This page lists concerts for Los Angeles County by date. To find information for a particular day, click on a date on the calendar below, or continue scrolling down the page. Clicking a date on the calendar on the home page will take you to Concerts by Date for all cities. Please remember that although every attempt is made to bring you the most current concert information, all schedules are subject to change. It is recommended that you confirm any performance you wish to attend. Concerts are listed by all cities together, or separately for Los Angeles County, Orange County and the Inland Empire. For a list of concerts in cities for one county only, click the appropriate link in the column on the left. Enjoy the summer!
LONG BEACH COMIC CONS The "Concerts By Date" pages feature pictures from the summer 2018 and spring 2019 Long Beach Comic Cons. The 2019 summer event will take place at the end of August at the Long Beach Convention Center. Additional photos will be added then. The events celebrate the world of comics and include a little bit of everything to do with the world of comics: industry panels, exhibitors, artists, vendors, and of course, comics-related costumes galore. The photos are stylized images of cosplay artists at the events.
COVINA - COVINA FARMERS MARKET. Artists TBA. The market takes place on Fridays from 5 - 9 p.m. at Heritage Plaza, Citrus Street/San Bernardino. In the event of rain, the market will be closed. Information: (928) 854-1105 or www.covinafarmersmarket.com. GLENDALE - BRAND LIBRARY PLAZA CONCERT SERIES. Bridge to Everywhere. Brand Library Plaza Concert Series performances will take place at 7 p.m. on the Brand Library & Art Center Plaza. The Brand Library and Art Center is located at 1601 W. Mountain Street. Seating is limited to 75 - 90 people on a first-come basis; visitors are welcome to bring blankets or chairs and sit on the grassy hillsides in Brand Park. Performances are 60 - 90 minutes without intermission. Information: (818) 937-7888, (818) 548-2051 or www.brandlibrary.org. LA PUENTE - LA PUENTE LIVE. La Puente Live is an open-air market in downtown La Puente on Main Street. The event will take place from 6 - 10 p.m. every Friday and will include tproduce sales and live entertainment. Entertainment will be: August 2 - Aguilas de la Sierra, August 9 - Suave (Latin/Variety), August 16 - LA Misfits, August 23 - Artists TBA and August 30 - Smooth Touch. Information: (562) 375-0888, www.lapuentelive.com or www.facebook.com/lapuentelive. LONG BEACH - SUMMER CONCERT SERIES AT SHORELINE VILLAGE. Rain Bisou Telenovela Soul (Pop/Latin) from 6 - 9 p.m. Performances take place in the Off Boarwalk Stage at Shoreline Village, 429 Shoreline Village Drive. Performances generally are Fridays from 6 - 9 p.m. and Saturdays from 2 - 5 p.m. and 6 - 9 p.m. (unless otherwise noted). Information: (562) 435-2668 or www.shorelinevillage.com. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - DANCE DOWNTOWN. Put on your dancing shoes and dance under the stars from 7 - 11 p.m. at Dance Downtown, now in its 15th season. This month's dances will be: This month's dances will be: August 2 - K-Pop on the Grand Park performance lawn, August 9 - Salsa on the Music Center Plaza, August 16 - Motown/Funk on the Music Center Plaza, and August 30 - Cumbia on the Music Center Plaza - Plaza grand opening weekend with extended hours to midnight. Beginning dance lessons at 7 p.m. and throughout the evening; dance to live music or DJs (not specified which night will be live music or DJs) from 7:30 - 11 p.m. Dance floor is provided with space available on a first come, first served basis. No outside alcohol permitted. Information: (213) 972-3660, (213) 972-7211, www.musiccenter.org or www.musiccenter.org/tickets/events-by-the-music-center/dancedtla. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - LEVITT PAVILION LOS ANGELES Afrobashment All-DJ evening at 7 p.m. with Zongo Sound System, DJ Rampage Global and Shacia Payne. The Levitt Pavilion in MacArthur Park returns for the summer with concerts Thursday through Sunday nights. Unles otherwise noted, concerts begin at 7 p.m. The Levitt Pavilion at MacArthur Park is located in the northwest corner of the park near the intersection of West 6th Street and S. Park View Street (just west of downtown Los Angeles). Information: (213) 201-6111 or http://www.levittlosangeles.org. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - WEST ADAMS JAZZ AND MUSIC FESTIVAL. The West Adams Jazz and Music Festival started out 19 years ago as a gathering of neighbors with picnic baskets and lawn chairs and has grown to event attracting thousands of attendees. Concerts take place from 6 - 11 p.m. each night, and there also is dancing in the streets, activities for children, a dance contest, arts/crafts and food vendors and more. The Festival take place at 2521 7th Avenue. See full line-up of artists on Facebook page. Information: www.facebook.com/aveuesjazzmusicfestival. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - MUSIC CENTER PLAZA RE-OPENING WEEKEND. The newly-renovated Music Center plaza will re-open over the Labor Day weekend with activities and festivities over the three days. Dance Downtown (DTLA) will return to the plaza on August 30 from 7 p.m. - midnight with an evening of Cumbia dancing, dance lessons and music. The Plaza for All celebration will take place on August 31 from 4 - 7:30 p.m. featuring the Los Angeles Master Chorale's Big Sing 2019, a giant community sing-along. Also, on September 1 from noon - 6 p.m., the Splish Splash Bash will include free games and activities, splashing in the fountain, a screening of the Dodgers game on giant LED screens and more. See full details on website listed. Information: www.musiccenter.org/plaza. LOS ANGELES (MID-WILSHIRE/MUSEUM DISTRICT) - JAZZ AT LACMA. m-pact. Jazz at LACMA concerts are from 6 - 8 p.m. in the Smidt Welcome Plaza of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 5905 Wishire Boulevard. Information: (323) 857-6115 or www.lacma.org. LOS ANGELES (MID-WILSHIRE/MUSEUM DISTRICT) - LOS ANGELES FARMERS MARKET SUMMER CONCERTS. Maiya Sykes (Pop/Jazz). Friday night Summer Music concerts take place from 7 - 9 p.m. on the West Patio of the Los Angeles Farmers Market, 6333 W. 3rd at Fairfax. Information: (323) 933-9211 or www.farmersmarketla.com. PICO RIVERA - PICO RIVERA SUMMER STREET FEST. Soto (Latin/R&B/Funk) at 5:30 p.m. and La Sonora Dinamita featuring Vilma Diaz (Cumbia) at 8 p.m. The Summer Street Fest takes place Friday nights in August from 5 - 10 p.m. (music starts at 5:30 p.m.) on Mines Avenue between Rosemead Boulevard and Lindsey Avenue. There will be concerts, a marketplace, exhibitors, activities for children, a beer garden and food available for purchase. Information: (562) 801-4430 or www.pico-rivera.org. SAN GABRIEL - SAN GABRIEL MISSION FIESTA. The San Gabriel Mission Fiesta will take place Friday from 5:30 p.m. - 11 p.m., Saturday from noon - midnight and Sunday from noon - midnight at the San Gabriel Mission, 428 S. Mission Drive. There will be large and small rides, food vendors and carnival games (fee); admission and entertainment are free. Friday night entertainment will include Big Daddy T (Blues) at 7 p.m. and the Susie Hansen Latin Band (Latin Jazz) at 9 p.m. Saturday evening entertainment will include the San Gabriel Mission Marimba Ensemble at 5 p.m., Mariachi Los Colibri at 7 p.m., and Mestizo LA (Salsa) at 9 p.m. Sunday entertainment will include mariachi and folklorico dance and the ACE Band at 9 p.m. See website for full schedule. Information: (626) 457-3035, www.sangabrielmissionfiesta.org or www.sangabrielmission.org. SAN PEDRO - LA FLEET WEEK. LA Fleet week is a free public event celebrating our nation's Sea Services at our nation's #1 port, the Port of Los Angeles. The event welcomes active military ships and personnel to the LA Waterfront and features ship tours, military equipmemt demonstrations, live music and entertainment, educational activities, a STEM expo for kids of all ages, athletic events and activities and more. See website for full schedule of all events, entertainment, and activities. Information: www.lafleetweek.com. SATURDAY AUGUST 31 BEVERLY HILLS - CONCERTS ON CANON AND SATURDAY NIGHT PROMS. Dave Aussie's Bush Band (Aussie Folk). The City of Beverly Hills presents the 2019 season of Concerts on Canon with expanded programming on Thursday and Saturday nights. Concerts take place from 6 - 6:45 p.m. and 7:15 - 8 p.m. at the Beverly Canon Gardens, 241 N. Canon Drive (between the Montage Hotel and Bouchon). Seating is available on a first-come basis with an open grass area for picnic blankets, tables and chairs. There are also several restaurants in the area open for food purchases. Parking is available in the Beverly Canon Gardens parking structure, 241 N. Canon Drive. Information: (310) 285-6830 or www.beverlyhills.org/concertsoncanon. HERMOSA BEACH - LABOR DAY FIESTA HERMOSA. - Arts and crafts, three stages of live music, vendor booths, activities for children, and beer and wine garden each day of Labor Day weekend. Fiesta is from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. at Pier/Hermosa Avenues; Pier Avenue main stage is at Pier Plaza/Strand, and the Beer Garden Stage is at 11th Street/Beach Drive. This year there also will be an acoustic stage on Manhattan Avenue. See website for full schedule and parking/shuttle details. Today's bands will be: Pier Avenue Main Stage: Good Vibes (Rock) from 11 a.m. - noon, XYZPDQ from 1 - 2 p.m., Jamison Jarvis from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. and My High School Rebellion (Hermosa Punk Rock) from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Beer Garden Stage: Flogging Seagulls (80s) from 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., and Thank U Drive Thru (Classic Rock) from 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Acoustic Stage: Mel Harker and Lucky Dawgs from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and Cynthia Jones and the West Coast Nightlights from 3 - 6 p.m. Information: (310) 376-0951, www.fiestahermosa.net or www.hbchamber.net. LONG BEACH - SUMMER CONCERT SERIES AT SHORELINE VILLAGE. Crazy Tomes (Blues) from 2 - 5 p.m. and Crown City Bombers (Rockabilly) from 6 - 9 p.m. Performances take place in the Off Boarwalk Stage at Shoreline Village, 429 Shoreline Village Drive. Performances generally are Fridays from 6 - 9 p.m. and Saturdays from 2 - 5 p.m. and 6 - 9 p.m. (unless otherwise noted). Information: (562) 435-2668 or www.shorelinevillage.com. LONG BEACH - LONG BEACH TOWNE CENTER CONCERTS, Ticket to Ride (Beatles Tribute). Performances at the Long Beach Towne Center take place in the Promenade area on Saturday nights from 7 - 9 p.m. The Long Beach Towne Center is located at 7575 Carson Boulevard. Information: www.longbeachtownecenter.net. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - LEVITT PAVILION LOS ANGELES UCLA 100- Year Celebration with La Sonora Dinamita (Cumbia) at 7 p.m. The Levitt Pavilion in MacArthur Park returns for the summer with concerts Thursday through Sunday nights. Unles otherwise noted, concerts begin at 7 p.m. The Levitt Pavilion at MacArthur Park is located in the northwest corner of the park near the intersection of West 6th Street and S. Park View Street (just west of downtown Los Angeles). Information: (213) 201-6111 or http://www.levittlosangeles.org. