When this site was first launched in 2003, two brief monthly essays were included. As the site grew and changed, however, an overall theme for the section developed. Each summer the essays focus on some aspect of technological change, usually with a consumer bent. To the extent possible, the works provide information on subjects with relevance to your daily lives now and in the near future. The current issue of the 2008 series "Petromorphosis" is on the "This Month's Essay" page.

     The "Essay Archives" section of the site now contains all essays which have appeared on the site from 2003 to 2007. For example, the 2004 series, "Genes, Beans and Greens," examined issues concerning genetically modified foods. In 2006, the series "Digital Sunrise, Analog Sunset" continued a discussion on digital television which had started in 2005 and also included the topics of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). Essays for 2008 will be added to the archives after the month in which they appear in the "This Month's Essay" section.

•  THIS MONTH'S ESSAY            •  ESSAY ARCHIVES ©2003-2008 Dorothy A. Birsic. Comments? Questions? Send an e-mail to: