Blue Roses, Green Cars and More: What Color is Your Future?



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    Last year the links page was added for two reasons: the increase in the number of cities included in the concert-in-the park listings, and the request some people made for more information on the performers at the events. The first "Links" section includes links to city websites, as well as the location/address for each city's concert-in-the-park series.

    The second section includes links to websites for artists performing at the concerts, where available. If you are a member of a band appearing at one of the events and you are not included on the list (or you have a "missing link"), please send a message to the e-mail address listed below along with your web address and the date and location of your performance(s). Also, please remember that although every attempt is made to bring you the most current information, all schedules are subject to change. If you are interested in seeing a specific performance, it is recommended that you contact the venue to confirm that it will be taking place.

"Cape Cod Shoreline" © 1987, 2005 Dorothy A. Birsic


    The links below are for summer concert venues. Unless otherwise noted, the contacts/venues listed are for the cities sponsoring the concerts. Links for other special concerts and events are included in the main listings. By clicking on the web address you will reach the main site for the city or organization sponsoring the concert. The address for the performance venue is also included. Click on a section of the alphabet below, or scroll down until you find the city name you are looking for.

A - D  |  E - I  |  J - L  |  M - R  |  S - Z 


Contact: http://www.ci.aliso-viejo.ca.us/ or (949) 362-5890

Concert Venue: Grand Park Amphitheater, Grand/Horizon


Farmers Market Noon Concerts Contact: http://www.downtownanaheim.com/ or (714) 956-3586

Concert Venue: Center Street Promenade/Lemon Street

*     *     *

Anaheim City Concerts Contact: http://www.ci.anaheim.ca.us/ or (714) 765-5263

Concert Venues: Twila Reed Park, 3100 Orange Avenue, and Toyon Park, 945 S. Weir Canyon Road


Contact: http://www.bellflower.org/, (562) 804-1424 x2552 (Streetfest), or (562) 804-1424 x2268 (Plaza)

Concert Venues: Streetfest: Bellflower Blvd. between Flower and Oak; Music on the Plaza: Town Center Plaza, off Bellflower between Oak and Belmont


Contact: http://www.ci.brea.ca.us/ , (714) 990-7124 or (714) 990-7725

Concert Venue: City Hall Park, 401 S. Brea Boulevard


Contact: http://www.ci.buena-park.ca.us/, http://www.buenaparkfinearts.com/, or (714) 263-3860

Concert Venue (June 29 - August 3): Boisseranc Park, 7520 Dale Street

*     *     *

Contact: http://www.buenaparkdowntown.com/ or (714) 503-5000

Concert Venue (August 10 - August31): Buena Park Downtown, 8308 On the Mall, La Palma between Dale and Stanton.


Contact: Summer Concert Series: http://www.ci.cerritos.ca.us/, (562) 916-8570 or (562) 916-1254

Concert Venue: Heritage Park, 18600 Bloomfield Avenue

*     *     *

Contact: Friday Liberty Plaza Concerts: http://www.ci.cerritos.ca.us/ or (562) 916-8565

Concert Venue: Liberty Park Plaza, 19211 Studebaker


Contact: http://www.chinohills.org/ or (909) 364-2700

Concert Venue: Crossroads Park, Chino Hills Parkway and Eucalyptus Ave


Contact: http://www.homesteadmuseum.org/ or (626) 968-8492

Concert Venue: Homestead Museum, 15415 East Don Julian Road, one mile north of the 60 Freeway at Hacienda Boulevard


Contact: http://www.ci.costa-mesa.ca.us/ or (714) 754-5300

Concert Venue: Fairview Park, 2525 Placentia Avenue

"Late Afternoon Sailing in Sydney Harbor" © 1985, 2005 Dorothy A. Birsic


Contact: http://www.ci.culver-city.ca.us/, http://www.culvercitymusic.org/ or (310) 253-5762

Concert Venue: City Hall Courtyard, 9770 Culver Boulevard


Contact: http://www.ci.cypress.ca.us/ or (714) 229-6780

Concert Venue: Civic Center Green (Orange/Grindlay)


Contact: http://www.danapoint.org/ or (949) 248-3530

Concert Venues: Heritage Park, 34400 Old Golden Lantern (June 26 - August 14), and Pines Park, 34941 Camino Capistrano (August 21 and 28)


Contact: http://www.cityofdiamondbar.com/ or (909) 839-7070

Concert Venue: Sycamore Canyon Park, 22930 Golden Springs Drive


Contact: http://www.downeyca.org/ or (562) 904-7238 or (562) 904-7230

Concert Venue: Furman Park, 10419 Rives Avenue


Contact: http://www.fountainvalley.org/ or (714) 839-8611

Concert Venue: Mile Square Park Recreation Center, 16400 Brookhurst at Heil


Farmers Market Contact: www.ci.fullerton.ca.us/museum or (714) 738-6575

Concert Venue: Wilshire Avenue between Pomona and Harbor Boulevard

*     *     *

Summer Concert Contact: www.ci.fullerton.ca.us/museum or (714) 738-6575

Concert Venue: Fullerton Sports Park, 560 E. Silver Pine off Bastanchury

*     *     *

Fullerton College Concerts Contact: (714) 992-7296

Concert Venue: Fullerton College Quad, Lemon/Chapman Avenue


Contact: http://www.ci.garden-grove.ca.us/, http://www.ggcommunityfoundation.org/ or (714) 741-5280