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - WEST ADAMS JAZZ AND MUSIC FESTIVAL. The West Adams Jazz and Music Festival started out 19 years ago as a gathering of neighbors with picnic baskets and lawn chairs and has grown to event attracting thousands of attendees. Concerts take place from 6 - 11 p.m. each night, and there also is dancing in the streets, activities for children, a dance contest, arts/crafts and food vendors and more. The Festival take place at 2521 7th Avenue. See full line-up of artists on Facebook page. Information: www.facebook.com/aveuesjazzmusicfestival. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - MUSIC CENTER PLAZA RE-OPENING WEEKEND. The newly-renovated Music Center plaza will re-open over the Labor Day weekend with activities and festivities over the three days. Dance Downtown (DTLA) will return to the plaza on August 30 from 7 p.m. - midnight with an evening of Cumbia dancing, dance lessons and music. The Plaza for All celebration will take place on August 31 from 4 - 7:30 p.m. featuring the Los Angeles Master Chorale's Big Sing 2019, a giant community sing-along. Also, on September 1 from noon - 6 p.m., the Splish Splash Bash will include free games and activities, splashing in the fountain, a screening of the Dodgers game on giant LED screens and more. See full details on website listed. Information: www.musiccenter.org/plaza. LOS ANGELES (MID-WILSHIRE/MUSEUM DISTRICT) - LATIN SOUNDS CONCERTS AT LACMA. Yamila Guerra (Latin Jazz). The Latin Sounds series presents performances of a variety of styles of Latin music. The outdoor concerts are from 5 - 7 p.m. on Saturdays in the Hancock Park area of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 5905 Wishire Boulevard. Attendees are encouraged to bring blankets and picnics. Information: (323) 857-6000, (323) 857-6115 or www.lacma.org. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - FISHERMAN'S VILLAGE CONCERT SERIES. U.S. 99 (Blues). Outdoor performances are from 2 - 5 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday at Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way, weather permitting. Parking is available for two hours with validation. Information: (310) 305-9545, visitor information, or www.visitmarinadelrey.com. MARINA DEL REY - SYMPHONIC THURSDAYS AND POP SATURDAYS. Jenny and the Mexicats (Latin Alt). Concerts are at 7 p.m. waterside at Burton Chace Park, 13650 Mindanao Way. No free parking in area, but ample paid parking in area lots. Symphonic Thursdays feature the Marina Del Rey Summer Symphony, with music director and conductor Frank Fetta. Information: (310) 305-9545, http://marinadelrey.lacounty.gov or www.visitmarinadelrey.com". PASADENA - THURSDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT MUSIC AT ONE COLORADO. Hamish Anderson. One Colorado is bringing summer music back to the Courtyard with concerts on Thursday and Saturday nights from 7 - 9 p.m. Shows are all ages; seating is limited and open. Standing is acceptable and dancing is highly encouraged! One Colorado is located at 41 Hugus Alley. Information: (626) 564-1066 or www.onecolorado.com. REDONDO BEACH - REDONDO PIER SUMMER CONCERTS. Dark Desert Highway (Eagles Tribute). Concerts are Thursdays and Saturdays at the Redondo Beach Pier from 6 to 8 p.m. All concerts are at the West End of the pier except those noted, which will be where the pier meets the Boardwalk (below Kincaid's). Bring a beach chair or blanket. Information: www.redondopier.com or www.facebook.com/redondopier. SAN GABRIEL - SAN GABRIEL MISSION FIESTA. The San Gabriel Mission Fiesta will take place Friday from 5:30 p.m. - 11 p.m., Saturday from noon - midnight and Sunday from noon - midnight at the San Gabriel Mission, 428 S. Mission Drive. There will be large and small rides, food vendors and carnival games (fee); admission and entertainment are free. Friday night entertainment will include Big Daddy T (Blues) at 7 p.m. and the Susie Hansen Latin Band (Latin Jazz) at 9 p.m. Saturday evening entertainment will include the San Gabriel Mission Marimba Ensemble at 5 p.m., Mariachi Los Colibri at 7 p.m., and Mestizo LA (Salsa) at 9 p.m. Sunday entertainment will include mariachi and folklorico dance and the ACE Band at 9 p.m. See website for full schedule. Information: (626) 457-3035, www.sangabrielmissionfiesta.org or www.sangabrielmission.org. SAN PEDRO - LA FLEET WEEK. LA Fleet week is a free public event celebrating our nation's Sea Services at our nation's #1 port, the Port of Los Angeles. The event welcomes active military ships and personnel to the LA Waterfront and features ship tours, military equipmemt demonstrations, live music and entertainment, educational activities, a STEM expo for kids of all ages, athletic events and activities and more. See website for full schedule of all events, entertainment, and activities. Information: www.lafleetweek.com.
HERMOSA BEACH - LABOR DAY FIESTA HERMOSA. - Arts and crafts, three stages of live music, vendor booths, activities for children, and beer and wine garden each day of Labor Day weekend. Fiesta is from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. at Pier/Hermosa Avenues; Pier Avenue main stage is at Pier Plaza/Strand, and the Beer Garden Stage is at 11th Street/Beach Drive. This year there also will be an acoustic stage on Manhattan Avenue. See website for full schedule and parking/shuttle details. Today's bands will be: Pier Avenue Main Stage: Dog 'n Butterfly (Heart Tribute) from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., and Hollywood Stones (Rolling Stones Tribute) from 3 - 6 p.m. Beer Garden Stage: Rock of Ages (Rock) from 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., and Latch Key Kids (Party Band) from 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Acoustic Stage: Acoustic Warriors (Rock Harmonies) from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and Free to Be Me Drum Circle from 3 - 6 p.m. Information: (310) 376-0951, www.fiestahermosa.net or www.hbchamber.net. LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE - LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE 2019 SUMMER MUSIC IN THE PARK. Hot August Night (Neil Diamond Tribute). Concerts take place on Sunday evenings from 6 - 8 p.m. in Memorial Park, 1301 Foothill Boulevard. Information: (818) 790-8880 or www.lcf.ca.gov. LONG BEACH - SUMMER CONCERT SERIES AT SHORELINE VILLAGE. 2AZZ1 (Urban Contemporary) from 2 - 5 p.m. Performances take place in the Off Boarwalk Stage at Shoreline Village, 429 Shoreline Village Drive. Performances generally are Fridays from 6 - 9 p.m. and Saturdays from 2 - 5 p.m. and 6 - 9 p.m. (unless otherwise noted). Information: (562) 435-2668 or www.shorelinevillage.com. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - LEVITT PAVILION LOS ANGELES Wonder-ful in the Park: A Stevie Wonder Tribute with DJ Spinna at 4 p.m.. The Levitt Pavilion in MacArthur Park returns for the summer with concerts Thursday through Sunday nights. Unles otherwise noted, concerts begin at 7 p.m. The Levitt Pavilion at MacArthur Park is located in the northwest corner of the park near the intersection of West 6th Street and S. Park View Street (just west of downtown Los Angeles). Information: (213) 201-6111 or http://www.levittlosangeles.org. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - WEST ADAMS JAZZ AND MUSIC FESTIVAL. The West Adams Jazz and Music Festival started out 19 years ago as a gathering of neighbors with picnic baskets and lawn chairs and has grown to event attracting thousands of attendees. Concerts take place from 6 - 11 p.m. each night, and there also is dancing in the streets, activities for children, a dance contest, arts/crafts and food vendors and more. The Festival take place at 2521 7th Avenue. See full line-up of artists on Facebook page. Information: www.facebook.com/aveuesjazzmusicfestival. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - MUSIC CENTER PLAZA RE-OPENING WEEKEND. The newly-renovated Music Center plaza will re-open over the Labor Day weekend with activities and festivities over the three days. Dance Downtown (DTLA) will return to the plaza on August 30 from 7 p.m. - midnight with an evening of Cumbia dancing, dance lessons and music. The Plaza for All celebration will take place on August 31 from 4 - 7:30 p.m. featuring the Los Angeles Master Chorale's Big Sing 2019, a giant community sing-along. Also, on September 1 from noon - 6 p.m., the Splish Splash Bash will include free games and activities, splashing in the fountain, a screening of the Dodgers game on giant LED screens and more. See full details on website listed. Information: www.musiccenter.org/plaza. MANHATTAN BEACH - MANHATTAN BEACH SUMMER CONCERT SERIES. Blue Breeze Band (Motown/R&B), with opening band Chroma Haze. Concerts are on Sundays from 5 - 7 p.m. in Polliwog Park, Manhattan Beach Blvd./Redondo Ave. Concert flyer indicates all bands are subject to change. Information: (310) 802-5406, (310) 802-5000, www.citymb.info or http://www.citymb.info/concerts. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - FISHERMAN'S VILLAGE CONCERT SERIES. Brasil Brazil (Samba/Bossa Nova). Outdoor performances are from 2 - 5 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday at Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way, weather permitting. Parking is available for two hours with validation. Information: (310) 305-9545, visitor information, or www.visitmarinadelrey.com. SAN GABRIEL - SAN GABRIEL MISSION FIESTA. The San Gabriel Mission Fiesta will take place Friday from 5:30 p.m. - 11 p.m., Saturday from noon - midnight and Sunday from noon - midnight at the San Gabriel Mission, 428 S. Mission Drive. There will be large and small rides, food vendors and carnival games (fee); admission and entertainment are free. Friday night entertainment will include Big Daddy T (Blues) at 7 p.m. and the Susie Hansen Latin Band (Latin Jazz) at 9 p.m. Saturday evening entertainment will include the San Gabriel Mission Marimba Ensemble at 5 p.m., Mariachi Los Colibri at 7 p.m., and Mestizo LA (Salsa) at 9 p.m. Sunday entertainment will include mariachi and folklorico dance and the ACE Band at 9 p.m. See website for full schedule. Information: (626) 457-3035, www.sangabrielmissionfiesta.org or www.sangabrielmission.org. SAN PEDRO - LA FLEET WEEK. LA Fleet week is a free public event celebrating our nation's Sea Services at our nation's #1 port, the Port of Los Angeles. The event welcomes active military ships and personnel to the LA Waterfront and features ship tours, military equipmemt demonstrations, live music and entertainment, educational activities, a STEM expo for kids of all ages, athletic events and activities and more. See website for full schedule of all events, entertainment, and activities. Information: www.lafleetweek.com. SANTA MONICA - BROAD FEST 2019. Broad Fest is an outdoor community festival featuring musical performances, a live DJ, dance lessons, art-making workshops, stage tours and other activities for the whole family. The event will take place from 2 - 7 p.m. at the Eli and Edythe Broad Stage, 1310 11th Street, and parking is free. Performances on the East Wing - Music Hall stage will be by Viver Brasil (Brazilian), She Sings She Swings (Swing), and the Boogaloo Assassins (Latin Boogaloo/Latin Soul/Salsa). Lobby house concerts will include performances by Elemental Music (Youth), and the Santa Monica College music department, and DJ Anthony Valadez will be on the Plaza. See website for full schedule of activities and performances. Information: (310) 434-3200 or www.thebroadstage.org/broadfest.php. SANTA MONICA - LIVE MUSIC AT THE SUNDAY FARMERS MARKET. Artists TBA. The Sunday Farmers Market takes place from 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Main Street/Ocean Park. Music is from about 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Information: (310) 458-8712, (310) 458-8411, www.smgov.net/farmers_market/index.htm or www.farmersmarket.santa-monica.org.
