Upon reaching the island where Circe, a powerful sorceress, lived, Ulyssses sent some of his crew to explore. The men discovered Circe's palace, and she invited them in to dine. After they had eaten, she touched each of them with her wand and turned them, except for one who had suspected danger and stayed behind, into swine. Upon hearing of what had happened, Ulysses approached the palace to save them. He was met en route by Mercury (Greek Hermes, believed to be depicted in the photo). Mercury gave him a sprig of the plant Moly, with the power to resist sorceries, and told him how to act. When Circe tried to touch Ulysses with her wand, he rushed at her with his sword and she begged for mercy. She promised to restore his men to their original forms, and later instructed Ulysses on how to escape certain perils he would encounter on his way home.


The poem "Antidotes" was found in this column.

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