Concert Venue: Eastgate Park, 12001 St. Mark Street


Contact: http://hermosabch.org/ or (310) 318-0280

Concert Venue: South side of the Hermosa Beach Pier


Central Park Concerts Contact: http://www.hbvisit.com/ or (714) 374-1650

Concert Venue: Golden West at Talbert behind the Central Library

*     *     *

Pier Plaza Concerts Contact: http://www.hbvisit.com/, http://www.ci.huntington-beach.ca.us/ or (714) 536-5486

Concert Venue: Pier Plaza Amphitheater, Main Street/Pacific Coast Highway at the Huntington Beach Pier

*     *     *

Surfin' Sundays Contact: http://www.surfingmuseum.org/ or (714) 960-3483

Concert Venue: Pier Plaza Amphitheater (PCH/Main) or the International Surfing Museum parking lot, 411 Olive Avenue (off Main Street)


Contact: http://www.ci.irvine.ca.us/ or (949) 724-6606

Concert Venue: Irvine Civic Center lawn, Alton/Harvard

To return to the top of the page, click here.


Contact: http://www.ci.la-habra.ca.us/ or (562) 905-9708

Concert Venue: Portola Park, 301 S. Euclid


Contact: http://www.ci.la-habra-heights.ca.us/, (562) 697-4317 or (562) 697-7768

Concert Venue: "The Park," 1885 N. Hacienda Road


Contact: http://www.cityoflamirada.org/ or (562) 943-7277

Concert Venue: La Mirada Regional Park, 13701 Adelfa at La Mirada Blvd. (Civic Center)


Contact: www.cityoflapalma.org/ or (714) 690-3350

Concert Venue: Central Park, 7821 Walker Street (between La Palma and Orangethorpe)


Contact: http://www.lagunabeachcity.net/ (949) 497-0722

Concert Venue: Please note: Laguna Beach residents, please contact your city offices directly for summer concert information.


Contact: http://www.ci.laguna-hills.ca.us/ (949) 707-2680

Concert Venue: Please note: the Laguna Hills Concerts have been cancelled this summer.


Contact: http://www.ci.laguna-niguel.ca.us/ or (949) 425-5100

Concert Venue: Crown Valley Community Park Amphitheater, 29751 Crown Valley Parkway


Contact: http://www.ci.lake-forest.ca.us/ or (949) 461-3450

Concert Venue: Pittsford Park, 21701 Pittsford Drive


Contact: http://www.lakewoodcity.org/ or (562) 866-9771 x2408

Concert Venue: Del Valle Park, 5939 Henrilee Street at Woodruff

"Venice Gondolas" © 1983, 2005 Dorothy A. Birsic


Long Beach Municipal Band Concerts Contact: http://www.lbparks.org/ or (562) 570-3100

Concert Venues: Stearns Champions, Bixby or Whaley Parks (Tuesday), Los Cerritos Park (Wednesday), Marine Stadium (Thursday), and El Dorado Park (Friday)

*     *     *

Long Beach Marketplace Contact: http://www.longbeachmarketplace.com/ or (562) 431-6282

Concert Venue: Long Beach Marketplace, 6475 E. Pacific Coast Highway at 2nd Street

*     *     *

Rancho Los Cerritos Concerts Contact: http://www.rancholoscerritos.org/ or (562) 570-1755

Concert Venue: Rancho Los Cerritos, 4600 Virginia Road

*     *     *

El Dorado Nature Center Concerts Contact: http://www.lbparks.org/ or (562) 570-1745

Concert Venue: El Dorado Nature Center, 7550 E. Spring Street


Contact: http://www.ci.los-alamitos.ca.us/ or (562) 430-1073

Concert Venue: Laurel Park, Katella at Bloomfield


Grand Performances Contact: http://www.grandperformances.org/ (213) 687-2159

Concert Venue: Grand Avenue at California Plaza next to the Museum of Contemporary Art

*     *     *

Pershing Square Concerts Contact: www.laparks.org/pershingsquare/concerts.htm or (213) 847-4970

Concert Venue: Pershing Square, Olive/5th Streets.


Friday Night Jazz at LACMA Contact: http://www.lacma.org/ or (323) 857-6000

Concert Venue: Los Angeles Times Central Court (outdoor), Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 5905 Wilshire Blvd

*     *     *

Sundays Live Contact: http://www.sundayslive.org/ or (213) 473-8525

Concert Venue: Leo S. Bing Theater (indoor), Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 5905 Wilshire Blvd


The Getty Museum Contact: http://www.getty.edu/ or (310) 440-7300

Concert Venue: Getty Museum, Getty Center Drive off the 405 Freeway

*     *     *

Skirball Cultural Center contact: http://www.skirball.org/ or (310) 440-4500

Concert Venue: Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 North Sepulveda off the 405 Freeway


Contact: http://www.ci.manhattan-beach.ca.us/ or (310) 802-5406

Concert Venue: Polliwog Park, Redondo Avenue at Manhattan Beach Blvd.


Fisherman's Village Contact: http://www.beaches.co.la.ca.us/ or (310) 823-5411

Concert Venue: Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way

*     *     *

Classical Thursdays/Pop Saturdays Contact: http://www.beaches.co.la.ca.us/ or (310) 305-9545

Concert Venue: Burton Chace Park, 13650 Mindanao Way

"Springtime Stroll, Tokyo" © 1991, 2005 Dorothy A. Birsic


Contact: http://cityofmissionviejo.org/ or (949) 470-3061

Concert Venue: Kershaw Garden at the Civic Center, La Paz/Marguerite.


