundfx.com |
June, Sept |
Soundbytes |
Variety |
www.soundbyteslive.com |
July, Sept 5 |
South Bay AllStars |
www.facebook.com/southbayallstarsla |
August |
South Bay Country |
Country |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Southbound |
Classic Rock |
www.southboundmusic.net |
July, Aug |
Southern Caliber |
Country |
www.southerncaliber.com |
July, Aug |
Southern Calif. Philharmonic |
Orchestra |
www.socalphil.org |
June |
Southland Band |
Country Rock |
www.southlandband.com |
June |
Southland Megagroove |
www.southlandmegagroove.com |
July |
Southland Opera |
Musical Theater |
www.southlandopera.org |
August |
Space Oddity |
David Bowie Tribute |
www.davidbowietribute.com |
June |
Spacious Vision |
Visual Chamber Music |
"missing link" |
June |
Spazmatics |
80s/New Wave |
www.thespazmatics.com |
August |
The Split |
Rock/Blues |
"missing link" |
June |
Soulville |
Dance |
"missing link" |
June |
Springsteen |
Bruce Springsteen Tribute |
www.brucespringsteentribute.com |
August |
St. John's Festival Orchestra |
Orchestra |
www.stjohnsorange.org |
June |
Star 80s |
80s |
www.star80s.net |
July |
Stardust Ramblers |
Rockabilly |
"missing link" |
July |
State Prism |
Jazz/Rock |
"missing link" |
August |
Steel Rollin' |
www.steelrollin.kurtszul.com |
June |
Steele, Janie/Pacific Electric |
www.janiesteeleandpacificelectric.com |
July |
Steele, Whitney |
www.whitneysteele.com |
July |
Steely Jam |
Steely Dan Tribute |
www.steelyjam.com |
Sept 17 |
Stein, Paul |
Violinist |
www.laphil.com/philpedia/paul-stein |
June |
Stepping Feet |
Dave Matthews Tribute |
www.steppingfeet.com |
August |
Sterling Sylver Band |
Country |
"missing link" |
July, Aug |
Stereoflux |
Rock |
www.stereoflux.com |
July, Aug, Sept 19 |
Steve Songs |
Children's |
www.stevesongs.com |
July |
Stipp, Neil |
Organist |
www.neilstipp.com |
July |
Stodart, Brian |
"missing link" |
June |
Stone Soul |
Motown/Soul |
www.stonesoul.com |
June, July, Aug |
Stoneback, Rob |
Jazz |
www.robstoneback.com |
July |
Story, Dexter |
Jazz |
www.dexterstory.com |
August |
Street Corner Renaissance |
A Capella |
"missing link" |
June |
Stump, Katie |
Inspirational |
www.katiestump.com |
June |
Suave |
Latin/Salsa |
www.suavetheband.com |
June, July, Aug |
Subsuelo |
Latin Fusion |
www.facebook.com/subsueloglobal |
June |
Sullivan Hall Band |
R&B |
"missing link" |
July |
Sullivan, Tom/Dixieland Band |
Dixieland Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Sun, Olivia Jing |
Chinese |
"missing link" |
July |
Sun Rai |
Soul/Pop |
"missing link" |
August |
Sunburst Band |
"missing link" |
August |
Sunshine Generation |
Children's |
"missing link" |
June |
Super Freaks |
"missing link" |
July |
Supercave, James |
"missing link" |
July |
The Supergroovers |
www.adg.productions.com |
July |
Superlark |
Classic Rock |
www.superlark.com |
July, Aug |
Supertones |
Surf |
"missing link" |
August |
Surf City AllStars |
Surf/Beach |
www.surfcityallstars.com |
July |
Surf Coasters |
Surf |
"missing link" |
August |
The Surf Kings |
Surf |
"missing link" |
June |
Surf's Up |
Beach Boys Tribute |
"missing link" |
July |
Surfin' |
Beach Boys Tribute |
"missing link" |
June, July, Aug |
Survivor |
Rock |
"missing link" |
August |
Suspect |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Sutre, Guillaume |
Violinist |
www.guillaumesutre.com |
August |
Suzuki, Jacqueline |
Violinist |
"missing link" |
June |
Svrcek, Susan |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
June |
Swing Cats Big Band |
Big Band/Swing |
www.swingcatsbigband.com |
July, Aug |
Swing Kings |
Swing |
www.swingkings.com |
July, Aug |
Swingin' 8 Balls |
Rockabilly |
www.facebook.com/pages/Swinging-8... |
July |
Sycamore Creek |
Folk |
www.facebook.com/scfolkband |
June |
Symphonic Winds of the Pacific |
Concert Band |
www.swotp.org |
July |
Szpakiewicz, Marek |
Cellist |
"missing link" |
August |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
The image above left is a tile from a bench within the installation. The fourth portion of the six-part poem
by Beverly Lafontaine is shown here. Also, the picture on the right above shows one of the "Walk a Mile in My Shoes" inscriptions written in the
cement walkway.