HERMOSA BEACH - LABOR DAY FIESTA HERMOSA. - Arts and crafts, three stages of live music, vendor booths, activities for children, and beer and wine garden each day of Labor Day weekend. Fiesta is from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. at Pier/Hermosa Avenues; Pier Avenue main stage is at Pier Plaza/Strand, and the Beer Garden Stage is at 11th Street/Beach Drive. This year there also will be an acoustic stage on Manhattan Avenue. See website for full schedule and parking/shuttle details. Today's bands will be: Pier Avenue Main Stage: Mirage (Fleetwood Mac Tribute) from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., and Vitalogy (Pearl Jam Tribute) from 3 - 6 p.m. Beer Garden Stage: Thunder Island (Rock) from 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., and Hit Me 90s (90s) from 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Acoustic Stage: Bill and Carla from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and Evyn Charles from 3 - 6 p.m. Information: (310) 376-0951, www.fiestahermosa.net or www.hbchamber.net. LONG BEACH - SUMMER CONCERT SERIES AT SHORELINE VILLAGE. Manuel the Band (Indie Rock) from 2 - 5 p.m. Performances take place in the Off Boarwalk Stage at Shoreline Village, 429 Shoreline Village Drive. Performances generally are Fridays from 6 - 9 p.m. and Saturdays from 2 - 5 p.m. and 6 - 9 p.m. (unless otherwise noted). Information: (562) 435-2668 or www.shorelinevillage.com. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - FISHERMAN'S VILLAGE CONCERT SERIES. Friends (R&B). Outdoor performances are from 2 - 5 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday at Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way, weather permitting. Parking is available for two hours with validation. Information: (310) 305-9545, visitor information, or www.visitmarinadelrey.com. PASADENA - PASADENA SENIOR CENTER'S LIVE MUSIC AT THE SCOTT. Great American Swing Band. Concerts take place on Monday nights from 6 - 7 in the air-conditioned Scott Pavilion at the Pasadena Senior Center, 85 E. Holly at Raymond. Seating for 250 with room for dancing. Information: (626) 795-4331 or www.pasadenaseniorcenter.org. SAN PEDRO - LA FLEET WEEK. LA Fleet week is a free public event celebrating our nation's Sea Services at our nation's #1 port, the Port of Los Angeles. The event welcomes active military ships and personnel to the LA Waterfront and features ship tours, military equipmemt demonstrations, live music and entertainment, educational activities, a STEM expo for kids of all ages, athletic events and activities and more. See website for full schedule of all events, entertainment, and activities. Information: www.lafleetweek.com. There are no performances scheduled on this date. GLENDALE - "MUSIC AT NOON" CONCERTS. The free half-hour concerts on the first and third Wednesdays of each month take place from 12:10 p.m. to 12:40 p.m. at Glendale City Church, 610 E. California Avenue. This month's concerts will be: September 4 - Cesar Franck's Piano Quintet im F Minor performed by Alexander Knecht, violin, Jacqueline Suzuki, violin, Adrianna Zoppo, viola, Jonathan Flaksman, cello and Brendan White, piano; and September 18 - Ergo Musica (Adriana Zoppo, viola d'amore, Alexa Haynes-Pilon, baroque cello and Diane Plaster, soprano) performing music by Bach, Ariosti, Graupner and others. Information: (818) 244-7241, www.fbcglendale.net or www.glendalenoonconcerts.blogspot.com. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - UNIQUELY LA. Uniquely LA with Aaron Byrd presents unique experiences in unexpected places. Today's performance will take place from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at For Five Coffee, 333 S. Grand Avenue, with a performance by Erez Sivan (Vocalist/Songwriter/Guitarist). Information: http://artsbrookfield.com, go to information for Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - MIDDAY ORGAN RECITAL AT OUR LADY OF ANGELS CATHEDRAL. Free half-hour organ recitals at 12:45 p.m. on most Wednesdays. (See date calendars to confirm concerts or call venue.) Cathedral address is 555 W. Temple. Information: (213) 680-5200 or http://www.olacathedral.org PASADENA - PASADENA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MUSIC AT NOON CONCERTS. VR Smith and friends (Jazz Vocals/Ensemble). Concerts take place at 12:10 in the church sanctuary and are open to the public. The church is in Downtown Pasadena at the corner of Colorado and Madison. Information: (626) 793-2191 or www.ppcmusic.org. SANTA MONICA - TWILIGHT ON THE PIER Middle East Beats. Bombino and Disco Shrine (Spiritual Disco) on the main stage, and Los Angeles Arabs Orchestra (Traditional/Popular Arabic Music) on the west end stage. The 2019 Twilight on the Pier concerts will take place from 5 - 10 p.m. on two stages at the Santa Monica Pier. See website for additional information. Information: www.santamonicapier.org/twilight. BALDWIN PARK - BALDWIN PARK DOWNTOWN STREET MARKET. DSB (Journey Tribute) and Los Cadetes de Linares (Regional Mexican). The Street Market will take place from 5 - 9 p.m. on Maine Avenue between Ramona Boulevard and Palm Avenue. Concerts on the S Stage take place from 7 - 9 p.m. and on the N Stage from 6:45 - 8:45 p.m. Food will be available for purchase, and there will be a beer garden, food vendors, and a kids' fun zone. Information: (626) 813-5245 x317 or www.baldwinpark.com. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - NOONTIME ORGAN RECITAL AT FCCLA. The First Congregational Church of Los Angeles, 540 S. Commonwealth at 6th, offers weekly half-hour organ concerts on Thursdays beginning at 12:10 p.m. Concerts are open to the public. Information: (213) 385-1345 or http://www.fccla.org. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - BEACH EATS/FOOD TRUCK THURSDAYS WITH LIVE MUSIC. Beach Eats is a weekly food truck gathering at the Marina Del Rey "Mother's" Beach. Events are from 5 - 9 p.m., and there will be live music from 6 - 8 p.m. Upcoming bands will be: September 5 and 26 - Upstream (Reggae/Caribbean), September 12 and 19 - Brasil Brazil (Brazilian). Bring your own chair for seating. Information: (310) 305-9545 or www.visitmarinadelrey.com. PASADENA - THURSDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT MUSIC AT ONE COLORADO. Paul Chesne. One Colorado is bringing summer music back to the Courtyard with concerts on Thursday and Saturday nights from 7 - 9 p.m. Shows are all ages; seating is limited and open. Standing is acceptable and dancing is highly encouraged! One Colorado is located at 41 Hugus Alley. Information: (626) 564-1066 or www.onecolorado.com. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6 CLAREMONT - CLAREMONT FRIDAY NIGHTS LIVE - The Friday night concert series takes place through October at locations in Claremont Village. Regular performances are from 6 - 9 p.m. at the Public Plaza (PP), 101 North Indian Hill Boulevard, the Claremont Chamber of Commerce (CC), 205 Yale Avenue (at Second Street), Shelton Park (Bonita/Harvard), and the City Hall/Council Chambers (CH, Harvard/2nd Street). Tonight: Michael Ryan and Sneeky Park (PP), Mike's Guitar World (CC), High Strung Band (Bluegrass, Shelton Park) and The Burning Doors (Door Tribute, CH). Seating for most performances is not provided, but lawn chairs are welcome. Information: (909) 624-1681, www.claremontchamber.org or www.ci.claremont.ca.us. COVINA - COVINA FARMERS MARKET. Mark Maverick Karaoke. The market takes place on Fridays from 5 - 9 p.m. at Heritage Plaza, Citrus Street/San Bernardino. In the event of rain, the market will be closed. Information: (928) 854-1105 or www.covinafarmersmarket.com. LA PUENTE - LA PUENTE LIVE. La Puente Live is an open-air market in downtown La Puente on Main Street. The event will take place from 6 - 10 p.m. every Friday and will include produce sales and live entertainment. Entertainment will be: August 30 - Smooth Touch, September 6 - Rebelion De Guerrero, September 13 - Aztlan Soul Band, September 20 - Yankee Azteca, and September 27 - Low Key Band. Information: (562) 375-0888, www.lapuentelive.com or www.facebook.com/lapuentelive. LONG BEACH - SHARK LAGOON NIGHTS AT THE AQUARIUM OF THE PACIFIC. Artists TBA. Shark Lagoon Nights lets all ages enjoy live music while observing the sharks at Harbor Terrace. Please note: The Aquarium itself is not open during this time. Only the Shark Lagoon and restaurant/gift shop areas are open for the evening from 6 - 9 p.m.; music is from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Admission is free and food/drinks are available for purchase. Aquarium address is 100 Aquarium Way. Information: (562) 590-3100 x0, or www.aquariumofthepacific.org. LOS ANGELES (MID-WILSHIRE/MUSEUM DISTRICT) - JAZZ AT LACMA. 11th Annual L.A. Jazz Treasure Award - Joe LaBarbera. Jazz at LACMA concerts are from 6 - 8 p.m. in the Smidt Welcome Plaza of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 5905 Wishire Boulevard. Information: (323) 857-6115 or www.lacma.org. TORRANCE - CLASSICAL CROSSROADS CONCERTS: FIRST FRIDAYS AT FIRST! Classical Crossroads concerts are held at the First Lutheran Church of Torrance, 2900 W. Carson Street (on the south side of Carson just east of Maple). Today's concert, First Fridays at First!, will take place from 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. and will feature the La Bella Vita Trio. Information: (310) 316-5573 or www.palosverdes.com/classicalcrossroads. ALTADENA - SHERIFF'S SUPPORT GROUP OF ALTADENA CONCERTS IN THE PARK. The Who Experience (Who Tribute). Concerts take place at 7 p.m. on Saturdays at the Farnsworth Park Amphitheater, 568 E. Mt. Curve Avenue. Information: (626) 798-6335 or www.altadenasheriffs.blogspot.com. LONG BEACH - SUMMER AND MUSIC CONCERTS. Summer and Music concludes the summer with Buskerfest. Local and regional bands will perform on four stages set up on flatbed trucks with minimal plugged-in equipment and will be busking for your wooden nickels. Cheer for your favorite acts and dance in the streets from 5 - 11 p.m. in the East Village Arts District, 1st and Linden Avenue. There also will be a free bike valet. Check website for bands appearing. Information: www.summerandmusic.com or www.dtlb.org. LOS ANGELES (WEST) - EVER PRESENT AT THE GETTY CENTER.. Ever Present is a new series in which artistic experimenters stage ephemeral performances in various locations of the Museum. Today's event is called "Plantasia." Celebrate California plant culture with a special program inspired by 1970s Los Angeles and Plantasia, the iconic album made for plants and the people who love them. The day will include music, workshops and presentations that explore the influence of plants on art and culture in Los Angeles. The event will take place from 3 - 9 p.m. in the central garden. Parking is $15 or $10 after 5 p.m. Information: (310) 440-7300 or www.getty.edu. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - FISHERMAN'S VILLAGE CONCERT SERIES. Upstream (Reggae/Caribbean). Outdoor performances are from 2 - 5 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday at Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way, weather permitting. Parking is available for two hours with validation. Information: (310) 305-9545, visitor information, or www.visitmarinadelrey.com. PASADENA - THURSDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT MUSIC AT ONE COLORADO. Soul Scratch. One Colorado is bringing summer music back to the Courtyard with concerts on Thursday and Saturday nights from 7 - 9 p.m. Shows are all ages; seating is limited and open. Standing is acceptable and dancing is highly encouraged! One Colorado is located at 41 Hugus Alley. Information: (626) 564-1066 or www.onecolorado.com.