Balboa Concerts Contact: http://www.balboanewportbeach.com/

Concert Venue: Gazebo at Peninsula Park on the Balboa Peninsula

*     *     *

Newport Beach City Concerts Contact: http://www.city.newport-beach.ca.us/ (949) 644 - 3211

Newport Beach City Concert Venues: Eastbluff Park, Grant Howland Park, Irvine Terrance Park and Bob Henry Park (a different park each concert)

*     *     *

Fashion Island Concerts Contact: http://www.shopfashionisland.com/ or (949) 721-2000

Concert Venue: Fashion Island shopping center in the Bloomingdale's courtyard.


Contact: http://www.ci.norwalk.ca.us/ or (562) 929-5702

Concert Venue: Civic Center Lawn, 12700 Norwalk Boulevard


Contact: http://www.cityoforange.org/ or (714) 744-7278

Concert Venue:Hart Park Band Shell, 701 S. Glassell (near the 22 Freeway)


Contact: http://www.levittpavilionpasadena.org/ or (626) 683-3230

Concert Venue: Levitt Pavilion, Memorial Park, corner of Walnut/Raymond (off the Fair Oaks exit from the 210 Freeway)


Contact: http://www.placentia.org/ or (714) 993-8232

Concert Venue: Tri-City Park, 2301 N. Kraemer near Imperial Highway


Contact: http://www.concertsinthepark.com/ or (626) 336-4937

Concert Venue: Schabarum Park, Colima/Azusa


Contact: http://www.ochappenings.com/

Concert Venue: Courtyard area by Edwards Cinema at Santa Margarita Town Center (El Paseo/Santa Margarita Parkway)


City of Redondo Beach Contact: http://www.redondo.org/ or (310) 937-6606

Concert Venue: Veterans Park Bandshell, Esplanade/Torrance Blvd.

*     *     *

Redondo Beach Pier Contact: http://www.redondo.org/, http://www.redondopier.com/

Concert Venue: Redondo Beach Pier

To return to the top of the page, click here.


Contact: http://www.ci.san-clemente.ca.us/ or (949) 361-8358

Concert Venue: Beach North of San Clemente Pier

"Bryce Canyon, View 2" © 1991, 2005 Dorothy A. Birsic


Contact: http://www.sanjuancapistrano.org/ or (949) 493-5911

Concert Venue: Historic Town Center Park, 31806 El Camino Real


City Contact: http://www.ci.santa-ana.ca.us/ or (714)647-5400


Contact: http://www.santafesprings.org/ or (562) 946-6476

Concert Venue: Heritage Park, 12100 Mora Drive (follow signs off Heritage Park Drive)


Contact: http://www.santamonicapier.org/, http://www.twilightdance.org/, or (310) 458-8900

Concert Venue: Santa Monica Pier, Ocean/Colorado


Seal Beach information will be available soon.


Contact: http://www.signal-hill.ca.us/ or (562) 989-7330

Concert Venue: Signal Hill Park, 2175 Cherry Avenue


City Contact: http://www.ci.stanton.ca.us/ or (714) 379-9222


Contact: http://www.tustinca.org/ or (714) 573-3326

Concert Venue: Peppertree Park, 230 W. First Street


Contact: http://www.ci.westminster.ca.us/ or (714) 895-2860

Concert Venue: Civic Center Sunken Gardens, 8200 Westminster Boulevard


Contact: http://www.cityofwhittier.org/ or (562) 464-3430

Concert Venues: Central Park, 6532 Friends Avenue (Washington/Bailey), and Parnell Park, 10711 Scott Avenue (at Lambert)


City Concerts Contact: http://www.ci.yorba-linda.ca.us/ or (714) 961-7160

Concert Venue: Hurless Barton Park, 4601 Casa Loma Avenue

*     *     *

Nixon Library Concerts Contact: www.nixonlibrary.org/family_concerts.shtml or (714) 993-5075

Concert Venue: Nixon Library Family Concert Series, Yorba Linda Blvd. near Imperial Highway (indoor theater)

To return to the top of the page, click here.

"Giza Pyramid Sunset" © 1983, 2005 Dorothy A. Birsic


** Band links are continally being added to the section. If you don't find what you're looking for, please send an e-mail message to the site or try back a little later. Thank you for your patience!**

    The information below is in the following format: artist or band name, type of music, website/link and date(s) of performance(s). Details for August and September concerts will be included in the listings during those months. All listings are alphabetical. Click on a letter below or scroll down the page to view the entire section of band links. Any information on band links which have not been located ("missing link") is appreciated.

A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z  |

2 Azz 1 R&B w/Urban Flair "missing link" August
50 Cent Haircut Honkey Tonk "missing link" June
2000 Lbs. of Blues Blues http://www.2000lbsofblues.com/ July

Ace Retro Disco "missing link" July
ACTimba Project Salsa Jazz www.lucumiyque.com/ACTimba.html June
Adams, Greg Jazz/R&B http://www.gregadamsmusic.com/ July
Adelard, Nelsen Blues/Swing http://nelsenadelard.com/ July
Aguabella, Francisco Afro-Cuban http://www.franciscoaguabella.com/ August
The Alley Cats Doo Wop http://www.thealleycats.com/ July
Alma de mi Tierra Mariachi http://www.almademitierra.com/ July, September 16
Altman, Ross Folk "missing link" July
The Amazing Wildcats Swing "missing link" July
Ambolley, Blay African Jazz http://www.blayambolley.com/ July
Ambrosia   "missing link" July
American Made Country http://www.americanmadeband.com/ July
Andes Trance Peruvian http://www.pachamamamusic.com/antoniofloresandestrance July
The Answer Classic Rock http://www.theanswertoclassicrock.com/ June, July, Aug. and Sept. 8
Aphrodesia African/Dance "missing link" August
Apple! Beatles http://www.applebeatletributeband.com/ August

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

BackBeat Beatles Tribute "missing link" June and August
Badaue Afro-Brazilian http://www.badaue.com/ June
Bagayogo, Issa Malian/Electronic http://www.issabagayogo.com/ July
Baker, Bob Marionettes http://www.bobbakermarionettes.com/ August
Bandidos de Amor Latin/Alternative http://www.bandidosdeamor.com/ July, August
BandShe Variety/dance http://www.bandshe.com/ August
Bartels, Joanie Family http://www.joaniebartels.com/ July
Bastos, Waldemar   See http://www.grandperformances.org/ July
Batalla, Perla Latin http://www.perla.com/ July
Beatless Rock Classics http://www.beatless.com/ July
Beethoven's Wig Family/Classical http://www.beethovenswig.com/ August
Berman, Marcia Family http://www.marciabermanfund.org/ July
Big Fun Jazz "missing link" June
Bjorn Again Abba Tribute http://www.bjornagain.com/ July
Black Tongued Bells Country http://www.theblacktonguedbells.com/ August
Blanchard, Terence Jazz http://www.terenceblanchard.com/ July
Blas, Johnie Latin Jazz "missing link" July
Blue 13 Dance Company Indian http://www.blue13dance.com/ August
Blues Boyz Family Favorites "missing link" August
Bonedaddys World Beat http://www.thebonedaddys.com/ June, July
Bones West Trombone Ensemble http://www.boneswest.com/ August
Bonne Musique Zydeco http://www.bonnemusiquezydeco.com/ June, July, August, Sept.
Bordeaux, Derek Jazz http://www.markwoodentertainment.com/ July, October 1
Branscombe Richmond Show   http://www.branscomberichmond.com/ August
Brasil Brazil Brazilian http://www.brasilbrazilshow.com/ June, July
Breakaways Surf http://www.thebreakaways.com/ July
Bromberg, Brian Jazz http://www.brianbromberg.net/ Sept. 24
Brown, Chester Jam Band/Covers http://www.chesterbrown.org/ August
Bruce, Scott Young Elvis "missing link" August
Cody Bryant Show Country http://www.codybryant.com/ July
Bubba & Big Bad Blues Blues http://www.bubbablues.com/ June
Buckwheat Zydeco Zydeco http://www.buckwheatzydeco.com/ August
Bunnett, Jane Cuban Jazz http://www.janebunnett.com/ July
Burnett, Monica Soft Rock http://www.monicaburnett.com/ September 17
Eric Byak Project   http://www.ericbyak.com/ August

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

CJS Quintet Jazz missing link" August
CSUF Big Band Ensemble & Jazz Combos Jazz www.fullerton.edu/arts/music/index.htm Sept. 30
Cadillac Rock "missing link" Sept. 18
Cadillac Angels Surf/Swing http://www.cadillacangels.com/ July
Cal High Band School Band "missing link" July
California Concert Artists Jazz Quartet http://www.californiaconcertartists.com/ July
California Girls Surf Rock http://www.californiagirls.bizland.com/ July, August
California Jammin'   http://www.californiajammin.us/ August
Calypso Compromise Steel Drum/Caribbean "missing link" July
Campbell Brothers Jazz "missing link" July
Cannibal & the Headhunters Chicano Rock http://www.cannibalandtheheadhunters.com/ July
Captain Dan's Big Love Band Jazz/Blues/Soul "missing link" June
Caravana Latin "missing link" July, September 24
Celtic Spring Celtic http://www.celticspringband.com/ August
Cerritos College Jazz Band Jazz www.cerritos.edu/music June
Charanga Cakewalk Latin http://www.charangecakewalk.com/ August
Cheap Sax Classic Rock "missing link" July, August
Chicago Blues Reunion Blues http://www.cbrband.com/ July
Chico Latin "missing link" July, August
Close Harmony Swing/Big Band "missing link" August
Class of '69 Rock/Motown http://www.classof69.com/ July
Cloud 9 Classics/Standards http://www.cloud9rock.com/ August
Cohn, Marc   http://www.marccohn.org/ July
Cold Duck 70s Top 40s "missing link" August and Sept. 1
Conga Masters Conga See http://www.grandperformances.org/ August
Conley, Cheryl Jazz http://cherylconley.com/ July
Conjunto Los Pochos Norteno/Tejano http://www.lospochos.com/ August
Conjunto Jardin Son Jarocho http://www.conjuntojardin.com/ August
Cosgrove, Lance Band Country "missing link" July
Coyote Hills Jazz Band Dixieland Jazz "missing link" August
Cubensis Grateful Dead http://www.cubensis.com/ July
Curry, Jim John Denver Tribute http://www.jimcurrymusic.com/ July, August
Cypress Pops Orchestra Pops http://www.cypresspops.com/ June, July, August Sept. 10