TJR Trio |
www.tjrmusic.com |
June, July |
TJ Rox |
"missing link" |
July |
The Tamlins |
Reggae |
"missing link" |
June |
Tap Chicks |
Sr. Group |
www.tapchicks.net |
June |
Tapestry |
Carole King Tribute |
"missing link" |
July |
Tassi, Tommy/Authentics |
50s-60s Classics |
www.normananorman.com |
July, Aug |
Tauber, Philip |
Jazz |
See Jazz Mikan Trio |
July |
Tavanna's Wicky Wacky Wahines |
Polynesian |
www.angelfire.com/moon2/tavanna |
July |
Taylor Made |
James Taylor Tribute |
www.taylormade-band.com |
August |
Taylor, Mike Trio |
Jazz/Rock |
"missing link" |
Aug, Sept 5 |
Tease Band |
Latin/Variety |
www.teaseband.com |
August |
Technopagan |
Electronic |
"missing link" |
July |
Ted Z/Wranglers |
Country/Rock |
"missing link" |
June |
Teebs Band |
Expt'l Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Tequila Worms |
Surf |
www.thetequilaworms.com |
July |
Terraplanes |
Blues |
"missing link" |
August |
Texas Jackhammer |
Country |
"missing link" |
July |
Thief Rock Band |
Rock |
www.thiefrocks.com |
July |
Thierry, Andre/Zydeco Magic |
Zydeco |
www.andrethierry.com |
July |
Thin Ice |
Contempo.Rock |
www.myspace.com/thinicetheband |
August |
Thompson, Ethan |
Folk/Pop |
"missing link" |
June |
Thompson, Richard |
Folk/Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Three Hour Tour Band |
Rock |
"missing link" |
August |
Three Mo' Tenors |
Tenors |
"missing link" |
August |
Three Mustaches |
Pop |
"missing link" |
August |
Ticket to Ride |
Beatles Tribute |
"missing link" |
June |
Tierra Blanca |
Latin Dance |
www.tierrablancaartscenter.org |
August |
Tijuana Dogs |
Classic Rock |
www.tijuanadogs.com |
June |
Tillotsen, Johnny |
Country |
"missing link" |
July |
Time Bomb |
70s/80s Rock |
www.timebomb7585.com |
August |
Tina Michelle/Rhinestone Cowboys |
Country |
"missing link" |
June, July |
Tizer, Lao |
Jazz/World |
www.laotizer.com |
June, July |
The Tokens |
Doo Wop |
www.thetokens.com |
July |
Tomasina |
Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Tonic |
"missing link" |
July |
The Topics |
www.thetopicsband.com |
July |
Torres, Elsten |
Latin |
"missing link" |
July |
Torres, Francisco Group |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Touch of Polynesia |
Polynesian |
"missing link" |
July |
The Tramps |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
June |
Traveling Homeboys |
http://mysite.verizon.net/HomeboyNetwork |
August |
Trible, Dwight |
Jazz |
www.dwighttrible.com |
August |
Trio Ellas |
Contemp. Mariachi |
www.trioellas.com |
August |
The Trip |
Classic Rock |
www.meetthetrip.com |
June |
Tristana Trio |
Classical |
"missing link" |
June |
Triumph of the Wild Boy |
"missing link" |
July |
True Willie |
Willie Nelson Tribute |
www.truewillie.com |
June, July |
Tunney, Adam/5 Punch Combo |
Swing |
"missing link" |
August |
Turn the Page |
Seger Tribute |
www.turnthepageonline.com |
June |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
This particular pedestal is dedicated to labor leader Cesar Chavez. The
top of the pedestal (pictured above right) contains the image of one pair of that person's shoes, as will as a tile plaque with further
information about the individual.
UCLA Camarades |
Classical |
www.music.ucla.edu |
June |
UCLA Music Ensembles |
Jazz/Big Band/World |
www.music.ucla.edu |
June |
UCR Chamber Singers |
Classical |
www.ucr.edu/music |
June |
US Air Force Band of the Golden West |
Variety |
"missing link" |
July |
USC Thornton School Ensembles |
Classical & Jazz |
www.usc.edu/music |
Aug, Sept 18, 19, 28, 29 |
Ultimate Oldies |
Oldies/Tributes |
"missing link" |
July |
Under Construction |
Top 40 |
"missing link" |
July |
Undercover Live |
Covers |
www.undercoverlive.com |
July |
UnderCoverGirls |
Classic Rock |
www.ucgband.com |
June, July, Aug |
Undermine |
"missing link" |
June |
Unleashed |
"missing link" |
July |
The Untouchables |
"missing link" |
August |
Upground |
Latin Ska |
www.upgroundmusic.com |
July |
Upstream |
Caribbean/Soca |
www.upstreammusic.com |
June, July, Aug, Sept 11 |
Urban Extreme |
Pop |
"missing link" |
July |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
Wagner, Cliff/Old No.7 |
Blues |
www.oldnumber7.net |
June |
Wainwright, Loudon III |
Americana |
"missing link" |
July |
Wakan, Kan |
www.facebook.com/kanwakan |
June, Sept 13 |
Walker, Charles Band |
"missing link" |
July |
The Walking Phoenixes |
Johnny Cash Tribute |
www.myspace.com/thewalkingphoenixes |
August |
Wallace, Alice |
Folk |
www.alicewallacemusic.com |
July |
Walker, Nancy Celeste |
Country Tribute |
"missing link" |
August |
Wansley, Chuck |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
June |
Wanted |
Bon Jovi Tribute |
www.wantedtributeband.com |
July |
Warehouse One |
"missing link" |
July |
Wartime Radio Revue |
40s/Swing |
www.wartimeradio.com |
July |
Washington, Kamasi |
Jazz |
www.kamasiwashington.com |
July, Aug, Sept 28 |
Waters |
Pop |
"missing link" |
June |
Watrous, Bill |
Jazz |
www.billwatrous.com |
July |
Watson, Summer |
"missing link" |
August/FONT> |
Watts, Ernie Quartet |
Jazz |
www.erniewatts.com |
June |
Weisman, Sydney |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
August |
Weller, Mark Trio |
"missing link" |
June, Aug |
Wells, Tyrone |
"missing link" |
July |
The West |
Country |
"missing link" |
August |
West LA Children's Choir |
Youth Choir |
"missing link" |
July |
West, Stan |
R&B |
www.stanwest.com |
July |
West Swell |
Reggae |
www.reverbnation.com/westswell |
July |
Western Standard Time |
Ska |
www.wstbigband.com |
August |
Westside Jazz Ensemble |
Big Band |
"missing linK" |
June, Aug |
Wexler, Judy |
Jazz |
www.judywexler.com |
July |
The Whatever Band |
www.whateverband.net |
June, Aug |
Wheeland Brothers |
Rock/Reggae |
www.wheelandbrothers.com |
Aug 28 |
Wheelhouse |
"missing link" |
July |
When in Rome |
"missing link" |
July |
When Pigs Fly |
British Folk |
www.whenpigsflymusic.com |
June |
Which One's Pink |
Pink Floyd Tribute |
www.whichonespink.com |
June, Aug |
Whiskey Hayride |
Country/Rock |
"missing lin" |
July, Sept 26 |
Whiskey Shivers |
Americana |
www.whiskeyshivers.com |
July |
White Hinterland |
"missing link" |
August |
Who's Your Daddy? |
A Capella |
www.whosyourdaddymusic.com |
July |
The Wicked Tinkers |
Celtic |
www.wickedtinkers.com |
July |
Wild Pack of Canaries |
"missing link" |
July |
Williams, Larry O. |
Jazz |
www.larryowilliamsandfriends.com |
July, Aug |
Wilson, Brad |
www.bradwilsonlive.com |
August |
Wilson, Gerald Orchestra |
Jazz |
www.mackavenue.com/artists/detail/gerald_ wilson |
July |
Wilson, Jonathan |
Folk/Rock |
"missing link" |
July |
Windy Ridge |
Bluegrass |
www.facebook.com/pages/Windy-Ridge-Bluegrass... |
August |
Wiseguys Big Band Machine |
Big Band/Swing |
www.wiseguysbigband.com |
June, July, Aug |
Wilson, Lily |
Folk/Pop |
"missing link" |
July |
Whyte, Scott |
Classic Rock |
"missing link" |
August |
Wolfe, Gregory |
Rod Stewart Tribute |
www.gregorywolferodstewart.com |
August |
Wondem Band |
Funk/Soul |
"missing link" |
August |
Wood, Capt. Mark |
Funk/R&B |
"missing link" |
June |
Wood, Mark Band |
www.markwoodentertainment.com |
July |
Wood, Mark/Parrot Head Band |
Jimmy Buffet Tribute |
www.markwoodandtheparrotheadband.net |
June |
Woodard, Rickey Sextet |
Jazz |
"missing link" |
July |
Woodie & the Longboards |
Surf/Beach Boys |
www.surfband.us |
July |
Working Poets |
Variety |
www.theworkingpoets.com |
July, Aug, Sept 5 |
World Tour Rock Legends |
Rock Show |
www.worldtourband.com |
June, July |
Wreck and Sow |
Country |
"missing link" |
July |
Wynonna/Big Noise |
Country |
www.wynonna.com |
August |
Click here to
return to the alphabetical links
The traffic island at Rodeo Road/Jefferson Bouelvard in LA.
Xtreme Purpose Choir |
Gospel |
"missing link" |
July |
The Zippers |
Variety |
"missing link" |
June |
The Zombies |
Pop |
"missing link" |
August |
Zoolalian, Linda |
Pianist |
"missing link" |
June |
Zoom B |
Eclectic |
"missing link" |
June |
Zydeco Party Band |
Zydeco |
"missing link" |
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