LOS ANGELES (MID-WILSHIRE/MUSEUM DISTRICT) - LITTLE ETHIOPIA CULTURAL STREET FESTIVAL. The celebration of the Ethiopian New Year will take place from noon - 8 p.m. on Fairfax Avenue between Olympic Boulevard and Whitworth Drive. There will be cultural performances, art and crafts, and Ethiopian cuisine for sale. Information: (310) 877-3530, (323) 360-4431, or www.littleethio.com. LOS ANGELES (SOUTH AND EAST) - EAST LA MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY PARADE AND FESTIVAL. The 73rd East LA Mexican Independence Day parade is the oldest and largest Hispanic parade in the country. The parade will take place starting at 10 a.m. on E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. between Mednik to Record Avenues. This year's Grand Marshal is World Heavyweight Champion Andy Ruiz Jr. The festival following the parade will take place from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Mednik between E. Cesar Chavez Avenue and 1st Street. The festival will include performances throughout the day, arts and crafts, merchandise and food vendors and more. Information: (323) 587-6177, www.cmcplosangeles.org, www.facebook.com/CMCPLA or www.hildasolis.org. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - FISHERMAN'S VILLAGE CONCERT SERIES. Blue Breeze Band (R&B). Outdoor performances are from 2 - 5 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday at Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way, weather permitting. Parking is available for two hours with validation. Information: (310) 305-9545, visitor information, or www.visitmarinadelrey.com. SANTA MONICA - LIVE MUSIC AT THE SUNDAY FARMERS MARKET. Baila Baila. The Sunday Farmers Market takes place from 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Main Street/Ocean Park. Music is from about 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Information: (310) 458-8712, (310) 458-8411, www.smgov.net/farmers_market/index.htm or www.farmersmarket.santa-monica.org. There are no performances scheduled on this date. There are no performances scheduled on this date. LA MIRADA - NOON CONCERTS AT BIOLA UNIVERSITY. Jonathan Neira Hernandez conducts Orquestas Sagrado Corazon. This long-standing, mid-day concert series tradition presents guest artists and university faculty and students. It brings to the campus and the community a special opportunity to hear outstanding performances from a variety of artists. All performances are from 12:30 - 1 p.m. in Crowell Hall on the Biola University Campus. Campus address is 13800 Biola Drive. See website for directions. Information: (562) 903-4892 www.biola.edu/fine-arts or www.biola.edu, go to Conservatory of Music. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - CITY BEATS. The lunchtime concerts curated by Anthony Valadez will take place every second Wednesday of the month from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Gas Company Tower, 555 W. 5th Street (near the Pershing Square Metro stop). DJ set with Anthony Valadez at 11:30 a.m., followed by a performance by up-and-coming musicians. Today: Special Guest (check website for any additional information on guest). Information: http://artsbrookfield.com, go to information for Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - MIDDAY ORGAN RECITAL AT OUR LADY OF ANGELS CATHEDRAL. Free half-hour organ recitals at 12:45 p.m. on most Wednesdays. (See date calendars to confirm concerts or call venue.) Cathedral address is 555 W. Temple. Information: (213) 680-5200 or http://www.olacathedral.org PASADENA - PASADENA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MUSIC AT NOON CONCERTS. Clarinetist Virginia Figueiredo. Concerts take place at 12:10 in the church sanctuary and are open to the public. The church is in Downtown Pasadena at the corner of Colorado and Madison. Information: (626) 793-2191 or www.ppcmusic.org. SANTA MONICA - TWILIGHT ON THE PIER Island Tides. Holly Cook (Reggae/Pop) and Western Standard Time Ska Orchestra (Big Band Ska) on the main stage, and Upstream (Steel Drum/Caribbean) on the west end stage. The 2019 Twilight on the Pier concerts will take place from 5 - 10 p.m. on two stages at the Santa Monica Pier. See website for additional information. Information: www.santamonicapier.org/twilight. BALDWIN PARK - BALDWIN PARK DOWNTOWN STREET MARKET. Norteno Banda (Norteno), Banda de la Sierra (Banda) and Mariachi Arriba Guadalajara with impersonators Grace as Jenny and Paquito. The Street Market will take place from 5 - 9 p.m. on Maine Avenue between Ramona Boulevard and Palm Avenue. Concerts on the S Stage take place from 7 - 9 p.m. and on the N Stage from 6:45 - 8:45 p.m. Food will be available for purchase, and there will be a beer garden, food vendors, and a kids' fun zone. Information: (626) 813-5245 x317 or www.baldwinpark.com. LA VERNE - LA COUNTY ARTS FREE CONCERTS IN PUBLIC PLACES. Rosalie Elena (Latin American Roots/Rhythms). Grammy Award-winner Rosalie Elena Rodriguez is a 3rd generation Mariachi musician, and her music fuses traditional Cuban and Mexican bolero with the Afro-rooted Peruvian sounds of the Cajon. The concert will take place from 6 - 7 p.m. at the La Verne Library, 3640 D Street. Phone number listed is library phone number. Information: (909) 596-1934, http://lacountylibrary.org/la-verne-library or www.lacountyarts.org. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - NOONTIME ORGAN RECITAL AT FCCLA. The First Congregational Church of Los Angeles, 540 S. Commonwealth at 6th, offers weekly half-hour organ concerts on Thursdays beginning at 12:10 p.m. Concerts are open to the public. Information: (213) 385-1345 or http://www.fccla.org. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - PERFORMANCES AT THE COLBURN SCHOOL. Performance Forum at 11:30 a.m. in Thayer Hall. Young artists from the Conservatory of Music perform solo and chamber works. Performances are open to the public and are free of charge. The Colburn School is located at 200 South Grand across from the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Information: (213) 621-2200 or www.colburnschool.edu. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - BEACH EATS/FOOD TRUCK THURSDAYS WITH LIVE MUSIC. Beach Eats is a weekly food truck gathering at the Marina Del Rey "Mother's" Beach. Events are from 5 - 9 p.m., and there will be live music from 6 - 8 p.m. Upcoming bands will be: September 5 and 26 - Upstream (Reggae/Caribbean), September 12 and 19 - Brasil Brazil (Brazilian). Bring your own chair for seating. Information: (310) 305-9545 or www.visitmarinadelrey.com. PASADENA - THURSDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT MUSIC AT ONE COLORADO. Shane Hall. One Colorado is bringing summer music back to the Courtyard with concerts on Thursday and Saturday nights from 7 - 9 p.m. Shows are all ages; seating is limited and open. Standing is acceptable and dancing is highly encouraged! One Colorado is located at 41 Hugus Alley. Information: (626) 564-1066 or www.onecolorado.com. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 13 CLAREMONT - CLAREMONT FRIDAY NIGHTS LIVE - The Friday night concert series takes place through October at locations in Claremont Village. Regular performances are from 6 - 9 p.m. at the Public Plaza (PP), 101 North Indian Hill Boulevard, the Claremont Chamber of Commerce (CC), 205 Yale Avenue (at Second Street), Shelton Park (Bonita/Harvard), and the City Hall/Council Chambers (CH, Harvard/2nd Street). Tonight: Dynamite Dawson (Soft Rock, PP), Blues and Fries (Blues, CC), The Dogs (Classic Rock, Shelton Park) and Kathy Woolsy and Friends (CH). Seating for most performances is not provided, but lawn chairs are welcome. Information: (909) 624-1681, www.claremontchamber.org or www.ci.claremont.ca.us. COVINA - COVINA FARMERS MARKET. Psycho Punks. The market takes place on Fridays from 5 - 9 p.m. at Heritage Plaza, Citrus Street/San Bernardino. In the event of rain, the market will be closed. Information: (928) 854-1105 or www.covinafarmersmarket.com. LA PUENTE - LA PUENTE LIVE. La Puente Live is an open-air market in downtown La Puente on Main Street. The event will take place from 6 - 10 p.m. every Friday and will include produce sales and live entertainment. Entertainment will be: August 30 - Smooth Touch, September 6 - Rebelion De Guerrero, September 13 - Aztlan Soul Band, September 20 - Yankee Azteca, and September 27 - Low Key Band. Information: (562) 375-0888, www.lapuentelive.com or www.facebook.com/lapuentelive. LONG BEACH - SHARK LAGOON NIGHTS AT THE AQUARIUM OF THE PACIFIC. Artists TBA. Shark Lagoon Nights lets all ages enjoy live music while observing the sharks at Harbor Terrace. Please note: The Aquarium itself is not open during this time. Only the Shark Lagoon and restaurant/gift shop areas are open for the evening from 6 - 9 p.m.; music is from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Admission is free and food/drinks are available for purchase. Aquarium address is 100 Aquarium Way. Information: (562) 590-3100 x0, or www.aquariumofthepacific.org. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - MUSIC AT LA PLAZA DE CULTURA Y ARTES. The Summer of Salsa series concludes with Chino Espinoza y Los Duenos Del Son (Salsa). The program will take place from 6 - 10 p.m. LA Plaza de Cultura u Artes is located at 501 North Main Street. Information: (888) 488-8083 or www.lapca.org. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - USC THORNTON SCHOOL OF MUSIC PERFORMANCES USC Thornton Symphony. The Symphony, led by Carl St. Clair, will open the fall semester of events with an all-Shostakovich concert featuring Festive Overture and the composer's Symphony No. 10. The program will take place at 7:30 p.m. in Bovard Auditorium. All concerts are free and open to the public (exceptions are noted). Parking on campus is $14. Information: (213) 740-2584, www.music.usc.edu or www.usc.edu/music. LOS ANGELES (MID-WILSHIRE/MUSEUM DISTRICT) - JAZZ AT LACMA. Henry "Skipper" Franklin Quintet. Jazz at LACMA concerts are from 6 - 8 p.m. in the Smidt Welcome Plaza of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 5905 Wishire Boulevard. Information: (323) 857-6115 or www.lacma.org. SAN GABRIEL - MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY CONCERT. Celebrate Mexican Independence Day at the Mission Playhouse with performances by Mariachi Cantares de Mexico and the dancers of Esperanza Flores Ballet Folklorico. The program will take place at 6 p.m. outdoors at the Mission Playhouse, 320 South Mission Drive. Limited seating will be provided, and attendees are welcome to bring their own chairs. Information: (626) 308-2865 or www.missionplayhouse.org. SANTA FE SPRINGS - FIESTAS PATRIAS CELEBRATION. The Fiestas Patrias celebrating Mexico's independence from Spain will take place from 6 - 11 p.m. at Town Center Plaza at the Santa Fe Springs Civic Center, 11740 E. Telegraph Road. The program will include mariachi music, folklorico dancers, game booths, and Mexican food available for purchase, and there will be a special performance by Mariachi Los Camperos. Free shuttle service for the event from Los Nietos Park, 11143 Charleseworth Road, and festivities will begin with the traditional "Grito." Information: (562) 692-0261 or www.santafesprings.org.