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

D'Allesandro, Dina Acoustic http://www.dinamusic.com/ September 13
DJ Rekja Bhangra "missing link" July
Dankworth, John   http://www.quarternotes.com/ August
De Barros, Maria Coladeira http://www.mariadebarros.com/ July
Deco, Art/Society Orchestra Swing http://www.artdecoswing.com/ August
Del Rey, Maria Children's http://www.mariadelrey.com/ June
Desena, Bob Latin Jazz http://www.bobdesena.com/ August
Desperado Eagles Tribute "missing link" July
Detour Posse Reggae http://www.detourposse.com/ June
Diakite, Ramatou African/Pop http://www.ramatoudiakite.com/ July
Diamond Cutters Neil Diamond "missing link" July, September 10
Disco Divas   "missing link" July
Dishwalla Rock http://www.dishwalla.com/ Sept. 18
Doc Powell Jazz Guitar http://www.docpowell.com/ July
Doc Rock-It 50s/60s Oldies "missing link" July
Doctor's Band Big Band "missing link" July
Dog 'N Butterfly Heart Tribute http://www.dognbutterfly.com/ June
Dolenz, Micky Monkees http://www.mickydolenz.com/ August
Doo Wah Riders Country http://www.doowahriders.com/ June, July
Downey Symphony Orchestra Symphony "missing link" August
Dr. Wu Steely Dan Tribute "missing link" September 6
Dudley, Ralph Pop "missing link" July
Duo Tones Surf www.pjmoto.com/specialty/duo_tones_php August

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

Eagle Jazz Band 20s Jazz "missing link" July
East LA Revue Oldies www.eastlarevue.com/all_star_band.php August
Edward, Eugene Band Rock www.johnhoskinson.com/eugene July
El Soul Latin Rock "missing link" August
Electric Mayhem Top 40s http://www.electrikmayhem.com/ August
The Elements Jazz/R&B "missing link" July
Elm Street Band Oldies/Rock & Roll http://www.elmstreetband.com/ July, August
Pete Escovedo Orchestra Jazz http://www.peteescovedo.com/ Sept. 10

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

The Fab Four Beatles http://www.thefabfour.net/ Sept. 11
Family Stone Experience Rock "missing link" July
Fantastic Diamond Neil Diamond http://www.fantasticdiamond.com/ August
Fat City Blues Band Blues "missing link" August
The Fenians Irish http://www.thefenians.com/ June, July, August, Sept. 25
Figueroa, Octavia Peruvian Salsa "missing link" September 3
Film at Eleven 70s/R&B http://www.film11.com/ June, July, August
Fit 2B Tied Country http://www.fit2-btied.com/ July, August, Sept. 15
The Flames Motown "missing link" July
Flock of 80s 80s http://www.flockof80s.com/ July
Floyd & the Flyboys R&B "missing link" June, July, August
Forced Call Blues http://www.forcedcall.com/ July, August
Forever Fab Beatles Tribute http://www.foreverfabshow.com/ July
Fraser, Alasdair & Friends Scottish Fiddler http://www.alasdairfrasier.com/ July

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

Gila Monsters Gumbo Jumbalaya Rock "missing link" August
Glik, Chris Tropical Jazz http://www.glikmusic.com/ Sept. 24
Good Luck Joes Pop "missing link" July
Gordon Goodwin Big Phat Band   http://www.gordongoodwin.com/ August
Gospel Hummingbirds Gospel/R&B www.berkeleyagency.com/html/gospel.html July
Gravity Pop "missing link" July
Grant, Dalton Modern Rock http://www.daltongrant.com/ September 27
Griffin, Bob and Friends Blues "missing link" September 3
Groove & Soul Orchestra Funk/Soul "missing link" September 22

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

Michael Haggins Group Smooth Jazz http://michaelhaggins.com/ July, August
Halau Kau Eke O'Lani Polynesian "missing link" July
Haley, Lisa and the Zydecats Zydeco http://www.bluefiddle.com/ July, August, Sept. 5
Halter, Ernie Jazz "missing link" August
Hammer Smith Band Jazz "missing link" July, August
Hangan Brothers Blues "missing link" July, August
Hansen, Susie Latin Band Latin http://www.susiehansen.com/ June, July, August, Sept. 17
Hard Days Night Beatles Tribute http://www.harddaysnightband.com/ July
Henebry, Mike Orchestra Big Band http://www.mikehenebryorchestra.com/ July
Henri Mancini Institute Alumni Latin Jazz Ensemble Latin Jazz See http://www.grandperformances.org/ August
Henry Mancini Institute Orchestra Orchestra http://www.manciniinstitute.org/ July
Ho, Chris Contemporary Jazz http://www.chrisho.com/ July
Hodads Oldies http://www.hodads.com/ July
Hot August Night! Neil Diamond http://www.hotaugust.com/ July, August
Hot Fab Djazz Club Gypsy Jazz http://www.fabriceweb.com/ July
Hotel California Eagles Tribute "missing link" July, August
Houetin, Lazara African/Family "missing link" August
Hsiao Hsi Yuan Puppet Theater Puppets See http://www.grandperformances.org/ August
Huntington Beach Concert Band Concert Band http://www.hbconcertband.org/ June, July
Hyperion Outfall Serenaders Dixieland "missing link" June

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

I See Hawks in LA Country http://www.iseehawks.com/ September 23
Incendio Flamenco Guitar http://www.incendiomusic.com/ August
The Inner Limits Classic Rock "missing link" June
Instant Replay   "missing link" August
Irie Reggae "missing link" July
It's A Beautiful Day   www.roadhogs.net/laflamme/index.htm August

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

Jackson, C. Bernard Legacy Tribute   See http://www.grandperformances.org/ August
Jackson, Linda Broadway/Opera See http://www.culvercitymusic.org/ August
John, Michael/Bottom Line High Energy Blues http://www.michaeljohnandthebottomline.com/ July
Jones, Bryan Lynn Country "missing link" July
Jones, CJ Family See http://www.grandperformances.org/ August
Jorgensen Quintet Gypsy Jazz/Nashville http://www.johnjorgensen.com/ August
Jumpin' Joz Swing http://www.jumpinjoz.com/ June, July, August
Just Off Turner Alternative www.myspace.com/justoffturner September 1
Justus and the Montanas Country http://www.justusandthemontanas.com/ July

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

Kahn, George Jazz http://www.georgekahn.com/ August
Kahuna Cowboys Jug Band Hawaiian/Bluegrass http://www.kahunacowboys.com/ August
Karavan Dance Group Armenian "missing link" July
Kennedy, Dwight/Le Jazz Hot Vintage Jazz http://www.dwightkennedy.com/ July
Khaled, King of Rai Rai www.sufha.net/khaled July
The Kid & Nic Show Swing/American http://www.kidandnic.com/ June, July, August
The Knack Rock http://www.knack.com/ September 1
Kubis, Tom/Golden West Jazz Orchestra Jazz "missing link" July
Kulayd Doo Wop http://www.tstentertainment.com/ July
Kurai, Tom/Taiko Drum Center Taiko Drums http://www.taikocenter.com/ July

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

L.A. Blue Oldies/R&B/Other http://www.labluemusic.com/ June, July, August
L.A. Bluescasters Blues file:///C:/My%20Documents/http;//www.labluescasters.com June
L.A. Police Jazz Band Jazz "missing link" July
La Cat Reggae "missing link" June, July, August
Ladysmith Black Mambazo A Capella/Zulu http://www.mambazo.com/ July
Laine, Cleo   http://www.quarternotes.com/ August
Lala, Elissa Jazz http://www.johnnievalentino.com/ September 20
Led Zepagain Led Zeppelin Tribute See http://www.zepagain.com/ August
Lemvo, Ricardo/Makina Loca Afro-Cuban/Salsa See http://www.makinaloca.com/ July
Lewis, Laurie & Band Bluegrass/Folk See http://www.culvercitymusic.org/ August
Little Joe Y La Familia Tex-Mex http://littlejoeylafamilia.homestead.com/ June, September 17
Long Beach Municipal Band Americana http://www.lbparks.org/ June, July, August
Los Angeles Opera Opera http://www.losangelesopera.com/ August
The Lucky Stars Swing http://www.theluckystars.com/ July

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

Bill Magee Band Blues http://www.billmageeblues.com/ July
Malone, Bob Blues http://www.bobmalone.com/ September 15
Mambo Combo Latin "missing link" August
Manley, Cynthia   www.cynthiamanley.com/ August
Mann, Mike and the Night Riders Cowboy Soul http://www.cowboysoul.com/ July
Mariachi Alma De Mi Tierra Mariachi www.almademitierra.com/ July, September 16
Mariachi Divas All-Female Mariachi See http://www.mariachidivas.com/ June, July, August, Sept. 16
Mariachi Reyna de Los Angeles All-Female Mariachi www.mm-group.org/artists_html/artists_bio/reyna.html August
Marina Del Rey Summer Symphony Orchestra "missing link" July, August
Scott Martin's Latin Soul Band Jazz/R&B http://www.scottmartinjazz.com/ July
Matos, Bobby/Latin Jazz All-Stars Jazz http://www.theluckystars.com/ July
May, Corrinne Pop "missing link" August
Michael, Raymond Elvis/Tom Jones http://www.raymondmichael.com/ July, August
Mili Mili World Beat "missing link" June
Minibar Pop "missing link" June
Billy Mitchell Trio Jazz http://www.billy-mitchell.com/ July
Mladi Chamber Orchestra Classical http://www.mladichamberorchestra.org/ August
The Mojo Triage Jazz/Fusion See http://www.grandperformances.org/ July
Moon, Zola Blues http://www.zolamoon.com/ June, July, August
Moonlight Express Big Band/Swing "missing link" June, July, August, Sept. 18
Mora's Modern Swingtet Swing http://www.morasmodern.com/ August
Moraes, Katia Brazilian http://www.katiamoraes.com/ August
Morales, Rolando Latin Jazz/Samba/Other http://www.rolandomorales.com/ August
Morrison, Barbara Jazz Vocals http://www.barbaramorrison.com/ June, July
Mrs. Murphy's Chowder Irish "missing link" August
Mulkey, Chris Blues http://www.chrismulkey.com/ July