CARSON - HISPANIC HERITAGE DAY CELEBRATION. Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Day with the City of Carson. The program will take place from noon - 4 p.m. at the Carson Event Center. The Carson Event Center is located at 801 E. Carson Street. The event will be hosted by empowerment comedian Ernie G. with a special appearance by actor, choreographer and novelist Eliana Alexander and music by the Susie Hansen Latin Band (Latin Jazz/Salsa). There also will be dance and mariachi performances, food and vendor booths and a kids zone. Information: (310) 952-1782 or www.ci.carson.ca.us. CARSON - LA COUNTY ARTS FREE CONCERTS IN PUBLIC PLACES. Adelaide Band (Top 40). Adelaide is a Top 40 band that can play Latin Top 40, English Top 40 or a mix of both. Their performance will take place from 2 - 5 p.m. at the Victoria Community Regional Park Multipurpose Room, 419 Martin Luther King Jr. Street/419 E. 192nd Street. Phone number listed is park phone number. Information: (310) 217-8370 or www.lacountyarts.org. CULVER CITY - LA COUNTY ARTS FREE CONCERT IN PUBLIC PLACES Trio America (Music of the American Continent). Trio America (Harp/Flute/Guitar) presents the music of the American continent, portraying the rich and diverse musical legacy that stretches from Patagonia to Quebec. The performance will take place from 2 - 3 p.m. at the Culver City Julian Dixon Library, 4975 Overland Avenue. Phone number listed is phone for the library. Information: (310) 559-1676, http://lacountylibrary.org/culver-city-julian-dixon-library or www.lacountyarts.org. GLENDALE - OPEN ARTS AND MUSIC FEST. The 4th Annual Open Arts and Music Festival will take place from 3 - 10 p.m. on Brand Boulevard in downtown Glendale (vicinity of 216 North Brand Boulevard). The event will include music performances by Nick Waterhouse, Kilo Kish, Jen Awad, Sister Mantos, Ricardo Lemvo and Makina Loca, Thee Sinseers, Earth Arrow, Mt. Pool and the Musical Theatre Guild. There also will be art workshops and demonstrations, activities for children and more. Information: www.openartsmusic.com, www.facebook.com/openartsmusic or www.glendalearts.org. INGLEWOOD - INGLEWOOD HISPANIC HERITAGE FESTIVAL. The City of Inglewood will host a Hispanic Heritage Festival from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Inglewood City Hall, Civic Center North Plaza (along Regent Street from La Brea to Fir Avenue. The festival will include live music and dance performances, interactive and carnival style games, face painting, a classic car show, vendor booths, and Mexican food for sale. Information: (310) 412-8750 or www.cityofinglewood.org. LAWNDALE - LAWNDALE BLUES FESTIVAL. The Lawndale Blues Festival will take place from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Jane Addams Park, 15114 Firmona Avenue. Performances will be: SmackDaddy Blues Band at 11 a.m., Lawndale Blues Boys at 12:15 p.m., Rosa Lee Brooks/Gregg Wright and the Brooks Project Band at 1:30 p.m., Shari Puorto Band at 2:45 p.m. and Awesome Blue at 4 p.m. Food will be available for purchase, and bring chairs and/or blankets for seating. No umbrellas/canopies once performances begin. Information: (310) 973-3270 or www.lawndalecity.org. LONG BEACH - PIRATE FESTIVAL AT SHORELINE VILLAGE. The 2019 Pirate Festival will take place from noon - 5 p.m. at Shoreline Village, 401 - 435 Shoreline Drive. There will be interactive pirate encampments, a mermaid grotto, pirate comedy show, pirate-themed ukulele musicians and a pirate band, free face painting, tarot card reading and treasure hunt for children, free lawn games, a pirate stilt walker and more. Information: (562) 435-2668 or www.shorelinevillage.com. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY FESTIVAL ON OLVERA STREET. The Fiestas Patrias/Mexican Independence Day Celebration will take place from 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. both days in the vicinity of the Plaza Kiosko at the El Pueblo Historical Monument (Olvera Street, across from Union Station). There will be ongoing popular and traditional entertainment (music and dance), cultural activities, historic displays, food vendors and more. Information: www.elpueblo.lacity.org or www.facebook.com/elpueblola. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - PERFORMANCES AT THE COLBURN SCHOOL. Faculty Recital: Keren Schweitzer, flute, Jason Lippman, cello, and Gideon Rubin, piano, performing works by Haydn, Uebayashi, Rubin and Martinu. The program will take place at 7:30 p.m. in Thayer Hall. Also at 5 p.m. in Thayer Hall, Music Academy Young Artist Performaces. Performances are open to the public and are free of charge. The Colburn School is located at 200 South Grand across from the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Information: (213) 621-2200 or www.colburnschool.edu. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - COFECA FESTIVAL AND PARADE. The COFECA festival celebratingg the independence of Central American nations will take place on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. in the MacArthur Park area. The COFECA parade will take place on Sunday from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. beginning at the corner of Pico Boulevard and Vermont Avenue, travelling on Vermont, Wilshire, Alvarado and Pico. Grand Performaces also will present a special performance by the Garifuna Collective from 7 - 8 p.m. on Sunday in MacArthur Park. Information: www.cofeca.org or www.cofeca.org/festival-parade; also www.grandperformances.org. LOS ANGELES (MID-WILSHIRE/MUSEUM DISTRICT) - TARFEST 2019. TARFEST, a music and art festival, will take place from noon - 7 p.m. at La Brea Tar Pits Park, 5801 Wilshire Boulevard. The event will include live music throughout the day, live painting demonstrations, a variety of family-friendly/crafts activities, a beer garden and bar, and food trucks. Information: www.tarfest.com or www.launchla.org. LOS ANGELES (MID-WILSHIRE/MUSEUM DISTRICT) - "OFF THE 405" AT THE GETTY CENTER.. "Off the 405" is the Getty Center's annual outdoor summer concert series. This month's concert will be by Ex Hex (Rock) with a DJ set by King Tuff. Events will take place from 6 - 9 p.m. in the museum courtyard. Parking is $15 or $10 after 5 p.m. Reservations are not required. Information: (310) 440-7300 or www.getty.edu. LOS ANGELES (SOUTH AND EAST) - LA COUNTY ARTS FREE CONCERTS IN PUBLIC PLACES. Nancy Sanchez (Bilingual Spanish/English Variety). Nancy Sanchez and her musical group perform songs from a variety of styles including jazz, mariachi, regional Mexican pop, bossa nova and more on both electric and acoustic instruments. The performace will take place from 1:30 - 5 p.m. at The Bridge Theater/A Place Called Home, 2830 S. Central Avenue. An RSVP is not required. Phone number listed is phone for venue. Information: (323) 232-7653, www.apch.org or www.lacountyarts.org. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - FISHERMAN'S VILLAGE CONCERT SERIES. U.S. 99 (Blues). Outdoor performances are from 2 - 5 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday at Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way, weather permitting. Parking is available for two hours with validation. Information: (310) 305-9545, visitor information, or www.visitmarinadelrey.com. PASADENA - THURSDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT MUSIC AT ONE COLORADO. Rumbankete. One Colorado is bringing summer music back to the Courtyard with concerts on Thursday and Saturday nights from 7 - 9 p.m. Shows are all ages; seating is limited and open. Standing is acceptable and dancing is highly encouraged! One Colorado is located at 41 Hugus Alley. Information: (626) 564-1066 or www.onecolorado.com. ALHAMBRA - LATINO HERITAGE FESTIVAL. The City of Alhambra Latino Heritage Festival will take place from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at 100 S. Second Street. There will be musical entertainment, dance performances, crafts and a pinata for children, games, food vendors and more. Information: (626) 570-3242 or www.cityofalhambra.org. CLAREMONT - PERFORMANCES AT THE CLAREMONT COLLEGES Pomona College: Celliola and Friends. Cynthia Fogg, viola, and Tom Flaherty, cello, with Robert de Maine, cello, and Music Department faculty performers, will perform works by Flaherty, Kohn and Van Zandt. The concert will take place at 3 p.m. in Bridges Hall of Music, 150 E. 4th Street. Information: (909) 607-2671 or www.pomona.edu/music-calendar; also www.collegescalendar.org CLAREMONT - PERFORMANCES AT THE CLAREMONT COLLEGES Scripps College: Gold Coast Trio (Rachel V. Huang, violin, Susan Lamb Cook, cello, and Hao Huang, piano) will perform music by Haydn, Mendelssohn and Schubert. The program will take place at 3 p.m. in Garrison Theater, 241 E. 10th Street. Information: (909) 607-3266 or www.scrippscollege.edu; also www.collegescalendar.org LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY FESTIVAL ON OLVERA STREET. The Fiestas Patrias/Mexican Independence Day Celebration will take place from 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. both days in the vicinity of the Plaza Kiosko at the El Pueblo Historical Monument (Olvera Street, across from Union Station). There will be ongoing popular and traditional entertainment (music and dance), cultural activities, historic displays, food vendors and more. Information: www.elpueblo.lacity.org or www.facebook.com/elpueblola. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - FAMILY DAY AT LA PLAZA DE CULTURA Y ARTES. The Fiestas Patrias Family Day will take place from noon - 4 p.m. and celebrates Mexico's independence. There will be music by Conjunto Jardin and dancing by Tierra Blanca Arts Center and Las Colibri, culinary, garden and art workshops, and food available for purchase. LA Plaza de Cultura u Artes is located at 501 North Main Street. Information: (888) 488-8083 or www.lapca.org. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - COFECA FESTIVAL AND PARADE. The COFECA festival celebratingg the independence of Central American nations will take place on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. in the MacArthur Park area. The COFECA parade will take place on Sunday from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. beginning at the corner of Pico Boulevard and Vermont Avenue, travelling on Vermont, Wilshire, Alvarado and Pico. Grand Performaces also will present a special performance by the Garifuna Collective from 7 - 8 p.m. on Sunday in MacArthur Park. Information: www.cofeca.org or www.cofeca.org/festival-parade; also www.grandperformances.org. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - EL GRITO DE DOLORES. El Grito de Dolores marks the beginning of the Mexican War of Independence. The celebration will take place from 5 - 10:30 p.m. on the steps of Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street. There will be a headline performance by Los Tigres Del Norte, plus music and dance performances by a variety of local groups. Also on Spring Street will be arts and crafts activities for children and food trucks. Information: (213) 473-7006. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - FISHERMAN'S VILLAGE CONCERT SERIES. Jimmy Nelson and the Drifting Cowboys (Country). Outdoor performances are from 2 - 5 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday at Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way, weather permitting. Parking is available for two hours with validation. Information: (310) 305-9545, visitor information, or www.visitmarinadelrey.com. SANTA MONICA - LIVE MUSIC AT THE SUNDAY FARMERS MARKET. East of Lincoln. The Sunday Farmers Market takes place from 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Main Street/Ocean Park. Music is from about 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Information: (310) 458-8712, (310) 458-8411, www.smgov.net/farmers_market/index.htm or www.farmersmarket.santa-monica.org. WEST HOLLYWOOD - WEST HOLLYWOOD "SUMMER SOUNDS" CONCERTS. Jimetta Rose (R&B/Jazz) at Kings Road Park. Concerts are 5 p.m. June and July concerts will take place at Plummer Park, 7377 Santa Monica Boulevard. August and September concerts will take place at Kings Road Park, 1000 N. Kings Road. Limited seating is available on a first-come basis. Information: (310) 848-6883, www.weho.org/summersounds or www.weho.org/arts. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16 There are no performances scheduled on this date. There are no performances scheduled on this date. GLENDALE - "MUSIC AT NOON" CONCERTS. The free half-hour concerts on the first and third Wednesdays of each month take place from 12:10 p.m. to 12:40 p.m. at Glendale City Church, 610 E. California Avenue. This month's concerts will be: September 4 - Cesar Franck's Piano Quintet im F Minor performed by Alexander Knecht, violin, Jacqueline Suzuki, violin, Adrianna Zoppo, viola, Jonathan Flaksman, cello and Brendan White, piano; and September 18 - Ergo Musica (Adriana Zoppo, viola d'amore, Alexa Haynes-Pilon, baroque cello and Diane Plaster, soprano) performing music by Bach, Ariosti, Graupner and others. Information: (818) 244-7241, www.fbcglendale.net or www.glendalenoonconcerts.blogspot.com. LA MIRADA - NOON CONCERTS AT BIOLA UNIVERSITY. Pianist Derek Chiu. This long-standing, mid-day concert series tradition presents guest artists and university faculty and students. It brings to the campus and the community a special opportunity to hear outstanding performances from a variety of artists. All performances are from 12:30 - 1 p.m. in Crowell Hall on the Biola University Campus. Campus address is 13800 Biola Drive. See website for directions. Information: (562) 903-4892 www.biola.edu/fine-arts or www.biola.edu, go to Conservatory of Music. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - MIDDAY ORGAN RECITAL AT OUR LADY OF ANGELS CATHEDRAL. Free half-hour organ recitals at 12:45 p.m. on most Wednesdays. (See date calendars to confirm concerts or call venue.) Cathedral address is 555 W. Temple. Information: (213) 680-5200 or http://www.olacathedral.org PASADENA - PASADENA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MUSIC AT NOON CONCERTS. Helix Collective. Concerts take place at 12:10 in the church sanctuary and are open to the public. The church is in Downtown Pasadena at the corner of Colorado and Madison. Information: (626) 793-2191 or www.ppcmusic.org. SANTA MONICA - SANTA MONICA PUBLIC LIBRARY PERFORMANCES. Soundwaves Concert: Michael Vlatkovich Wind Quintet. Avant-garde jazz trombonist Michael Vlatkovich will present his compositions for two trumpets, two saxophones and his own horn. The program will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the MLK Auditorium at the Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Boulevard. Information: (310) 458-8600 or www.smpl.org. SANTA MONICA - TWILIGHT ON THE PIER Aussie Splash. Methyl Ethyl (Art Pop/Indie) and Lila Gold on the main stage, and Lisa Richards on the west end stage. The 2019 Twilight on the Pier concerts will take place from 5 - 10 p.m. on two stages at the Santa Monica Pier. See website for additional information. Information: www.santamonicapier.org/twilight.
LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - NOONTIME ORGAN RECITAL AT FCCLA. The First Congregational Church of Los Angeles, 540 S. Commonwealth at 6th, offers weekly half-hour organ concerts on Thursdays beginning at 12:10 p.m. Concerts are open to the public. Information: (213) 385-1345 or http://www.fccla.org. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - PERFORMANCES AT THE COLBURN SCHOOL. Performance Forum at 11:30 a.m. in Thayer Hall. Young artists from the Conservatory of Music perform solo and chamber works. Performances are open to the public and are free of charge. The Colburn School is located at 200 South Grand across from the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Information: (213) 621-2200 or www.colburnschool.edu. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - BEACH EATS/FOOD TRUCK THURSDAYS WITH LIVE MUSIC. Beach Eats is a weekly food truck gathering at the Marina Del Rey "Mother's" Beach. Events are from 5 - 9 p.m., and there will be live music from 6 - 8 p.m. Upcoming bands will be: September 5 and 26 - Upstream (Reggae/Caribbean), September 12 and 19 - Brasil Brazil (Brazilian). Bring your own chair for seating. Information: (310) 305-9545 or www.visitmarinadelrey.com. PASADENA - THURSDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT MUSIC AT ONE COLORADO. Soul of John Black. One Colorado is bringing summer music back to the Courtyard with concerts on Thursday and Saturday nights from 7 - 9 p.m. Shows are all ages; seating is limited and open. Standing is acceptable and dancing is highly encouraged! One Colorado is located at 41 Hugus Alley. Information: (626) 564-1066 or www.onecolorado.com. SOUTH PASADENA - SOUTH PASADENA LIBRARY PROGRAMS On September 19 at 5 p.m., End of Summer concert featuring the LA Bluescasters. The concert will take place in Library Park off El Centro. On September 22, SPCC Moon Festival with a variety of cultural events and activities from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the community room and Library Park off El Centro. The South Pasadena Public Library is located at 1100 Oxley Street. Information: (626) 403-7350 or www.southpasadenaca.gov/government/departments/library". CLAREMONT - CLAREMONT FRIDAY NIGHTS LIVE - The Friday night concert series takes place through October at locations in Claremont Village. Regular performances are from 6 - 9 p.m. at the Public Plaza (PP), 101 North Indian Hill Boulevard, the Claremont Chamber of Commerce (CC), 205 Yale Avenue (at Second Street), Shelton Park (Bonita/Harvard), and the City Hall/Council Chambers (CH, Harvard/2nd Street). Tonight: Doug Brooks and Friends (PP), Small Town Magic (CC), Silverados (Country/Rock, Shelton Park) and dzuls (CH). Seating for most performances is not provided, but lawn chairs are welcome. Information: (909) 624-1681, www.claremontchamber.org or www.ci.claremont.ca.us. CLAREMONT - FRIDAY NOON CONCERT SERIES Stephen Klein, tuba, and Kyungmi Kim, piano, will perform music by Broughton, Persichetti and Wilder. The Friday Noon Concert Series is sponsored by the Departments of Music at Pomona and Scripps Colleges. Performances take place at 12:15 p.m. in Balch Auditorium, Scripps College, 1030 Columbia Avenue. Information: (909) 607-3266, www.pomona.edu/music-calendar, www.scrippscollege.edu, go to Music Department, or www.collegescalendar.org. CLAREMONT - PERFORMANCES AT THE CLAREMONT COLLEGES Scripps College: Levitt on the Lawn with Changui Majadero. Los Angeles-based Changui Majadero presents a modern take on the Afro-Cuban musical tradition of changui, the 19th-century foundation of contemporary salsa informed by African influences. The program will take place at 6:30 p.m. on the Scripps College Bowling Green, 1030 Columbia Avenue. Information: (909) 607-3266 or www.scrippscollege.edu; also www.collegescalendar.org COVINA - COVINA FARMERS MARKET. Chico's Bail Bonds (Blues). The market takes place on Fridays from 5 - 9 p.m. at Heritage Plaza, Citrus Street/San Bernardino. In the event of rain, the market will be closed. Information: (928) 854-1105 or www.covinafarmersmarket.com. LA PUENTE - LA PUENTE LIVE. La Puente Live is an open-air market in downtown La Puente on Main Street. The event will take place from 6 - 10 p.m. every Friday and will include produce sales and live entertainment. Entertainment will be: August 30 - Smooth Touch, September 6 - Rebelion De Guerrero, September 13 - Aztlan Soul Band, September 20 - Yankee Azteca, and September 27 - Low Key Band. Information: (562) 375-0888, www.lapuentelive.com or www.facebook.com/lapuentelive. LONG BEACH - SHARK LAGOON NIGHTS AT THE AQUARIUM OF THE PACIFIC. Artists TBA. Shark Lagoon Nights lets all ages enjoy live music while observing the sharks at Harbor Terrace. Please note: The Aquarium itself is not open during this time. Only the Shark Lagoon and restaurant/gift shop areas are open for the evening from 6 - 9 p.m.; music is from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Admission is free and food/drinks are available for purchase. Aquarium address is 100 Aquarium Way. Information: (562) 590-3100 x0, or www.aquariumofthepacific.org. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - PERFORMANCES AT THE COLBURN SCHOOL. Faculty Recital: Sam Fischer, violin, John Walz, cello, and Timothy Durkovic, piano, peforming works by Beethoven, Franck and Brahms. The program will take place at 7:30 p.m. in Thayer Hall. Performances are open to the public and are free of charge. The Colburn School is located at 200 South Grand across from the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Information: (213) 621-2200 or www.colburnschool.edu. LOS ANGELES (MID-WILSHIRE/MUSEUM DISTRICT) - JAZZ AT LACMA. Teodross Avery Quintet. Jazz at LACMA concerts are from 6 - 8 p.m. in the Smidt Welcome Plaza of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 5905 Wishire Boulevard. Information: (323) 857-6115 or www.lacma.org. SAN PEDRO/WILMINGTON - SOUTH BAY CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY CONCERTS.. Fiato String Quartet (Carrie Kennedy, violin, Joel Pargman, violin, Aaron Oltman, viola, and Ryan Sweeney, cello) performing works by Beethoven, Ives and Shostakovich. The concert will take place at 8 p.m. in the Los Angeles Harbor College Music Recital Hall, 111 Figueroa Place in Wilmington. See website for directions to the campus. Information: (310) 376-2169, www.palosverdes.com/sbcms or www.lahc.cc.ca.us.