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

Na Lei Hulu I Ka Wekiu Hula http://www.naleihulu.com/ July
The Nalu Boys Hawaiian "missing link" August
Negron, Chuck Rock/Three Dog Night http://www.negron.com/ July
New York Voices Jazz Vocals http://www.newyorkvoices.com/ August
Nichols, Jim and Morning Jazz/Vocals http://www.jimandmorningnichols.com/ August
Nicholson Pipes and Drums Bagpipe Band with Highland Dancers http://www.nicholsonpipesanddrums.com/ July
Night Blooming Jazzmen Dixieland http://home.earthlink.net/~nightbloomingjazzmen/index.html June, July
noJazz Jazz http://home.earthlink.net/~nojazzfans September 4, 9
Nocturnes Surf "missing link" June, September 4
Nocy Classical Guitar http://www.nocymusic.com/ August
Nolan, Tom Band   http://www.tomnolanband.com/ June, August
Nortec Collective Latin Alt. http://www.norteccollective.com/ August

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

Rod Oakes Quintet Jazz "missing link" August
Odara Afro-Cuban See http://www.culvercitymusic.org/ September 1
Omo Olfi Salsa Rumba "missing link" August
Onrico Latin Dance/Mime See http://www.grandperformances.org/ August
Open Wide 70s/80s http://www.openwideband.com/ August
Orange Colored Sky Surf/Dance See http://www.orangecoloredsky.com/ July, August
Orchestre Surreal Rock/Pop/Covers See http://www.grandperformances.org/ September 30
Orquestra Charangoa Salsa/Charanga http://www.charangoa.com/ July, August
Orquestra Palabra Latin Salsa "missing link" July
Christina Ortega Band Rancheras/Bluegrass www.christinaortega.com/ July
Osmond Brothers 2nd Generation Vocals http://www.osmond.com/ August
Over-Reactors 80s/Acoustic "missing link" July
Ozomatli Afro-Latin/World http://www.ozomatli.com/ July

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

Pacific Symphony Orchestra http://www.pacificsymphony.org/ July
Pan Bazodee Steel Drum "missing link" June
Parachute Express Family http://www.parachuteexpress.com/ July
Pasadena Tabernacle Band Brass Band http://www.pasadenatab.org/band.html July
Patchwork Girl of Oz Children's "missing link" July
Payne, Freda   http://www.fredapayne.com/ August
Payne, Harold and Friends Pop www.affinityrecords.com/HaroldPayne.cfm August
Placentia Symphonic Band Americana http://www.placentiaband.org/ July
Plastilina Mosh Latin Alt. www.astralwerks.com/pmosh August
Polynesian Luau Island "missing link" August
Porterhouse Bob Blues/Zydeco http://www.porterhousebob.com/ July, August
Pretzelogics Steely Dan Revue "missing link" July
Prince Diabate Manden www.princediabate.com June
Proud Mary Tina Turner Tribute www.proudmary.net July

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

Quetzal Latin Rock http://www.quetzalmusic.org/ July

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

Radio Disney Youth/Pop http://www.disney.go.com/radiodisney June, July, August
Rae, Kelly Country www.bobeubanksproductions.com/kellyrae.html August
Raging Sun Blues http://www.ragingsun.com/ June, July, August
Ravelers Rock http://www.ravelers.com/ July, August
Ray and the Corsairs 50s Rock 'N Roll "missing link" July, August
Raye, Michael Soul http://www.soulraye.com/ September 4
Real Landin' Latin/Soul "missing link" August
Red Hill Jazz "missing link" August
Reno Jones Blues http://www.renojones.com/ July, August
Rhythm Rascals   See http://www.culvercitymusic.org/ June
Riders of the Purple Sage Country http://www.ridersofthepurplesage.com/ July, August
Riley, Steve/Mamou Playboys Cajun http://www.mamouplayboys.com/ September 8
Barry Rillera Band   http://www.barryrillera.com/ July
Rivers, Johnny   http://www.johnnyrivers.com/ August
Rock Inc. Rock "missing link" August
Rockit Scientists 50s/60s Rock http://www.rockit-scientists.com/ June, July, August, September 21
Ronny and the Classics Classic 50s/60s http://www.ronnyandtheclassics.com/ June, August
Ross, Jimbo/Bodacious Blues Band Blues http://www.bocaciousrecords.com/ July, Sept. 3
Route 66   "missing link" Sept. 1
Royal Crown Revue Swing "missing link" May
Russian National Orchestra Wind Quintet Classical "missing link" August
Ruth Girls Country http://www.ruthgirls.com/ August

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

San Diego Cajun Playboys Zydeco www.cajunnetwork.com/sdcp August
Sanchez, Poncho Latin Jazz http://www.ponchosanchez.com/ July, August
Sanz, Thania Guitar http://www.thaniasanz.com/ August
Sapadilla Steel Drum/Reggae "missing link" July
Sara, Kenny/Sounds of New Orleans Jazz/Cajun/Zydeco "missing link" September 2
Sarah, George and friends Electronic/Classical/Pop http://www.georgesarah.com/ August
Savor Santana Tribute http://www.savortheband.com/ July, August
Scarlett and the Dr. Bob Jazz Quartet Vintage Jazz http://www.msscarlettproductions.com/ June
Section Quartet Rock/Pop http://www.thesection.net/ August
Sellick, Annie Jazz http://www.anniesellick.com/ Sept. 16
Sevilles 50s/60s "missing link" July, August
Sharp Sounds Big Band Big Band "missing link" August
Shonen Knife Alt Rock http://www.shonenknife.net/ September 1
Shout 4 the 80s 80s pop "missing link" August
The Silverados Country http://www.thesilverados.com/ June, July, August
Simmons, Christian Country http://www.christiansimmons.com/ July
Slanty-Eyed Mama Nuyorasian Trip-Hop http://www.slantyeyedmama.com/ August
Slouch in the Couch Family/Rock http://www.slouch.org/ August
Smith, Richard Jazz http://www.thewonderbroads.com/ Sept. 23
Smooth Latin Rock "missing link" August
Smooth Touch Disco "missing link" August
Society for the Preservation of Big Bands Big Band "missing link" July
Soda and His Million Piece Band New Swing http://www.sodaband.com/ September 29
Sol de Alegria Latin Rock http://www.alegriamusic.com/ July
Son del Sur Latin/Salsa "missing link" July
Sono-Lux Salsa "missing link" July
Soto Pop/Latin/R&B http://www.sotoband.com/ July
Soul Dogs Blues http://www.souldogs.com/ August
Soul Shadows R&B/Soul http://www.soulshadows.com/ July, August
Soundbytes Popular 60s - 90s "missing link" June, July, August, Sept. 2
Sounds of the Supremes Supremes www.corporateartists.com/soundsofthesupremes.html June
Soup's Ready Jazz/Fusion/Funk http://www.soupsready.com/ August
Splash Popular "missing link" August
The Split Rock "missing link" September 8
Starfire Top 40s "missing link" August
Starr, Johnny and the Galaxy Oldies www.johnnystarr.com/ July, August
Steel Parade Steel Drum/Calypso http://www.steelparade.com/ July, August
Stonebridge Band   "missing link" August
Stone Soul Motown http://www.stonesoul.com/ June, July
String Planet 5 World http://www.stringplanet.com/ September 1
Strong Tower Gospel Choir Gospel "missing link" August
Suave   "missing link" July
Suede   "missing link" August
Sullivan Hall Band R&B "missing link" July, Sept. 18
Suni Paz & Colibri Family/Bi-Lingual http://www.sunipaz.com/ July
Super Diamond Neil Diamond http://www.superdiamond.com/ August
Super Nova String Quartet/Electronica See http://www.grandperformances.org/ July
Superlark Classic Rock "missing link" July, August, Sept. 2
Surf City Allstars Jan & Dean/Beach Boys http://www.surfcityallstars.com/ June, July
Swing, Inc. Swing "missing link" August
Swing Kings Swing http://www.swingkings.com/ June
Swing Shift Country Swing http://swngshft.com/ July, Sept. 4
Swing Syndicate Swing "missing link" Sept. 11
Swingsations Swing "missing link" July, August
Symphonic Band of Orange Big Band www.webconnections.com/COOSB/index.html July

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

Teng, Suzanne/Mystic Journey Traditional/Belly Dancing http://www.suzanneteng.com/ July
Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey Film/Music Demonstration See www.grandperformances.org/ July
Thomas, BJ &nbnsp; http://members.aol.com/Sing4UsBJT/BJThomas.html July
Thomas, Leroy/Zydeco Roadrunners Zydeco "missing link" June
Thornbirds Rock "missing link" August
Three Blind Mice Jazz http://www.threeblindmice.org/ June, Sept. 2
Tillis, Pam Country http://www.pamtillis.com/ July
Tinariwen Touareg/African "missing link" July
Tingstad and Rumbel   http://www.tingstadrumbel.com/ July
Tizer, Lao Jazz http://www.laotizer.com/ July, August
Tommy Tassi and the Authentics 50s/60s Rock 'N Roll "missing link" August
Torquays Surf Instrumental www.gollygeerecords.com/Bands June, July
TransGlobal Underground Electronica http://www.t-g-u.com/ July
Tuna Melt Classic Rock "missing link" July

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

Unkle Monkey Tropical Rock "missing link" June
Upstream Rock/Reggae http://www.upstreammusic.com/ July, Sept. 4, 22

Vega, Suzanne Acoustic/Folk/Pop http://www.suzannevega.com/ July
Vertigo Road Acoustic "missing link"> June
Villegas, Luis Latin http://www.luisvillegas.com/ August
Vincent, Eric Neil Diamond Tribute see "Diamond Cutters" Sept. 10

Wakeling, Dave/English Beat Rock http://www.davewakeling.com/ August
Warsaw Village Band Polish/Traditional http://www.warsawvillageband.net/ August
Wells, Tracy Big Band "missing link" July
Westminster Chorale Choral "missing link" August
Westwind Productions Polynesian http://www.westwindproductions.com/ August
Whitcomb, Ian Tin Pan Alley/Ukulele www.picklehead.com/ian.html July
Wild Pony Country "missing link" August
The Wise Guys Big Band/Swing http://www.mtbwiseguys.org/ July, August
The Whooligans Irish http://www.thewhooligans.com/ August
Windy Ridge Bluegrass http://www.windyridgebluegrass.com/ July
Wolfe, Gregory Rod Stewart Tribute "missing link" July, August
The Wonderelles All-Female 50s http://www.thewonderbroads.com/ June, July

Click here to return to the alphabetical links

   There are no "X" listings at this time.

York, Jennifer Jazz http://www.jenniferyork.com/ Sept. 9
Young, Bryan Blues "missing link" June, July
Youth Choir of Greater Paris Youth Choir See http://www.grandperformances.org/ July

   There are no "Z" listings at this time.

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Comments? Questions? Send an e-mail to: 4dorothyb@dorothyswebsite.org