EL MONTE - LA COUNTY ARTS FREE CONCERTS IN PUBLIC PLACES. Gloria Arjona (Variety). The performance will take place from 2 - 3 p.m. at the El Monte Library, 3224 Tyler Avenue. Phone number listed is library phone number. Information: (626) 444-9506, http://lacountylibrary.org/el-monte-library or www.lacountyarts.org. EL SEGUNDO - EL SEGUNDO CONCERTS IN THE LIBRARY SERIES. Andy Roy and the Route 66 Blues Band (Chicago Rhythm and Blues). Multi-instrumentalist Andy Roy improvises melodies over familar chord patterns combined with lyrics that describe the toils of everyday life from different eras. The performance will take place at 2 p.m. in the Friends of the Library Room at the El Segundo Public Library, 111 West Mariposa at Main Street. Information: (310) 524-2728 or www.elsegundo.org, go to city calendar. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - USC VISIONS AND VOICES SERIES EVENT. Perla Batalla in the House of Cohen. Since the former Leonard Cohen back-up singer launched her solo career, Perla Batalla has consistently earned critial acclaim for her unique voice and culture-merging compositions. "Perla Batalla in the House of Cohen" will pay tribute to her friend and mentor with select songs and rare personal anecdotes. The program will take place at 7:30 p.m. in Bovard Auditorium. Reservations are required and can be made via the Visions and Voices website/event page. Parking on campus is $14. Information: www.usc.edu/visionsandvoices. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - WESTCHESTER ARTS AND MUSIC BLOCK PARTY. The Westchester Arts and Music Block Party will take place from noon - 8 p.m. on Emerson Avenue between W. 80th Street and W. 80th Place. There will be live music and dance performances, art display, food and merchandise vendors, activities for children, garden tours, food trucks and a beer and wine garden. Performances will include Mestizo Beat (Funk/Soul/Afro Beat), Rob Leines Band (Americana/Southern Rock), RAINNE (Pop), Rose's Pawn Shop (Bluegrass/Country with Punk Influences), Trapdoor Social (Alt Rock), Top Shelf Brass Band (R&B/Dance), and others. Information: (310) 641-8556 or www.wamblockparty.org. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - FISHERMAN'S VILLAGE CONCERT SERIES. Charangoa (Salsa). Outdoor performances are from 2 - 5 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday at Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way, weather permitting. Parking is available for two hours with validation. Information: (310) 305-9545, visitor information, or www.visitmarinadelrey.com. MONTEBELLO - MONTEBELLO ARTFEST. The Montebello ArtFest will take place from noon - 6 p.m. at Montebello City Park, 1401 W. Whittier Boulevard. There will be live music, art sales/exhibitions, workshops, giveaways, a car show, mural installations and more. Information: www.keepingtheculturealive.com/art-fest or www.facebook.com/artwalkmtb. PASADENA - THURSDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT MUSIC AT ONE COLORADO. C-Money and the Players Inc. One Colorado is bringing summer music back to the Courtyard with concerts on Thursday and Saturday nights from 7 - 9 p.m. Shows are all ages; seating is limited and open. Standing is acceptable and dancing is highly encouraged! One Colorado is located at 41 Hugus Alley. Information: (626) 564-1066 or www.onecolorado.com. POMONA - LA COUNTY ARTS FREE CONCERTS IN PUBLIC PLACES. Sgt. Peppers (Beatles Tribute). The concert will take place from 7 - 9 p.m. at the Pomona Civic Center Plaza, Civic Center Plaza at 7th Street. Information: www.lacountyarts.org. SAN PEDRO/WILMINGTON - SAN PEDRO FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS. The San Pedro Festival of the Arts is a free festival dedicated to the arts, showcasing dance, music and crafts. The event will take place this year at a new location for 2019: Anderson Memorial Center, 828 South Main Street. Times TBA. There will be dance performances, musical entertainment and more. See line-up on website. Information: (213) 385-1171 or http://triartsp.com. TORRANCE - CLASSICAL CROSSROADS CONCERTS: THE INTERLUDES. Classical Crossroads concerts are held at the First Lutheran Church of Torrance, 2900 W. Carson Street (on the south side of Carson just east of Maple). Today's concert, The Interludes, will take place at 3 p.m. and will feature nineteen-year-old pianist Nadia Azzi and saxophonist Andrew Harrison. Information: (310) 316-5573 or www.palosverdes.com/classicalcrossroads. WALNUT - LA COUNTY ARTS FREE CONCERT IN PUBLIC PLACES. Paddy's Pig (Irish/Folk/Rock). Paddy's Pig's diverse song list includes everything from timeless pub standards and toe-tapping instrumentals to modern Irish rock and authentic original songs. The concert will take place from 2 - 3 p.m. at the Walnut Library, 21155 La Puente Road. Phone number listed is library phone number. Information: (909) 595-0757, http://lacountylibrary.org/walnut-library or www.lacountyarts.org. ALHAMBRA - ALHAMBRA PERFORMING ARTS CENTER PROGRAMS. Iridas (Chamber/Electronic with Modern Influences). The concert will take place at 7 p.m. at the Sage Granada Park United Methodist Church, 1850 W. Hellman Avenue. Seating is limited and on a first-come basis. For more information send an e-mail to bizwind@yahoo.com or call the phone number listed. Information: (626) 230-5435. HOLLYWOOD/HOLLYWOOD HILLS/NORTH HOLLYWOOD - LOS ANGELES RECORDER ORCHESTRA. Members of the 30-person ensemble perform music on recorders ranging from a 9-inch Sopranino to an 8-foot plus SubContraBass, conducted by Thomas Axworthy. In this concert is "LA Mosaic," LARO will be premiering several commissioned works representing the mosaic of Los Angeles. The concert will take place at 2 p.m. at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 6020 Radford Avenue in North Hollywood. The same concert will be performed in Fullerton on September 15. Information: (562) 773-2265 or www.larohome.org. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - GRAND PARK SUNDAY SESSIONS. Dance and music are the centerpiece for hot summer parties. Sunday Sessions hosts LA's finest House music curators and DJs celebrating the contribution of Los Angeles artists to the American-originated, globally embraced art form of House music. The programs take place from 2 - 8 p.m. on the Grand Park performance lawn just north of Hill Street. This month's program will be a Dublab 20th Anniversary Celebration. Information: (213) 972-8080 or http://www.grandparkla.org.. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - FISHERMAN'S VILLAGE CONCERT SERIES. 2AZZ1 (Jazz/Funk). Outdoor performances are from 2 - 5 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday at Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way, weather permitting. Parking is available for two hours with validation. Information: (310) 305-9545, visitor information, or www.visitmarinadelrey.com. PALOS VERDES - SOUTH BAY CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY CONCERTS. Fiato String Quartet (Carrie Kennedy, violin, Joel Pargman, violin, Aaron Oltman, viola, and Ryan Sweeney, cello) performing works by Beethoven, Ives and Shostakovich. The concert will take place at 3 p.m. at the Pacific Unitarian Church, 5621 Montemalaga in Rancho Palos Verdes. Information: (310) 376-2169 or www.palosverdes.com/sbcms. SAN PEDRO/WILMINGTON - SAN PEDRO FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS. The San Pedro Festival of the Arts is a free festival dedicated to the arts, showcasing dance, music and crafts. The event will take place this year at a new location for 2019: Anderson Memorial Center, 828 South Main Street. Times TBA. There will be dance performances, musical entertainment and more. See line-up on website. Information: (213) 385-1171 or http://triartsp.com. SANTA MONICA - SANTA MONICA PUBLIC LIBRARY PERFORMANCES. Dolci Duo: Oboe and Piano Music of Our Place and Time. Oboe and piano duo Ted Rust and Viva Knight will perform contemporary works by American composers Bruce Babcock, Jenni Brandon, Bill Douglas, Terry Riley and John Steinmetz. The program will take place at 3 p.m. in the MLK Auditorium at the Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Boulevard. Information: (310) 458-8600 or www.smpl.org. SANTA MONICA - LIVE MUSIC AT THE SUNDAY FARMERS MARKET. Eric Kufs. The Sunday Farmers Market takes place from 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Main Street/Ocean Park. Music is from about 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Information: (310) 458-8712, (310) 458-8411, www.smgov.net/farmers_market/index.htm or www.farmersmarket.santa-monica.org. SOUTH PASADENA - SOUTH PASADENA LIBRARY PROGRAMS On September 19 at 5 p.m., End of Summer concert featuring the LA Bluescasters. The concert will take place in Library Park off El Centro. On September 22, SPCC Moon Festival with a variety of cultural events and activities from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the community room and Library Park off El Centro. The South Pasadena Public Library is located at 1100 Oxley Street. Information: (626) 403-7350 or www.southpasadenaca.gov/government/departments/library". MONDAY SEPTEMBER 23 There are no performances scheduled on this date. CERRITOS - CERRITOS LIBRARY PERFORMANCES. Sarah McQuaid in concert. McQuaid was recently honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Ards International Guitar Festival in Northern Ireland. The Madrid-born, Chicago-raised and Cornwall-based singer/songwriter has expanded her range of instruments to include piano, electric guitar and drums. Unless otherwise noted, performances will take place at 7 p.m. in the Skyline Room of the Cerritos Public Library, 18025 Bloomfield Avenue. Information: (562) 916-1342 or www.cerritos.us, go to "Library." DOWNEY - COMMUNITY FOLK MUSIC JAM. At this folk music jam, the participants sit in a circle formation with their acoustic instruments. Facilitators ensure a continuum of activity throughout the jam; guests and other non-musician visitors may sit outside the circle as space permits. The folk music jam will take place from 6 - 8:45 p.m. at the BJR Community and Senior Center, 7810 Quill Drive. Information: (562) 904-7223, www.downeyca.org or http://www.folkjam.org. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - USC THORNTON SCHOOL OF MUSIC PERFORMANCES Composition Department Recital with HOCKET. HOCKET, the new music piano duo featuring alumni Sarah Gibson and Thomas Kotcheff, will present two works by USC Thornton Composition faculty writtten for them. Special guests will include Hitomi Oba on tenor saxophone and Derek Tywoniuk on percussion. The program will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the Alfred Newman Recital Hall. All concerts are free and open to the public (exceptions are noted). Parking on campus is $14. Information: (213) 740-2584, www.music.usc.edu or www.usc.edu/music. LA MIRADA - NOON CONCERTS AT BIOLA UNIVERSITY. Opus 2: Maria Del Pillar, soprano, and Edward Zeliff, composer/pianist. This long-standing, mid-day concert series tradition presents guest artists and university faculty and students. It brings to the campus and the community a special opportunity to hear outstanding performances from a variety of artists. All performances are from 12:30 - 1 p.m. in Crowell Hall on the Biola University Campus. Campus address is 13800 Biola Drive. See website for directions. Information: (562) 903-4892 www.biola.edu/fine-arts or www.biola.edu, go to Conservatory of Music. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - ACOUSTIC CAFFEINE. Acoustic Caffeine concerts take place every 4th Wednesday of the month from noon - 1 p.m. in the Bank of America west lobby, 333 S. Hope Street. This month's concert will feature members of the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra. Complimentary coffee will be provided by Starbucks. Information: http://artsbrookfield.com. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - MIDDAY ORGAN RECITAL AT OUR LADY OF ANGELS CATHEDRAL. Free half-hour organ recitals at 12:45 p.m. on most Wednesdays. (See date calendars to confirm concerts or call venue.) Cathedral address is 555 W. Temple. Information: (213) 680-5200 or http://www.olacathedral.org PASADENA - PASADENA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MUSIC AT NOON CONCERTS. M.U.D. Ensemble (Piano and Winds). Concerts take place at 12:10 in the church sanctuary and are open to the public. The church is in Downtown Pasadena at the corner of Colorado and Madison. Information: (626) 793-2191 or www.ppcmusic.org. SANTA MONICA - TWILIGHT ON THE PIER Japanese Vibes. Cornelius (Shibuya Fantasy Pop) and Starro (Tokyo DJ Grooves/House/Electronic) on the main stage, and Taiko Prooject (Taiko Drums) on the west end stage. The 2019 Twilight on the Pier concerts will take place from 5 - 10 p.m. on two stages at the Santa Monica Pier. See website for additional information. Information: www.santamonicapier.org/twilight.
LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - NOONTIME ORGAN RECITAL AT FCCLA. The First Congregational Church of Los Angeles, 540 S. Commonwealth at 6th, offers weekly half-hour organ concerts on Thursdays beginning at 12:10 p.m. Concerts are open to the public. Information: (213) 385-1345 or http://www.fccla.org. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - PERFORMANCES AT THE COLBURN SCHOOL. Performance Forum at 11:30 a.m. in Thayer Hall. Young artists from the Conservatory of Music perform solo and chamber works. Performances are open to the public and are free of charge. The Colburn School is located at 200 South Grand across from the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Information: (213) 621-2200 or www.colburnschool.edu. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - BEACH EATS/FOOD TRUCK THURSDAYS WITH LIVE MUSIC. Beach Eats is a weekly food truck gathering at the Marina Del Rey "Mother's" Beach. Events are from 5 - 9 p.m., and there will be live music from 6 - 8 p.m. Upcoming bands will be: September 5 and 26 - Upstream (Reggae/Caribbean), September 12 and 19 - Brasil Brazil (Brazilian). Bring your own chair for seating. Information: (310) 305-9545 or www.visitmarinadelrey.com. PASADENA - THURSDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT MUSIC AT ONE COLORADO. Lily Waters. One Colorado is bringing summer music back to the Courtyard with concerts on Thursday and Saturday nights from 7 - 9 p.m. Shows are all ages; seating is limited and open. Standing is acceptable and dancing is highly encouraged! One Colorado is located at 41 Hugus Alley. Information: (626) 564-1066 or www.onecolorado.com. AZUSA - AZUSA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCES. Jazz Ensembles and Jazz Workshop: Fall Composers Concert. The Ensembles and Workshop will perform original music by students, faculty and alumni. The program will take place in Munson Chapel from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. The campus is located at 901 E. Alosta Avenue. Information: (626) 812-3058 or www.apu.edu/music. CLAREMONT - CLAREMONT FRIDAY NIGHTS LIVE - The Friday night concert series takes place through October at locations in Claremont Village. Regular performances are from 6 - 9 p.m. at the Public Plaza (PP), 101 North Indian Hill Boulevard, the Claremont Chamber of Commerce (CC), 205 Yale Avenue (at Second Street), Shelton Park (Bonita/Harvard), and the City Hall/Council Chambers (CH, Harvard/2nd Street). Tonight: Squeakin' Wheels (Folk/Country, PP), Ana Maria de la Cruz (Originals, CC), Big Wednesday (Big Band, Shelton Park) and Sounds of Light (CH). Seating for most performances is not provided, but lawn chairs are welcome. Information: (909) 624-1681, www.claremontchamber.org or www.ci.claremont.ca.us. CLAREMONT - FRIDAY NOON CONCERT SERIES Jonathan Wright, violin, and Stephan Moss, piano, will perform music by Brahms. The Friday Noon Concert Series is sponsored by the Departments of Music at Pomona and Scripps Colleges. Performances take place at 12:15 p.m. in Balch Auditorium, Scripps College, 1030 Columbia Avenue. Information: (909) 607-3266, www.pomona.edu/music-calendar, www.scrippscollege.edu, go to Music Department, or www.collegescalendar.org. COVINA - COVINA FARMERS MARKET. Artists TBA. The market takes place on Fridays from 5 - 9 p.m. at Heritage Plaza, Citrus Street/San Bernardino. In the event of rain, the market will be closed. Information: (928) 854-1105 or www.covinafarmersmarket.com. LA PUENTE - LA PUENTE LIVE. La Puente Live is an open-air market in downtown La Puente on Main Street. The event will take place from 6 - 10 p.m. every Friday and will include produce sales and live entertainment. Entertainment will be: August 30 - Smooth Touch, September 6 - Rebelion De Guerrero, September 13 - Aztlan Soul Band, September 20 - Yankee Azteca, and September 27 - Low Key Band. Information: (562) 375-0888, www.lapuentelive.com or www.facebook.com/lapuentelive. LONG BEACH - SHARK LAGOON NIGHTS AT THE AQUARIUM OF THE PACIFIC. No Shark Lagoon Nights tonight. Shark Lagoon Nights lets all ages enjoy live music while observing the sharks at Harbor Terrace. Please note: The Aquarium itself is not open during this time. Only the Shark Lagoon and restaurant/gift shop areas are open for the evening from 6 - 9 p.m.; music is from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Admission is free and food/drinks are available for purchase. Aquarium address is 100 Aquarium Way. Information: (562) 590-3100 x0, or www.aquariumofthepacific.org. LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - USC THORNTON SCHOOL OF MUSIC PERFORMANCES USC Thornton Symphony. Sharon Lavery will lead the Symphony in an all-Dvorak program featuring the Carnival Overture and New World Symphony. The concert will take place at 7:30 p.m. in Bovard Auditorium. All concerts are free and open to the public (exceptions are noted). Parking on campus is $14. Information: (213) 740-2584, www.music.usc.edu or www.usc.edu/music. LOS ANGELES (MID-WILSHIRE/MUSEUM DISTRICT) - JAZZ AT LACMA. Paulette McWilliams. Jazz at LACMA concerts are from 6 - 8 p.m. in the Smidt Welcome Plaza of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 5905 Wishire Boulevard. Information: (323) 857-6115 or www.lacma.org.
DUARTE - ROUTE 66 PARADE AND PICNIC. The Route 66 parade will begin at 10 a.m. along Huntington Drive between Cotter and Mt. Olive in Duarte and will feature antique and classic cars, marching bands, and more. Following the parade there will be a celebration at Royal Oaks Park, 2627 Royal Oaks Drive, from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. There will be food and display booths, live music, community information booths, a beer garden and the parade awards ceremony. Information: (626) 357-7931 or www.accessduarte.com. LOS ANGELES (SOUTH AND EAST) - SIMON RODIA DAY OF THE DRUM FESTIVAL AND WATTS TOWERS JAZZ FESTIVAL. The Day of the Drum festival will take place on Saturday from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., and The Watts Towers Jazz Festival will take place on Sunday from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. The Watts Towers Jazz Festival features performances from both established and emerging artists from the area. Both events will take place at the Watts Towers Arts Center, 1727 E. 107th Street in Watts, and there will be children's activites, tours of the towers, a drum circle, and art exhibits and vendors, and food available for purchase. See the full performance line-up on the Festival website closer to the date of the event. There is easy access to the facility from the Metro Blue Line. Information: (213) 847-4646 or www.wattstowers.org. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - FISHERMAN'S VILLAGE CONCERT SERIES. Jimbo Ross and the Bodacious Blues Band (Blues/Zydeco). Outdoor performances are from 2 - 5 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday at Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way, weather permitting. Parking is available for two hours with validation. Information: (310) 305-9545, visitor information, or www.visitmarinadelrey.com. PASADENA - THURSDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT MUSIC AT ONE COLORADO. Mestizo Beat. One Colorado is bringing summer music back to the Courtyard with concerts on Thursday and Saturday nights from 7 - 9 p.m. Shows are all ages; seating is limited and open. Standing is acceptable and dancing is highly encouraged! One Colorado is located at 41 Hugus Alley. Information: (626) 564-1066 or www.onecolorado.com. ROSEMEAD - LA COUNTY ARTS FREE CONCERTS IN PUBLIC PLACES Gloria Arjona (Variety). The performance will take place from 2 - 3 p.m. at the Rosemead Library, 8800 Valley Boulevard. Phone number listed is library phone number. Information: (626) 573-5220, http://lacountylibrary.org/rosemead-library or www.lacountyarts.org. CLAREMONT - PERFORMANCES AT THE CLAREMONT COLLEGES Pomona College: Music for Violin and Piano with Jin-Shan Dai, violin, and Jennie Jung, piano. The program will include music by Janacek, Ravel and Strauss. The concert will take place at 3 p.m. in Bridges Hall of Music, 150 E. 4th Street. Information: (909) 607-2671 or www.pomona.edu/music-calendar; also www.collegescalendar.org LOS ANGELES (SOUTH AND EAST) - SIMON RODIA DAY OF THE DRUM FESTIVAL AND WATTS TOWERS JAZZ FESTIVAL. The Day of the Drum festival will take place on Saturday from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., and The Watts Towers Jazz Festival will take place on Sunday from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. The Watts Towers Jazz Festival features performances from both established and emerging artists from the area. Both events will take place at the Watts Towers Arts Center, 1727 E. 107th Street in Watts, and there will be children's activites, tours of the towers, a drum circle, and art exhibits and vendors, and food available for purchase. See the full performance line-up on the Festival website closer to the date of the event. There is easy access to the facility from the Metro Blue Line. Information: (213) 847-4646 or www.wattstowers.org. LOS ANGELES (MID-WILSHIRE/MUSEUM DISTRICT) - SUNDAYS LIVE Sundays Live begins its new performance partnership with St. James in the City with a program featuring Harpist Marcia Dickstein and the Debussy Trio and friends. The concert will take place from 6 - 7 p.m., and St. James in the City is located at 3903 Wilshire Boulevard. Information: www.sundayslive.org or www.stjla.org. MARINA DEL REY AND VICINITY - FISHERMAN'S VILLAGE CONCERT SERIES. Chazzy Green the "Funky Sax Man" (Funk/R&B). Outdoor performances are from 2 - 5 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday at Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way, weather permitting. Parking is available for two hours with validation. Information: (310) 305-9545, visitor information, or www.visitmarinadelrey.com. SANTA MONICA - LIVE MUSIC AT THE SUNDAY FARMERS MARKET. Nostatic. The Sunday Farmers Market takes place from 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Main Street/Ocean Park. Music is from about 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Information: (310) 458-8712, (310) 458-8411, www.smgov.net/farmers_market/index.htm or www.farmersmarket.santa-monica.org. VENICE - ABBOT KINNEY FESTIVAL. The Abbot Kinney Festival includes arts and crafts for children, four stages of music (including a children's stage), food vendors/food trucks, beer gardens, artisan vendors and more. The event will take place from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Abbot Kinney Boulevard between Venice Boulevard and Main Street. See website for complete entertainment and activity schedules. Information: (310) 310-0982 or www.abbotkinney.org. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 30 LOS ANGELES (DOWNTOWN AND VICINITY) - USC THORNTON SCHOOL OF MUSIC PERFORMANCES Jazz Night: Jazz Honors Combo. The series featuring students performing contemporary jazz works will take place at 7 p.m. in the Carson Center. All concerts are free and open to the public (exceptions are noted). Parking on campus is $14. Information: (213) 740-2584, www.music.usc.edu or www.usc.edu/music. To return to the top of the page, click here. To return to the main concert calendar, click here. ONE FINAL THOUGHT ON THE CONCERTS: All of the concerts in the listings are free to the general public, and there are some truly outstanding programs. However, many of the groups and organizations sponsoring these concerts incur substantial costs in bringing them to you year after year. Donations which allow them to continue their tradition of bringing quality music to the general public at no charge are appreciated. . . . AND ONE REQUEST FOR VISITORS: Survey forms are sometimes passed out at concerts/event venues, and the question "How did you hear about this event?" is often asked. If you are attending an event you found on this site and receive such a form, it would be much appreciated if you let them know that you found the information on www.dorothyswebsite.org. Thank you! Follow www.dorothyswebsite.org on TWITTER! 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